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07-18-2009, 08:44 PM
Any chatter coming out of NJMP - we're waitng?

Jeremy Billiel
07-18-2009, 08:58 PM
I believe I heard Cefalo won ITA, with Jeff in 3rd and Andy had a DNF

07-18-2009, 09:45 PM
Mark, Brian (Miata driver from down south) and myself had an awesome battle. I just watched the video and it's a keeper. The track was VERY greasy and we were all over the place. In fact, Mark was shown the furled black flag a couple of times for going off so much. But there were very few corners where we kept all four on the pavement. A great time. Branscom came in 4th. One of the few times where I can say I'm not so sure I could have driven faster.

Andy puked his splitter AGAIN, putting a hole in his radiator hose. Geez, even monkies learn after the first time!!

Tomorrow should be interesting.

ITB was Benezik, Reese and Wentworth (i think)

I think there were only two ITS cars. Didn't know either one of them.

Great weather. 80 and dry.

07-19-2009, 10:52 AM
Nice result for you Jeff - keep peddlin' and keep scoring points - we all know that in racing S*%T HAPPENS. Have a good run today.

07-20-2009, 07:30 AM
Sunday's race wasn't as much fun as Saturday's but it was still loads of fun. The first four, Mark, Brian, myself and Geoff formed up going into turn one on the start and played nice for a few laps to try and get a good gap on Andy who we knew would come storming through the pack. Geoff fell back a bit, then I bobbled and Mark and Brian were able to open a gap. At that point I could start to see Andy. Geoff held him off for a few laps, a few laps later he reeled me in and a lap later got by. Mark and Brian were battling very hard so Andy was closing the gap but couldn't get close enough.

Towards the end I was having a lot of trouble trying to keep the car on the track and Geoff caught up and I let him by. No sense doing something stupid over fourth place.

I thought the NJ regions put on a great weekend, it was a great time. I really liked that they actually had a podium with pictures after each of the races....... although I only saw it from a spectators perspective!!


Andy Bettencourt
07-20-2009, 09:39 AM
The best race weekend of the year I think. My results weren't what I had hoped but that is racin'. I did blow up the splitter on the outside of T1 in the qual race (second splitter for me - Forrest blew up the other one Jeff!) while I was leading by about 6 seconds after just 5 laps. Jeff, Marc, Brian and Geoff fought each other real hard that race so I could get away...made the mistake of 'relaxing' in T1 and turned in too early and went off into the grass. Dope.

Since it was a qual race, I started from the back in the 20 lap feature race Sunday. 20th place with ITC, IT7, Spec 7 and ITA. Decent start and was up to 5th pretty quick. Getting around Geoff and Jeff proved difficult and Marc and Brian kept the gap strong. Tons of traffic at that point but they all did a great job from my seat but that was probably due to the leaders punching that 'awareness' hole for me. Needed a couple more laps to make a legit run at them. It was a really fun race - hectic but fun. So many other great things about the weekend:

Lots of track time. Test day was FULL but worked well. A Qual, Qual race, a 20 lap feature and a Pursuit race
Joint racing board between South and North Jersey. Plenty of workers who were friendly and genuinly happy to see the entrants and solicit input on the couple issues they wanted to proactively address
Great races. TONS of MARRS cars that are old friends, some new friends and some faces to 'business' friends. Happy to race against some fresh faces and fast cars
Pusuit race. A very fun idea. I think the concept will catch on...between 55 minutes and 60 minutes of more race time for $140 and a cash payout to the top 10 within 45 minutes of race finish!
Willingness of the stewards to call drivers in for crappy driving or contact. Sometimes there is a reason for it but mostly it makes us drivers aware that people are watching and contact is just not acceptable
We all know it's a dusty place. Sometimes dangerously so...but a couple times during the weekend I saw some water trucks dampening some of the critical run-off areas to minimize this issue. I am thankful that the track took an active role in making the racing/safety better DURING the race weekend
Couple opportunities for improvement in my mind - and they are VERY small in terms of importance...

Bump drafting. Some of us do it, the SM guys do it all the time - its part of how they make the speed and it's accepted with the drivers. Make note of it and if a driver wants to protest someone for it, the record will be there. If it's something that the stewards don't want to see, write it up in the supps.
Pursuit race. I know the rules were lifted from another series so as not to have to reinvent the wheel but there is a huge flaw...the 'break out'. Your start position and time were based off of your fast lap in the qual race on Saturday afternoon. Well a 8/10ths differential in fast lap translated to a 40 second head start in the PR. The rules stated that you could go faster by up to 10% without penalty. Well that would have been ~7.8-7.9 seconds for a fast ITA car. We all know that you won't find that kind of time, but the top 4 finishers all improved by between 9/10ths and 1.5 seconds. That just can't happen. I suggest you should only be able to 'improve' by less than half a second on your fast lap or you 'break out' just like in bracket drag racing. Prevents sand bagging...and this is a cash race...the bigger the field, the bigger the payout
Make it a double NARRC race and it would have generated even bigger numbers!!!
Overall it was outstanding. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in the design and the implamentation because the result was great. I am glad the quantity of entrants rewarded you for all your hard work. See ya'll at the Glen!

07-20-2009, 10:36 AM
"Andy puked his splitter AGAIN, putting a hole in his radiator hose. Geez, even monkies learn after the first time!!"

Oh My.......:~)

07-20-2009, 10:41 AM
Andy - sounds like a great race weekend, and if you were able to run down Marc & Brian from that far back you must have been hauling the mail...congrats on a good finish. I'm hoping to get up there for the Aug race at Thunderbolt; I hope to see some you guys there.

The whole qualifying deal brings up a question though; is that format - Sat morning qual session, Sat afternoon race, with the race results setting the grid for Sun - what you guys use in the NARRC series? The reason I ask is that I was under the impression they were using the MARRS format for the races at NJMP, which uses the best time from both Sat sessions to set the grid for Sun.

Also curious; were guys getting black flagged for bump drafting? I think that may be something to fuss at drivers about after the race, but if I got pulled off track during a race for that I would highly pissed.

Andy Bettencourt
07-20-2009, 10:43 AM
"Andy puked his splitter AGAIN, putting a hole in his radiator hose. Geez, even monkies learn after the first time!!"

Oh My.......:~)

Actually, I came in because of a tire rub and we saw a tiny little hole that was 'spritzing' some water. Probably would have lasted the race but was better in the end to come in...plus - who needs that dripping on the track...

On a side note, the 3 top ITR cars were pretty well matched. They did seem to get spread out too quickly for some bumper to bumper action but by Sunday's race I think they were all turing similar laps. Doc?

Andy Bettencourt
07-20-2009, 11:00 AM
The whole qualifying deal brings up a question though; is that format - Sat morning qual session, Sat afternoon race, with the race results setting the grid for Sun - what you guys use in the NARRC series? The reason I ask is that I was under the impression they were using the MARRS format for the races at NJMP, which uses the best time from both Sat sessions to set the grid for Sun.

Also curious; were guys getting black flagged for bump drafting? I think that may be something to fuss at drivers about after the race, but if I got pulled off track during a race for that I would highly pissed.

In the NARRC, we seldom have a two day single. It's either Sat AM qual, Sat PM race and then Sun AM qual, Sun PM race for a double. We do have a triple that is Sat AM qual, Sat PM race, Sun AM qual race based on fast time and Sun PM race based on finishing position. So because it's a 'triple' and not a double, we use both methods. At the end of the day, I BELIEVE NARRC drivers prefer to race vs. qualify...meaning the format this weekend at NJMP was preferrable. If you are racing, finishing positions are what matter I would think...

Nobody got black flagged for BD but they were calling it in and it was a topic with some drivers.

07-20-2009, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the write-ups!

Make it a double NARRC race and it would have generated even bigger numbers!!!

I agree!

07-20-2009, 11:09 AM
The whole qualifying deal brings up a question though; is that format - Sat morning qual session, Sat afternoon race, with the race results setting the grid for Sun - what you guys use in the NARRC series? The reason I ask is that I was under the impression they were using the MARRS format for the races at NJMP, which uses the best time from both Sat sessions to set the grid for Sun.

Also curious; were guys getting black flagged for bump drafting? I think that may be something to fuss at drivers about after the race, but if I got pulled off track during a race for that I would highly pissed.

No, that's not how we "normally" do it in the NARRC series gor qualifying but we have a few times. I was told by a MARRS guy that is how they do it at Summit???? But hell, I'll take two races over a regular qualifying and race any day!!

They weren't getting black flagged. They were shown the furled black, then talked to after. A great way to do it. They also showed the furled black and talked to guys who kept putting four off......... and there were a LOT of them!!

As far as the track and the region officials, I think it was the "friendliest" weekend I've been to. Yes, they pulled a lot of people in but it wasn't intrusive to the racing.

07-20-2009, 11:23 AM
No, that's not how we "normally" do it in the NARRC series gor qualifying but we have a few times. I was told by a MARRS guy that is how they do it at Summit????

Jeff - yes, that's how they're doing it at Summit (starting this year), with the one difference that the best lap time from either Saturday session is used to set the grid for Sunday. The reason I brought it up was that Andy mentioned he had to start at the back because of a DNF in the Saturday race. But if they had been using the MARRS format he would have still been gridded according to his Saturday morning time, which I'm assuming would have put him much closer to the front. I think most of the MARRS drivers have found the new format to be much more interesting than the old one, which was 2 qualifying sessions on Saturday and a Sunday sprint race.

07-20-2009, 11:44 AM
Actually, I came in because of a tire rub and we saw a tiny little hole that was 'spritzing' some water. Probably would have lasted the race but was better in the end to come in...plus - who needs that dripping on the track...

Geez Andy, you could have gone off track and at least watered down the dust then.... :)

Doc Bro
07-20-2009, 11:51 AM
The ITR race was exciting with Thiele q1 Powell Q2 and me in Q3. Going into 1 Powell came in a bit hot and hit Thiele in the RR. Thiele did a great job (in fact I didn't even know he'd been hit) and drove through smoothly. Powell had a mulitiple tank slapper going after the contact, ultimately sending him off course. I had to check up big time to avoid him. At that point Thiele had a large lead on the field because he was the only car to avoid the incident. I tried my hardest to reel him in with some sucess. We both had good and bad traffic, and I ultimately closed to about 2 car lengths. when I caught up to Thiele I also caught the ITB race for 1st and so I was stuck. Rob Thiele drove a great race and I threw everything I had at him, he deserved the win for sure.

On another note;

The only complaint I had from the weekend was some of the lack of hospitality in the paddock from some of the MARRS guys....a Miata crew (sorry but it was). NJMP doesn't allow reserving spots guys. Summit is Summit, NJ is NJ get over it and represent your region with some class; especially when you're running a "race business". Nuff said.


07-20-2009, 01:27 PM
Bump drafting. Some of us do it, the SM guys do it all the time - its part of how they make the speed and it's accepted with the drivers. Make note of it and if a driver wants to protest someone for it, the record will be there. If it's something that the stewards don't want to see, write it up in the supps.

Why? It's in the GCR. Bump drafting is illegal, period unless the supps specifically allow it.

6.8.1. On Course Driver Conduct
A. It is the responsibility of all drivers to avoid physical contact between cars on the race track.

John Nesbitt
07-20-2009, 01:37 PM

They weren't getting black flagged. They were shown the furled black, then talked to after. A great way to do it. They also showed the furled black and talked to guys who kept putting four off......... and there were a LOT of them!!

As far as the track and the region officials, I think it was the "friendliest" weekend I've been to. Yes, they pulled a lot of people in but it wasn't intrusive to the racing.

The closed black is a way of giving a warning to someone while they are still on track: "We saw what you did. Stop it." It is typically followed up with at least a conversation with a steward at the end of the session.

Remember that, unlike an open black flag, a closed black does not require you to come into the pits right away. You just have to mend your ways. :)

I thought that folks generally behaved very well over the weekend. I was Chairman of the SOM, and the court had very few 'customers', compared to many MARRS races.

steve b
07-20-2009, 03:20 PM
I had a great time even running dead last. Can't wait to come up to Thunderbolt and start the learning curve (which was painfully slow) all over again.

Hopefully I got everyone around me okay.

Andy Bettencourt
07-20-2009, 03:21 PM
I had a great time even running dead last. Can't wait to come up to Thunderbolt and start the learning curve (which was painfully slow) all over again.

Hopefully I got everyone around me okay.

Steve, I watched your MKI and the other one with great interest. Very cool and well turned out cars. Good luck!

Doc Bro
07-20-2009, 06:50 PM
I had a great time even running dead last. Can't wait to come up to Thunderbolt and start the learning curve (which was painfully slow) all over again.

Hopefully I got everyone around me okay.

I was in your race group ( the Black e36 in ITR). You were great. Good job.


07-20-2009, 08:02 PM
Thanks for the update Rob. Now I know why I had this sudden boost into turn 1 - maybe I should stop using ear plugs;)
Good driving Rob - I saw you catching up and counted laps down. Saturday the three of us were within 2 tenths, Sunday within five or six tenths - and I was the slowest. So I guess I can call myself lucky.

Anyway - here's an interesting onboard: lap traffic and three ITB cars in front of us getting together in turn 3/4 (0:44+). The rabbit in the middle of the sandwich went up on one wheel!
I leave detailed analysis & comments to other people, but when you see the entire scene, it was pretty obvious that s*** would happen. Not good :018:


07-20-2009, 09:42 PM
What kind of times were folks running?

07-20-2009, 10:59 PM
Jeff where did you post your video....Thanks Mike Cefalo ( the older Miata driver) Your the best!

07-21-2009, 07:05 AM
Jeff where did you post your video....Thanks Mike Cefalo ( the older Miata driver) Your the best!

Mr C,

Haven't been home other than to sleep and don't think I will be in the next few day (busy social life! :cool:) This weekend I'll get it up and post/send the links.

Rob, great video. That was a slightly "aggressive" move on the Golf's part, eh?

Damn, those ITR cars got some power!!!

Ben, ITR cars were doing mid 16s if I recall.


07-21-2009, 07:18 AM
15:8 to 16:4. Not very spectacular...

gran racing
07-21-2009, 08:07 AM
That was a slightly "aggressive" move on the Golf's part, eh?

You mean stupid? Who was that?

07-21-2009, 08:31 AM
One clarification for the video, that was towards the end of the race, the 2 cars on the left are fighting for the lead, the car on the right is an ITS car getting lapped by those 2 ITB cars for the SECOND time that race.

Edit: Not fighting either way, just adding for clarification.

Ed Funk
07-21-2009, 09:16 AM
[quote=JLawton;292135]Mr C,

Haven't been home other than to sleep and don't think I will be in the next few day (busy social life! :cool:) This weekend I'll get it up

If you're having a busy social life, you'd better "get it up"!!:D:rolleyes:

07-21-2009, 10:26 AM
One clarification for the video, that was towards the end of the race, the 2 cars on the left are fighting for the lead, the car on the right is an ITS car getting lapped by those 2 ITB cars for the SECOND time that race.

Edit: Not fighting either way, just adding for clarification.

Trying to stay objective...I think it was at best a poor decision not to back out. When he did the curb-hopping inside pass attempt that pushed him over into the leader he should have checked up; he (as well as the leader) appears to be still fighting for control of the car when they try to make it 3-wide with the Z, but that's just the way it looks to me. The Z driver could have stayed right, but even then trying to go side-by-side into the left hander was going to be dicey at best. If the Z driver is who I think he is, that would have been even more reason not to take that kind of risk.

I also think, more than anything else, after the incident at VIR that driver would have been walking on egg shells for the rest of this season; there's nothing wrong with going for a win when you have the chance, but there are times when it's just not worth the risk.


07-21-2009, 11:03 AM
Technically, he was the leader, for the last 16 laps. :shrug:

Again, I almost agree he needed to back out, but I wouldn't have. The inside car was smart and kept him hanging out, same thing I would have done, and the Z had no where to go, same thing I would have done.

07-21-2009, 11:13 AM
Oops, my bad...I thought the guy he was trying to pass was the leader :D

But, smartassedness aside, Rob I think with your experience you probably wouldn't have been in that situation to begin with...

07-21-2009, 11:18 AM
Lapping cars is always a risk. If this was in the first 3/4 of the race I would have definetly backed off. If this was the last lap or maybe the second to last lap and this was the FIRST time I had been able to get up beside the red golf then I may have tried to stick the move. The fact that the z came over and squeezed him out makes this a "racing incident" in my mind. The hole was their. The golf clearly filled the hole before the z came over but the z probably didn't expect them to both come through. I don't see anything wrong with dropping the 2 wheels on the inside dirt the turn before. I wasn't at the race and I don't know the drivers so this is just speculation on my part.

If this was me I probably would have lifted and tried to get a "run" on the red golf and attempted a pass under braking after the bridge. But that's probably because I do all my own bodywork and I hate bodywork!

I vote ambitious yes but still a racing incident!

07-21-2009, 11:23 AM
Was the guy who took it 3 wide in the video above the same guy at VIR who passed in the grass on the start from like row 20 and wrecked up a bunch of cars? If so, somebody ought to take a piss on his seat to remind him his driving stinks....

gran racing
07-21-2009, 11:52 AM
Yes. :cool:

07-21-2009, 12:17 PM
But, smartassedness aside, Rob I think with your experience you probably wouldn't have been in that situation to begin with...

Hey, I know I'm slow and all but geez, you have to call me out like that :D

steve b
07-21-2009, 12:24 PM
It looks to me like there was contact between the 2 ITB cars before the ITS car was ever involved. (0.53 seconds)

Not saying it was anyone's fault, just a combination of 3 decisions made at the same time by 3 drivers.

07-21-2009, 01:07 PM
Hey, I know I'm slow and all but geez, you have to call me out like that :D

Au contraire my dear sir, I'm quite certain you would have never let the other car get by in the first place - and it would have been him who went for a ride in the grass :D

Btw, how's the ankle doing?

07-21-2009, 01:30 PM
Au contraire my dear sir, I'm quite certain you would have never let the other car get by in the first place - and it would have been him who went for a ride in the grass :D

Btw, how's the ankle doing?

Monday quote from Physical Therapy
PTist: How is the ankle doing?
Me: Good, I spent 14 hours on a ladder Saturday renovating my brother-in-laws kitchen.
PTist: So you do better when you do more........ What are you still doing here then?
Me: Cause you never said I could go.

It's doing ok. I'll be out there for the Aug race assuming I can get my brake pad issue resolved and my blown Koni replaced. I have the utmost faith in Lee. Has anyone ever said he is The Man? :)

I'm actually contemplating the Jersey race in Aug too. We'll see how the car is after M7.

07-21-2009, 02:25 PM
It looks to me like there was contact between the 2 ITB cars before the ITS car was ever involved. (0.53 seconds)

Not saying it was anyone's fault, just a combination of 3 decisions made at the same time by 3 drivers.
It doesn't look to me like the ITS driver made any decision at all. I think he didn't know what was happening. The leaders in another class were about to lap him, towards the end of the race. They were battling. I'm surprised he didn't just stay way outside and let everyone through. I know I never want to mess up a good battle for the lead.

It was definitely an aggressive move on the part of the Golf but if this was for the lead and it was at the end of the race then I probably would have done the same thing. I also would have been flashing my lights like crazy to let the drivers ahead know two of us were coming through, not just one.

07-21-2009, 03:06 PM
It doesn't look to me like the ITS driver made any decision at all. I think he didn't know what was happening. The leaders in another class were about to lap him, towards the end of the race. They were battling. I'm surprised he didn't just stay way outside and let everyone through. I know I never want to mess up a good battle for the lead.

There was plenty of room for them to get by and the ITS car isn't to blame for this. If I was writing an incident report, this is what I'd have put down.

Car 33 dropped 2 wheels to the inside of the curb of the right-hand turn and, upon reentering the pavement, appeared to be out of control. Car 33 then hit car 69, (LF to RR). This upset car 69 and both cars remained in side-to-side contact. Car 69 appeared to have attempted to avoid further contact (by evidence of brake lights) while car 33 did not (note absence of brake lights).

The ITS car, number unknown, left sufficient racing room (2.25 car widths or more) to driver's left for both car 33 and car 69 to navigate the turn. At this point, neither Car 33 or Car 69, made the turn-in for the LH turn. Car 69 was on the brakes well before contact. Car 33 was not.

As the unknown S car attempted to navigate the turn from far DR, the ITB mass struck the unknown car. Immediately prior to contact, car 33 finally applied his brakes.
Moreover, 33 didn't need to hop the curb at the turn. Car 69 left sufficient room for him.

The Z car didn't move over on anybody. Tristan hit Reece and never lifted when he did it. Reece starts to rotate around Tristan's nose and gets on the brakes. They go straight and as the Z car tries to make the turn, they hit him. If the Z car had stayed to the white line on DR, he still would have been hit - neither Tristan or Reece were going to make that turn. Kee-rist, Reece is point to DR for a left turn and it's entirely because Tristan is rotating him around and not doing anything to keep from picking Reece.

Moreover, if the Z had been that far out, hit have been hit a heck of alot harder because both B cars were going to straight line that turn.

07-21-2009, 03:45 PM
@Josh: isn't it all about results? Especially when you are in the battle for the lead why would you risk everything with a move like this? We can all see what the outcome was.
Sometimes less is more.

Andy Bettencourt
07-21-2009, 03:51 PM
IIRC, this was the last lap. Just a point of info.

gran racing
07-21-2009, 05:01 PM
So what Andy. He could have set-up the pass differently or worst case, the ash tray he received at the end of the race might have to be a bit smaller. It's not just about one race. When people do silly things it also has a future impact on how they're raced again in the future.

Andy Bettencourt
07-21-2009, 06:29 PM
So what Andy. He could have set-up the pass differently or worst case, the ash tray he received at the end of the race might have to be a bit smaller. It's not just about one race. When people do silly things it also has a future impact on how they're raced again in the future.


I made no defense or implication. Just told everyone when it was because someone asked earlier in the thread. I watched it all unfold from the top of the toter.

07-21-2009, 06:57 PM
There was plenty of room for them to get by and the ITS car isn't to blame for this. If I was writing an incident report, this is what I'd have put down.

Car 33 dropped 2 wheels to the inside of the curb of the right-hand turn and, upon reentering the pavement, appeared to be out of control. Car 33 then hit car 69, (LF to RR). This upset car 69 and both cars remained in side-to-side contact. Car 69 appeared to have attempted to avoid further contact (by evidence of brake lights) while car 33 did not (note absence of brake lights).

The ITS car, number unknown, left sufficient racing room (2.25 car widths or more) to driver's left for both car 33 and car 69 to navigate the turn. At this point, neither Car 33 or Car 69, made the turn-in for the LH turn. Car 69 was on the brakes well before contact. Car 33 was not.

As the unknown S car attempted to navigate the turn from far DR, the ITB mass struck the unknown car. Immediately prior to contact, car 33 finally applied his brakes.
Moreover, 33 didn't need to hop the curb at the turn. Car 69 left sufficient room for him.

The Z car didn't move over on anybody. Tristan hit Reece and never lifted when he did it. Reece starts to rotate around Tristan's nose and gets on the brakes. They go straight and as the Z car tries to make the turn, they hit him. If the Z car had stayed to the white line on DR, he still would have been hit - neither Tristan or Reece were going to make that turn. Kee-rist, Reece is point to DR for a left turn and it's entirely because Tristan is rotating him around and not doing anything to keep from picking Reece.

Moreover, if the Z had been that far out, hit have been hit a heck of alot harder because both B cars were going to straight line that turn.

Fair enough. I guess I missed that there was contact before between the B cars prior to the corner, and I missed the timing of brake application.

Is there some way to watch these videos in slow motion that I don't know about?

Robert Zecca
07-21-2009, 09:06 PM
Andy B For President!

See you guys at the Glen, we may break 50 cars and possibly 42 at LRP the week after. I am happy to hear that this event went off very well. We knew NJMP was going to be a great destination and finally the number are proving it. Thanks to everyone who supported this event.


07-21-2009, 10:07 PM
i was part of this battle for part of the race. in my opipion the 33 car is fast. i was surprised at how aggresive he was throughout the race. i followed waiting for the 2 of them to end up in the weeds. i was right on one car. michael reece drove a great race. at one point i was shocked at how far back he,#33, initiated a pass goin into turn 1 on me and the 69. i backed out and let the pass happen. i was in no mood to have a wrecked car. he also dropped wheels endlessly. i count 4 stars in my windshield from the race. we had a great race at summit. i think he will get farther with a little patience.

steve b
07-22-2009, 01:36 PM
Steve, I watched your MKI and the other one with great interest. Very cool and well turned out cars. Good luck!

Thanks. That was the very first time to the track for the black car. So as you can imagine he found a few bugs that need worked out. He will be fast once he gets everything sorted out.

07-23-2009, 07:20 AM
Here's video from Saturday's qualifying race. Some good action for the first 2/3rds of the race.


07-23-2009, 09:03 AM
Sunday's race


Before the race, the two first rows had agreeded to work together to see if we could put some space on Andy who we knew would be storming through the pack. It helped Marc and Brian but I think it hurt me. I played nice on the start and on the first lap........ Maybe I shouldn't have!! LOL

Andy, you going to post your video? I would love to see the start you got!! :D

Andy Bettencourt
07-23-2009, 09:15 AM
I am in-between cameras. I have one of those pimpy ones Hoppe uses on order. Would have been cool.

Love the 'special' point-by I got. :)

07-23-2009, 10:30 AM
Jim Hess and I had a great battle for the IT7 win on Sunday, which Jim won by "...THAT much" - I must apologize for the 1 instance of contact, but I'm glad to say I got the worst of it (his bumper was not damaged!), and neither of us lost position due to it.

I'm trying to get my video up loaded. We were nose to tail, I passed him, he passed me ... and provided no one else comments on how bad my driving got, once I was leading, I'll share the link with y'all.

07-27-2009, 12:05 PM
Anyone know when results will be posted on mylaps?

07-27-2009, 01:07 PM
Left a message. Once I hear back or we see things posted on NeSCCA.com we will know.

07-31-2009, 10:47 AM
FYI - Lightning Challenge results are now posted on MyLaps.com

Also, here is some more in car video from the ITR/ITS/ITB group race. We had a waived off start, an eventful ITR re-start, and a pass in the grass on lap #2. I edited the video so you wouldn't have to sit through the extra pace lap...

08-02-2009, 12:27 PM
Spoke with Linda and the computers should be fixed. Expect results to be posted real soon. Sorry for taking so long.

08-04-2009, 10:54 PM
Lightning challenge video, group 4, race 1 - 7/18/09 ITR,ITS,ITB

Saturday--------------------- Sunday

Thiele 1:16:417------------- Thiele 1:16:360
Powell 1:16:314------------- Breault 1:16:162
Breault 1:16:568------------ Powell 1:15:848
