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View Full Version : Known Issues Using MkII Jetta DIESEL Tub??

08-09-2011, 04:16 PM
I have been on the look out for 2DR MkII Jettas that I can buy so that I have a spare car or two . . . I am particularly interested in the body/chassis, as I can find engines and trannys without too much difficulty. I have located a 1991 2DR Jetta that seems to be a good candidate, but it's a diesel. Can I swap out the diesel engine with a 1.8l without any issues? I'm particularly concerned about structural stuff.

Oh, and if you know of any MkII Jetta coupes for sale in/near Ohio, please let me know.

As always, thanks!

08-09-2011, 05:58 PM
You're probably already thinking down this road but in order to be legal, the diesel tub has to be identical, not just doable.

Starting from scratch, I think I'd lean toward the 4-door myself, knowing what I know now, simply because body parts are so much more available...


08-09-2011, 08:32 PM
Having had both, I cant think of any reason that you cant use the diesel.
The shells are the same. The fuel system has some different hoses and is missing the fuel pump box. The harness are a little/lot different, but most of the wires are there. You will need the ECu harness of course.
I have a nice 1990 Jetta Carat shell, 250$.

08-15-2011, 03:37 PM
Mike, if you weren't 12 hours away, I'd take that shell.

Thanks for the feedback on making sure they are exaclty alike. I will. And, you are right about the 4 door cars being more readily availalble. I just like the coupe (for no particular reason). That's why I am trying to collect spares, just in case . . .


09-02-2011, 11:24 AM
VW tubs are all identical - gasoline 8v, 16v and diesel. The electronics were different as were the available trim levels but from a racing perspective, a Jetta 2-door is an A2 coupe - period.

I have a 2-door Golf shell as a spare for a 16v GTi - we also have a local racing a 16v GTi that started life as an 8v GTi. To make it ITA legal, we installed the 16v wiring harness and drivetrain because the rest of the car, especially in IT trim, is identical. In other words, the cars used the same drivetrain mounts and locations, the same axles and suspension pickup points and even the same lousy fuel-infection system until the advent of the 2.0l 16v.

What's really scary is that the 8v and 16v GTi AND the Rabbit GTi share the same brakes. Imagine adding 22 to 28 stock HP to your car PLUS additional weight and using the same brakes as the Rabbit!!! No wonder the best VW brake pads are the other guy's rear bumper...

09-02-2011, 07:32 PM
The only non legal combo is the 2dr 16V Jett. Never made one in a Jetta, only Golf and Rocc.

09-04-2011, 08:40 PM
Thanks fellas. I have the 2DR Jetta tub in storage. It's nice to know I have a back-up plan that will work if I need it to.

Anyone want to buy a 1.6L Diesel engine?


09-05-2011, 11:09 AM
Put it on EBay Motors and you will be surprised!
(as opposed to amazed which is what you'd be if you put Mk II diesel car up for auction)
There is unbelievable interest out there for diesels and diesel VWs to do veggie oil in.

Eric Parham
09-06-2011, 08:41 PM
What's really scary is that the 8v and 16v GTi AND the Rabbit GTi share the same brakes. Imagine adding 22 to 28 stock HP to your car PLUS additional weight and using the same brakes as the Rabbit!!! No wonder the best VW brake pads are the other guy's rear bumper...

Yes, the 9.4" K-H.

The only A2 with bigger brakes (10.1" versus 9.4") was the Mk2 Jetta GLI 16V -- GLI 1.8L 16V had them from early or mid-89 production (which should be good enough for ITA), and of course the GLI 2L 16V in ITS. On the other hand, even those 10.1" brakes first appeared on an A1 (the A1-chassis Mk2 Scirocco 1.8L 16V in ITA). Same exact brakes carried over to the A3 Mk3 2L 8V in ITB. If I'm not mistaken, even some A4-chassis Mk4 used them (need to confirm).