AMB Transponder


New member
AMB Transponder. It obviously got dragged at some point in its life but still works fine. $200 plus shipping. Contact me at: jlawton at


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    Transponder (2).jpg
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This is "the" AMB transponder required for just about everything right? If you have it next week (pay day lol) I'll take it, that's a steal.
Yup, that's it. mine looks a bit better than that, but not much. They're pretty robust guys. I'm preferential to the hard-wired ones as well since there's no charger, charging, battery life left, and mounting to the car to forget about. Mine's just part of the car and wired to the ignition circuit. voila. I don't ever have to think about it, and T&S workers say my signal level is always in the happy range.
In that case, I'll take it!! Don't know when I'll ever need it but the payment terms work well. :p

Um, yeaaaaah. Not really what I meant........... I meant when he gets his pay check he can pay me............ :026:

And the price for you Dave would be $400! :p