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View Full Version : Daytona Double SARRC

08-13-2012, 12:16 PM
Hated to miss it. Dana! How'd you do down there? Two wins?

08-17-2012, 09:25 PM

Daytona was fun but a big disapointment..... Qualifing on Saturday at speed 4 laps, black flag ended the sesion. First time at Daytona, not enough time to get up to speed. Saturdays race was about the same with only a few laps at speed before double yellow and the end of the race.
Sunday, blew a slave cylinder.... packed it up and came home to Savannah. Will be back at the end of Sept!!!!!


08-18-2012, 09:50 AM
Have to agree with Joel...sort of.:D

Hooked up with Timmy Jenurm, "The Kid", in quallifying. Won S pole by 7/1000's. Dave Karably beat Kip for the R pole. Kip promptly purchased new rubber. End of story there.

Race started clean. Got passed in the infield and hooked up on the banking. Drove away from the rest of the field.

Double yellow for two laps. Got a good restart. Immediately back to double yellow, for two laps. I have a clock on the steering wheel. Time is running out, but I had been devising a plan.:)

At the restart, I figured we had one lap. My plan was to get up on him at the chicane and drive by in NASCAR 4 to the stripe. This might be a good time in this story to mention that the finishes for club races at Daytona are going back to the Tri-oval stripe.

My plan worked...almost. Didn't get close enough in the chicane and he got me by about 2 lengths at the stripe. Problem (for him) was, that wasn't the last lap.

Same deal, knowing that this was for sure, the last lap. Better exit out of T6 and drew right up on him down the backstretch. Waving yellow at the chicane. I could see the car nosed into the wall DR at the exit. Timmy lifted for longer than I did. Got back to throttle just a tick sooner than he did. Shifter to 5th in NASCAR 3 and when he shifted, I drew up on him and drafted past to win at the stripe by a 10th.

Old age and treachery and all that.

Sunday Timmy won and my car owner (I was driving Ken West's car on Sat) took third, driving his best race at Daytona ever.

Car went back in the garage exactly the same way it came out.

Put gas in it and wiped it off for the weekend. Never jacked it up.:smilie_pokal:

Ya'all need a Mazda, right Steve?:D