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Charles Perry
10-02-2009, 09:14 AM
Well boys, looks like we have everyone coming to the party. Should be a great weekend. Close race for the points.

10-02-2009, 01:25 PM
Looks like we will have to all gang up on the darn meotter!! Looking forward to a fun weekend. Car is still in the trailer from Barber with a broken exhaust. Guess I need to get to work.

10-03-2009, 09:24 AM
With 11 entries so far the ITS race is shaping up to be one of the more interesting of all the IT group. Clearly Charbonneau is the guy to beat. With a good finish he will win the championship, but there will be a wild pack of drivers foaming at the mouth to stop him. If he does have a bad day then the points battle gets tight. With Perry and Eckerich separated by only one point for second whoever puts their car out front could win it all. Coming from fourth I would need some help to take the big trophy. But you never know........

In the "pretty far back in points but likely to take the SIC win" category we have David Spillman. With this being his tune up for the ARRC look for him to be FAST! The other dark horse in this category is Jeff Young, depending on whether his ignition gremlins make the trip down from Raleigh.

There are several other notables in ITS who have gotten faster this year. Look for good finishes from Hines and McCandles.

So going out on a limb here my picks are Spillman for the race, Charbonneau for the Champ.

10-04-2009, 12:37 PM
The TR8 is coming......we'll see about this ignition crap...

One of us needs to beat that Meotter to Turn 1....since I am the torque king, I nominate me. You guys take it easy in qual and let me get that outside pole....

Seriously, David, Steve E., Andrew, Charles, Steve P., good field. Will be just fun to watch if that damn Halfark messes up the weekend.

10-05-2009, 12:46 AM
With 11 entries so far the ITS race is shaping up to be one of the more interesting of all the IT group."
David Spillman. With this being his tune up for the ARRC look for him to be FAST! So going out on a limb here my picks are Spillman for the race, Charbonneau for the Champ.

As much as I'd love to run well there, I had nothing for Charbonneau in his A car.... Steve, and Steve and several others have abused me on that track....Plus I'm Really rusty, got married, gained back 25 of the 40 pounds I'd lost.... But I am gonna play with some mucho camber there. Outta shape.... cycling tires....etc,etc...

really looking forward to seeing ya'll, been a while ....:eclipsee_steering:


10-05-2009, 11:24 AM
Should be a good time. The only "issue" is that the A race will be right in the middle of the S race. Kip, Mike, and I should be right up there with you guys in your lead pack, so hopefully we'll all play together well and not block each other TOO much :happy204:

Maybe we could ask for an S A/7 split start instead of a S/A 7. I dunno.


10-05-2009, 11:31 AM
I'd be fine with that, and it makes sense to me. Contact Buccaneer and see what they say. That would give us 3 very "defined" groups of cars -- S, and then A/7 together with A in front of all the 7 cars except maybe Jeff Ryan.

10-05-2009, 11:51 AM
I already did and was told that it will be evaluated. I'm wondering if the best idea is to figure out who is where after qualifying, and make the call then?

I don't want the A backmarkers to mess up the 7 race, but I personally, and of course I'm selfish here, feel that the 7 lead pack working with A backmarkers is "better" then the A and S lead packs together. The A backmarkers should let the 7 lead pack by easily, and the 7 lead pack will never catch the A lead pack.

Then again, I'm of the mentality that if I'm not fighting for the win or the podium, I lift to let other class cars by, some backmarkers do not have that same opinion......


10-05-2009, 12:01 PM
Just from casual observation, I would say that the A cars do well enough at Roebling such that a S and then A/7 start makes sense.

Maybe we do raise it at the driver's meeting at the end of Saturday. I'd support it, and I'm pretty sure everyone in S would since it doesn't really impact us at all.

10-05-2009, 01:31 PM
Well I think it does affect you guys :)

Or at least it might when I do all thats in my power to block you from passing me into 1, cause you might hold me up 2-6 if I let you by. heheeeee. I watched how Kip worked that in Daytona and learned some lessons. "I know you're an S car, and I know we're coming onto the banking after this turn, but you sure as fuck aren't going to pass me before the last corner, because you'll kill my momentum, you can pass me on the straight. block block block block block"

notice use of the word "might" ;)

Ron Earp
10-05-2009, 03:57 PM
Well I think it does affect you guys :)

Or at least it might when I do all thats in my power to block you from passing me into 1, cause you might hold me up 2-6 if I let you by

I don't think you're giving enough credit to the front running ITS cars. They'll handle fine and may outlast the FWD handling over the course of the race. In general the ITS cars will have a hard time passing you in T1 due to their relatively poor braking performance and slightly higher terminal velocity.

With respect to blocking - I have worked on Jeff's TR8 a lot and you do not want to be on the wrong end of that battering ram. Lots of thick heavy steel in the nose of that car. :-)

10-05-2009, 04:08 PM
hey, I used the word "might".

Plus, I will not necessarily be the fastest ITA car there next weekend. The ITA Meoters *should* be faster then me :)


Ron Earp
10-05-2009, 06:12 PM
hey, I used the word "might".

Plus, I will not necessarily be the fastest ITA car there next weekend. The ITA Meoters *should* be faster then me :)


I think you've also had a sort of different ITA/ITS experience this year than the norm. As far as I can recall the really fast ITS cars have been mostly absent when you have been running. Steve Parrish was broken at Roebling last time, Steve E wasn't running, Jeff Young was broken, Ira was MIA, Flynn MIA, Williams MIA, Spillman MIA, and Perry was chasing evil handling all weekend/year.

I think if the top end ITS drivers/cars are all present and accounted for they won't be holding the A race up. I know Roebling is friendly to momentum cars but those upper echelon S cars are fast there too.


10-05-2009, 07:12 PM
dang i miss racing with you guys!! ....if anyone could use another fender lizard ...i could be there , i think ! yall go have fun & have a safe race . ralph

Ron Earp
10-05-2009, 07:32 PM
And Kent too - he's been MIA all year!

Ralph you guys coming back to ITS?

10-05-2009, 08:35 PM
HI Tom,
all.... I love to run at Roebling. Roebling Road was my first experience in a Z on any track.... As most all drivers on track, I will gladly move aside for any faster ITS points contenders, or ita cars battling for position.

Don't wanna be a road block Spillman....:)

10-05-2009, 10:32 PM
I think you've also had a sort of different ITA/ITS experience this year than the norm. As far as I can recall the really fast ITS cars have been mostly absent when you have been running. Steve Parrish was broken at Roebling last time, Steve E wasn't running, Jeff Young was broken, Ira was MIA, Flynn MIA, Williams MIA, Spillman MIA, and Perry was chasing evil handling all weekend/year.


That could totally be it too :) We'll see what happens. Fun either way. The only frustrating thing is that after flatspotting a tire to hell at Daytona, I get to buy a brand new hoosier just to run it at the test day. argh

10-05-2009, 10:36 PM
I have a solution. All the ITA cars will be required to run an extra 200# of "show off" ballast. This should alleviate any need for a split start.:D

Tom Donnelly
10-05-2009, 10:58 PM
Don't wanna be a road block Spillman....:)

That's funny, you are definately NOT a roadblock!

I'm studying your tapes for the ARRC. Along with Chet's old tapes.


10-05-2009, 11:31 PM
I'm studying your tapes for the ARRC. Along with Chet's old tapes.


Set mine aside..... Focus on Chet, he utilized:eclipsee_steering: way more track then I, and properly.


10-06-2009, 11:28 AM
David carves some pretty nice lines himself......

The generally lighter weight on the A cars helps the most at Roebling I think.....

10-06-2009, 04:27 PM
Yep, Laws of objects put into motion that have same contact patch apply here when changing direction.... or something like that..... But wait. I'm as light as all those A cars.... well...then improperly placed contact patches are my problem.... Old Z cars, but beauties to look at...LONG live the Z!!!!:smilie_pokal:


Way too much coffee, expecting to work late tonight on the car....:024:

Marlboro Mafia
10-08-2009, 08:44 AM
Wasn't sure if I had correct email address. I can pm you the tech/cam data for the ITA cars, but I'm sure they bring that with them. I do think they remove the cams for testing.

10-09-2009, 07:53 PM
I just want to say good luck to you all. Sorry I'm not there to get in your way ;~} And look forward to hearing all about your adventures soon.



Ron Earp
10-10-2009, 10:07 AM
Ok ITS folk, what's doing down there at Roebling?


Marlboro Mafia
10-10-2009, 05:46 PM
Data is up on MyLaps.

Only drama was yesterday when Perry's brake line broke in turn 1, ended up in berm - severe damage. But they worked on car and made it to Q.

10-11-2009, 08:11 PM
what happened in our class ? (its) just waiting ! ralph.

10-11-2009, 08:28 PM

10-11-2009, 09:40 PM
Ralph, S was great racing. We missed having you guys down.

Qual was CLOSe. Harold Corbin got the pole at a 1:22.5 or something and then we were ALL stacked up behind him real close. 7 cars or so within 8 tenths of that.

I think it was Corbin-Eckerich-Spillman-Boatwright-Young-McCandless-Parrish-Hines.

Then, the ITS Miata arrived and put down a 22 flat in a drizzle Saturday afternoon. Sheesh that guy can drive!

We had three A cars in the mix up front and the start got jammed up. I got hung up on the inside and McCandless and Hines got around me. Corbin/Eckerich/Spillman drove off while we jostled with each other and they finished that way.

The Miata checked out for the win.

After a LOT of side by side racing, we sorted out Parrish-Young-McCandless-Charles Perry for 5th on back. Everybody was close on times though, except the Miata.

Great, close racing. Best racing in S in a while. Basically, .5 in qual on Saturday morning decided how you finished.

10-12-2009, 10:57 AM
What else to say?
Zoom Zoom Zoom!!!!!

Miatas looking really good right now for a ITS/ITA car... Hooked up and gone!!!

ISC and Mazda do offer a great product. Hard to beat.....or even keep in sight!
Gives us all a target to shoot for in quality of car prep, and driving skills.

Great weekend Guys!!!

david spillman

10-12-2009, 05:56 PM
Great weekend all around. I tested a full day and got close with train wreck. Every time it hit the scales it changed and we chased it too much. That frame is just toast. Hit a decent setup for the race and had a blast running with David but ran out of time and talent before I caught Harold in the Bimmer. Lap traffic really screwed him so I followed him through and got to his door at the checker. He was really up on the wheel this weekend. Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help get the Perry Z car fixed, I couldn't let him miss the race after the year he had. Good friends and good racing. :smilie_pokal:

Marlboro Mafia
10-13-2009, 03:30 PM
Congratulations to Andrew C and Kip x 2.

Fun race, sorry for smoking up the paddock with my Barber-hurt Miata.

I'll post some video of the start in a few minutes.

10-13-2009, 05:39 PM
Are you kidding, that was the only time the bugs left us alone all weekend.:D Hope you get it ready for VIR.

10-13-2009, 05:49 PM
I'll tell you what, if you knelt down in that paddock, you had the fire ant parade marching up your leg.

Weird weather, way warm.

10-13-2009, 07:44 PM
Now that you said that, I will NEVER go to Roebling! Had a dozen fire ants bit my feet at Petit LeMans, and the itching JUST stopped. I still have these dark areas and scabbing, and other gross things going on. That was three weeks ago! Thanks for the warning!

Marlboro Mafia
10-13-2009, 07:56 PM
I found that if you mix 3 ounces of Duraspan in 5 qts of Mobil one, you can make good HP and kill bugs at the same time.

Here's the start from my vantage point.


Ron Earp
10-13-2009, 08:40 PM
Man.....that looks like a lot of fun! Maybe I could be right there in that open space beside Parrish on Jeff's bumper. I'm sorry I missed out on that one, dang ol dang ol.

10-13-2009, 08:44 PM
with a little luck ....we'll be at vir doing the carolina cup ! hope we get to make it ! ralph

Marlboro Mafia
10-14-2009, 08:37 PM
The "Artist Formerly Known as Big Boy" told me on the grid he was coming and damn if he didn't. He bump drafted me(more bump than draft) twice before getting impatient and plowing on by.

I love you IT guys - even Hoppe who thinks SCCA should add 200 lbs to Miatas and force the driver to tie his left hand behind his back.

10-14-2009, 10:50 PM
Ron, that's some good vid. I need to talk to you about your camera setup, I am going to put on in the Turd8 in the winter.

Thanks for posting that. Are you going to put the whole race on Youtube?

Charles Perry
10-15-2009, 03:41 PM
just got back in town. Interesting weekend for me to say the least. But got to run and would not have been able to without all the help from Steve E and the Parrish brothers.
I just can't say thanks enough to everyone. That is what makes this division so good.
I will put my vid of the start up in a few days after I dig out.
Need to start looking for a frame shop here in jax!

10-15-2009, 04:02 PM
Charles, I hope the car can be fixed...seems like it was running pretty good there despite the damage.

See you at Roebling and CMP next year I hope.