View Full Version : Please help me understand the Audi issue...

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Bill Miller
11-15-2009, 10:12 AM
Guys I figured I would tune in as I heard I was attaining near villian status here this weekend at the ARRC. I don't know many in IT, but there are several in IT who know me fairly well, Andy being one of them. I think Andy will agree if I am anything, it is a guy who is rational and willing to listen to anything and despite popular opinion have a lot of common sense. ;) I often ask Andy's advice on SM items that come up from time to time.
I really don't want to rehash the entire debate, but what Andy said above was on right on target. I also don't feel we rule over the ITAC with an iron fist, nor would I have any desire to do so. If anything was brought to us that made sense( not that the new process didn't)regardless of process etc, I feel certain the CRB would listen, I guarantee we would. This process,new and old, has been discussed more than anything, and I do mean any single issue that has come up during the year I have been on the CRB. This wasn't something we took lightly. So much so we even spent a good 90 minutes of our call with Andy explaining it and going over test cases etc. The CRB we have now is comprised of a lot of racers, real racers not once a year guys. Believe it or not, we want what is best for IT, nothing more, nothing less. There are no hidden agendas, I don't even own an IT car.

I have never had any email or phone conversations with Mr Kinesis or Mr. Miller, so I am not certain where or how they formed their opinions? To think I was just about to put Mr Miller on my x mas card list too :(

I rarely check this forum, however, I respond to ALL emails until they become you are an idiot and ruining IT :) My email is [email protected]

The above mentioned bag of rocks :)

Glad I was able to save you the stamp.

And while you may not have been on the phone with, or exchanged emails with Kirk, it does look like you had dialog with him on the ITAC site. Your comment, while it may be technically correct, implies that you've had no dialog / interaction w/ Kirk. Based on Kirk's comments, that certainly does not seem to be the case. It also makes me wonder where else you use deception and half-truth to present your position.

11-15-2009, 11:40 AM
In the interest of full disclosure, Jim got back to me by PM/email. I'm waiting for an additional reply to an email that might have gone AWOL but he DID contact me re: my question above.


Bill Miller
11-19-2009, 07:34 PM
Hey, while I may not be on Mr. Drago's Christmas card list, he did feel the need to send me a private IM. Whodathunk?


As I said in my response, anything you've got to say to me can be said in a public forum. And spare me your disingenuous comments. Save them for somebody that gives a crap who you are.

11-19-2009, 11:04 PM
Hey, while I may not be on Mr. Drago's Christmas card list, he did feel the need to send me a private IM. Whodathunk?


As I said in my response, anything you've got to say to me can be said in a public forum. And spare me your disingenuous comments. Save them for somebody that gives a crap who you are.

ya know who doesn't give a crap who you are bill?

anyone who actually has an SCCA membership/competition liscense.

get a life.