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View Full Version : FWDracingguide notes

08-12-2010, 10:43 AM
I have about 25 E books out now. The editing is about done. I am sourcing a new camera that is a lot clearer for the final pics.
If anyone has sent for info or had any questions that have not been answered. Please send me an E mail again @[email protected] .
I have been really busy with racing and trying to fix enough cars to pay for the racing over the summer.
Also, if anyone has gotten the book and has any notes, good or bad, please let me know. Within reason and please be nice...
If you paypal me please add a note and make sure that the email name and the paypal name has a link.Many are not the same, so some things get double sent or not sent,etc.
Thanks a lot for the support so far. Mike @ Protech