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View Full Version : 13 Hour - Charge of the Headlight Brigade - Get those cars out!

Ron Earp
09-21-2010, 09:08 AM
I was talking with Rex Deffenbaugh, NCR SCCA RE, and he mentioned that only eighteen teams were signed up for the 13 Hour Charge of the Headlight Brigade. If you’ve got any thoughts of running the race get over to the www.ncrscca.com (http://www.ncrscca.com/) site and sign up. If the race isn’t successful for 2010 it is all but certain that it’ll be canceled for 2011 and it’d be a shame to lose this premier Southeast SCCA event.

The NCR SCCA has waived late registration fees and with the ITE/ITF rules just about any car that meets SCCA safety requirements can run in the race. The region puts on a fabulous event but with only eighteen teams signed up it might not survive for another year. Bring those cars out folks and enjoy a great race!

09-21-2010, 01:38 PM
i am not surprised this is happening. the long amatuer endurance races are dying off.

09-21-2010, 02:05 PM
Well, given that the WOR games decided to hold an 8-hour 2 weeks before this, I'm not suprised and I predicted a low turn-out for both because of this.

18 cars for this and last I heard, 10 cars for the 8 hour.:(

09-21-2010, 02:18 PM
Folks are waiting later to enter races. But I believe entries will pick up shortly. When our Crew Chief gets back in town, the Radial Racing/50 Plus team will be entering. Look for the All-Girl-Fuel-Crew at VIR. :happy204:

09-21-2010, 02:44 PM
A few weeks back, the 12-Hours of Nelson only got about 15 cars.

09-21-2010, 09:24 PM
We're one of the 18 then, Team Douglas-Racing.com, ITB Honda Civic Hatchback.
Competitors Wanted...who else will be there?

www.douglas-racing.com (http://www.douglas-racing.com)

09-21-2010, 11:21 PM
Well, at least there will be an ITB race... Casa de Amigos Racing is entered in an ITB CRX Si.

Simon T.
09-22-2010, 01:05 PM
If only I had my license. :rolleyes:

09-22-2010, 01:25 PM
I really, really want to get into enduros at some point - I just hope there are still some left by the time I'm ready...

09-22-2010, 02:20 PM
Troxells are running their ITB MkII Golf so it will be a race. Pablo is parked, pending funded codriver interest. Ditto the Mustang, but three cars in a class is better than one, and we've done that.


09-22-2010, 04:52 PM
Crucial Motorsports Group out of Altamonte Springs Florida is planning on bringing at least one car but if we can get drivers we will bring both a BMW ITR and the Spec Miata that won at NJMSP in June. We will have "Glow Boards" available if you need them.

Looking forward to a great day of racing.

09-22-2010, 07:13 PM
I see 20 on the entry list as of today. I suspect there will be many more over the next month - this time last year there were only 26 registered and 49 started the race.