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07-17-2009, 11:12 PM
The title got my attention as well :026:

My Wife has her Masters in Reading and has a huge passion for education and specifically the benifits of Reading. I however have never read a novel or even been interested in the 31 years that I have driven past or walked through a library to even pick up a book. (Unless of course it was Dave Grans :D ) Anyway my wife brought home a book Called "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. I have just started it and the 1st chapter is pretty tough and a bit sad but after that it happens to be the first novel that I am actually WANTING to read.

In short so far it is life from a Dogs perspective that lives with a mechanic that races and watches racing on TV. The dog happens to LOVE Ayrton Senna and LOVES racing on TV and listening to his owner speak about Racing. It truelly is interesting and I am hooked for the first time in 31 years I actually want to read.

I just had to share the book, I think several other lurkers here may enjoy it. As my wife says "Everyone is a reader the key is to find the right book."


07-18-2009, 12:55 AM
You've never read a novel???? How the hell did you make it to high school, much less graduate???? :o

Yes, books are cool. Some more than others. This one is well regarded.

07-18-2009, 01:36 AM
Patrick Dempsey has secured movie rights for the book, it will be interesting if it ever becomes a movie.


07-18-2009, 06:29 AM
A great read that was passed off to me by Carol. I laughed and cried a lot - an incredible racers story. Wait til Enzo gets his "hot lap" with Denny - lots of twists and turns in the hot lap and the story line. I give it 5 out of 5 thumbs up :smilie_pokal: and I am not a avid reader. ENJOY!

gran racing
07-18-2009, 06:48 AM
You've never read a novel???? How the hell did you make it to high school, much less graduate????

Cliff Notes, duh. I truly knew I wasn't into reading when I began skimming even them. lol Stephen, I'm pretty much in the same boat and recently bought that book. Good stuff so far!

07-18-2009, 09:38 AM
Finished the book about two weeks ago and gave it to a friend that loves Senna. I really liked this book. I only hope if they make the movie they don't ruin it.

07-18-2009, 11:45 AM
What, none of you NE guys have read any of the 'Last Open Road' series? Those books should be required reading, even if they are based on a time before Bryar.

07-18-2009, 11:50 AM
I love racing but love my dog more......it took me months to get up the courage to read this book.....I read the first chapter and cried.....then picked it up and read the entire book.....balled my eyes out (easily 20 minutes) during the last chapter......great read about life, relationships, loving pets, racing and good and bad people.....if they do the movie like the book it will be a tear jerker on many many fronts !!

07-18-2009, 11:57 AM
I love racing but love my dog more......it took me months to get up the courage to read this book.....I read the first chapter and cried.....then picked it up and read the entire book.....balled my eyes out (easily 20 minutes) during the last chapter......great read about life, relationships, loving pets, racing and good and bad people.....if they do the movie like the book it will be a tear jerker on many many fronts !!

Guess my library is going to get a little larger. Better get busy and finish up the new bookshelves in the basement family room/office!

07-18-2009, 01:05 PM
That's a great book, well written by someone who actually 'gets it', both about racing and dogs.
The end is a tear jerker, but a happy one.

07-18-2009, 01:40 PM
This 70 year old geezer read it through in one sitting, ended up at midnight crying.
I will buy this book for my family members that do not understand why I race.

07-18-2009, 03:26 PM
A couple more great racing books:
"Touch Wood"--autobiography Duncan Hamilton (who?)--who raced Jaguars in European endurance races in the 50's. A different era in racing, and a good book. Some absolutely amazing racing stories.

Another one is "All Arms and Elbows", about Innes Ireland (sports cars and F1 in the 60's--Europe and America). Again, some great racing stories, including exiting the tunnel at Monaco at speed without his F1 car and surviving.

And for the technically curious, "The Unfair Advantage" by Mark Donahue. Great racing stories as he goes from amateur to pro. Get his explanation to Stuttgart engineers why 1000 hp (yes, thousand) was not enough in his Can Am Porsche...

All are great reads with some serious roll on the floor laughing bits.


07-18-2009, 05:44 PM
You've never read a novel???? How the hell did you make it to high school, much less graduate???? :o

Yes, books are cool. Some more than others. This one is well regarded.

Maybe we're showing our age because I remember when cliff-notes wasn't avalible for every book ever assigned. My favorite fun reads are mostly Sci-fi/fantasy. Now I'm reading mostly for work. I was looking for Peter Egan's latest, I've always enjoyed his articles in R&T, but was unable to find it at some of the chain book stores.

07-18-2009, 10:13 PM
Patrick Dempsey has secured movie rights for the book, it will be interesting if it ever becomes a movie.


Universal picked it up with Dempsey as the lead. Currently it is being written into a screenplay

07-19-2009, 01:12 AM
I'm not a follower of celebrities as I really don't "know" them, so it's hard to judge and become an admirer...(although after working with Newman, and knowing his rep, he shot to the top of my most admired celebrity list)...but, this Dempsey guy seems to have a very great angle on things, and, it even appears that he's got some integrity. I think he's going about his racing 'career' in a great way. So, I hope he does well with this story and role.....I'm glad to see he got the rights, as opposed to nearly anyone else.

07-19-2009, 11:02 AM
I'm not a follower of celebrities as I really don't "know" them, so it's hard to judge and become an admirer...(although after working with Newman, and knowing his rep, he shot to the top of my most admired celebrity list)...but, this Dempsey guy seems to have a very great angle on things, and, it even appears that he's got some integrity. I think he's going about his racing 'career' in a great way. So, I hope he does well with this story and role.....I'm glad to see he got the rights, as opposed to nearly anyone else.

Jake, there's a part in it for a friend of the lead character......go for it !!

07-19-2009, 03:16 PM
I'm not a follower of celebrities as I really don't "know" them, so it's hard to judge and become an admirer...(although after working with Newman, and knowing his rep, he shot to the top of my most admired celebrity list)...but, this Dempsey guy seems to have a very great angle on things, and, it even appears that he's got some integrity. I think he's going about his racing 'career' in a great way. So, I hope he does well with this story and role.....I'm glad to see he got the rights, as opposed to nearly anyone else.

Well here's something you'll like even more. Once NASCAR heard of the motorsports side of the story they came knocking. Dempsey's response was. Read the title. If it was going to be about NASCAR and rain, the author would have titled it "Standing around the paddock in the rain" and put his foot down killing that possible tangent.

07-20-2009, 08:53 AM
I actually just finished reading this book and I LOVED it!
A book that actually cought my attention by the title ofcourse...
but I didnt know what the dog on the cover had to do with it.
I was hesitant but since it had "Racing" in the title, I bought it.

And for anyone that has not read it, PLEASE DO!!!
The book has a bit of everything....it will make you laugh, make you mad, and even make you teary eyed...:blink:

The quotes from that book I will never forget....

Great book, Great story

07-20-2009, 10:15 AM
Well here's something you'll like even more. Once NASCAR heard of the motorsports side of the story they came knocking. Dempsey's response was. Read the title. If it was going to be about NASCAR and rain, the author would have titled it "Standing around the paddock in the rain" and put his foot down killing that possible tangent.


I had a pretty rough time reading it too... all the more relevant since mydog's missing a corner and counting her last race weekends on her remaining paws... but we're making darn sure they're good ones!

07-20-2009, 10:33 AM

I had a pretty rough time reading it too... all the more relevant since mydog's missing a corner and counting her last race weekends on her remaining paws... but we're making darn sure they're good ones!

I just got teary eyed... enjoy all the time you have!


I have to give my wife credit... I am Still reading :happy204:

07-20-2009, 11:13 AM
I read it during the flights to and from colorado.

It was very interesteing because some of the races that are mentioned in the book I was working at. It made me think of what car was he possibly talking about if it was based on facts.

In either case.. good book.

07-20-2009, 11:22 AM
I read it during the flights to and from colorado.

It was very interesteing because some of the races that are mentioned in the book I was working at. It made me think of what car was he possibly talking about if it was based on facts.

In either case.. good book.

I was reading in a part of his biography and it meantioned him running a Miata.
It didnt say what class or anything....

But it did mentioned he wrecked pretty good at an event (couldnt remember which one)

07-20-2009, 12:00 PM
A simply amazing read on so many different levels. I (unfortunately) chose to read it on a business trip with my then brand new boss and had to hope that he wouldn't notice me tearing up all the way from Houston to NY.

Read it, and then give it to your non-driving loved ones to read. The Enzo "hot lap" section is as close to explaining why we all do this as anything I've ever read.

07-20-2009, 01:08 PM
I just got teary eyed... enjoy all the time you have!

Oh, we do...


07-20-2009, 01:11 PM
I was reading in a part of his biography and it meantioned him running a Miata.
It didnt say what class or anything....

But it did mentioned he wrecked pretty good at an event (couldnt remember which one)

Garth ran Spec Miata in the Pacific Northwest. The last wreck ended the car, at Pacific Raceways I believe.

steve b
07-20-2009, 02:11 PM
You guys are going to have me stopping by the bookstore on the way home tonight. It's got to be pretty good if it's recommended by a guy named Stephen B. ;)

08-13-2009, 03:42 AM
I still haven't finished the book.
I lost (to me) the best dog in the world (Ty) shortly before my wife bought the book, so it was a tough read.
Ty watch while I would go over videos of me racing, and he'd sit next to me during F1 races just like in the book.
A friend had the author sign a copy: "for Ty...the best friend Tim and Aimee ever had."

I have to suck it up and finish the book now.

08-13-2009, 10:21 AM
Stephanie and I did finish the book on our trip to Watkins Glen a few weeks back. I have now passed it on to friends and co-workers. It really is probably my favorite story of all time. (Including any movie I have scene since a movie is still a "story") The most interesting part to all of this for me is that Patrick Dempsey skipped the last grand-am race at none other than Watkins glen last weekend to film a "Movie" not greys anatomy. Hmmmmm what do you all think.... how long till it comes out and do you think it will be anything compaired to the book?

TO ALL THOSE THAT HAVEN"T READ IT... It really is great! I would definetly read it before the movie comes out!

PS: My wife loves Patrick Dempsy so I had to point out her fathers age and his... I know I am cruel

08-13-2009, 12:59 PM
I doubt Patrick was filming the story yet....too soon for it to all have been screenplayed and cast and contracted and bla bla bla. He was just making $$$$$$$$ on some OTHER project. Gotta pay for Le Mans!

08-24-2009, 11:44 AM
In developement stage - Look for the movie in 2012


03-23-2011, 01:56 PM
So I finally got around to reading this. Well, I've started reading it...

My Mom and I usually buy each other books for Xmas. This past xmas she bought me this one! I didn't even know that she knew it existed, but it was a very pleasant surprise :)

The book is simply amazing!!!! I am going to be sad when it is over! :(

03-23-2011, 03:07 PM
So I finally got around to reading this. Well, I've started reading it...

My Mom and I usually buy each other books for Xmas. This past xmas she bought me this one! I didn't even know that she knew it existed, but it was a very pleasant surprise :)

The book is simply amazing!!!! I am going to be sad when it is over! :(

I read it and as a dog owner I found it a tough book to finish! :(

03-23-2011, 05:55 PM
This is one of those books that if you have a dog, a kid or two, an intersting family dynamic, or all the above, -will- trigger emotions and make you think about all we do, not just racing but everything in the game of life.

R2 Racing
03-23-2011, 06:12 PM
I read it cover to cover flying home from the SCCA National Convention, Vegas to Columbus. Awesome book.

03-23-2011, 07:08 PM
My boss loaned me that book because he thought I'd enjoy it. Man, I still hate those in-laws!!

Bob Clifton
(Who enjoys racing in the rain)
ITB Dodge Daytona

03-23-2011, 07:26 PM
Did somebody say "threadjack"? No? OK, I'll say it then. :D

My first novel comes out May 10. It's called Purgatory Chasm, and its hero is a guy who was a talented NASCAR Busch Series racer who looked like he was destined for Cup - until he drank it all away.

Now he's a mechanic and a leg-breaker for his renegade AA group.

Cars are central to the plot, and one of my favorite scenes involves the hero and his dad (also a former racer, also a drunk) racing old cop cars around a quarter-mile dirt bullring.

In the next month or so, you can expect much more unseemly self-promotion from me.

Here's the Amazon page: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_14?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=steve+ulfelder&sprefix=steve+ulfelder

Here's the starred review from Publishers Weekly, a closely watched trade rag: http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-312-67292-8

05 ITR
Flatout Motorsports
www.ulfelder.com (http://www.ulfelder.com)