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07-12-2009, 06:03 AM
Any chatter on the Pig Roast? The table is set for the fans so let's eat.

07-12-2009, 03:34 PM
I wasn't around the track on Saturday however this just in as the first IT group passes the half way mark... Full course yellow Eli Garrett into the wall in NASCAR Turn 2... Driver OK

ITR: Dave Maynard
ITS: Glenn Lawton
ITB: Derek Lugar

Raymond Blethen
RST Performance

07-12-2009, 03:48 PM
Can't figure out how to upload pictures with the I Phone but Eli's car dosn't look to bad, lost a rear wheel though.

3/4 done greens out, no change in position for the front!


07-12-2009, 04:07 PM
No change... Congrats to all flag to flag winners!

07-12-2009, 04:56 PM
While one of the lagest classes of the day finishes up (FV) the rest of us are getting geared up for the ITA/ITC/IT7 race!

Ed Funk on pole with a 1:17.895 followed by Brad Bray and Victor Gangi. Interstingly Ed and Victor are the only non miata's until 8th place qualifyer Anthony Ruddy in his CRX with a 1:21.362.

IT7 is starting off with one of my younger day hero's Norm Laulippe followed by Michael Buccella and Mr. David Faita only 1/2 second behind... This one is going to be fun!

ITC has none other than Fred White at the front followed by Stephanie Funk and Michael Goldkuhl! I saw Stephanie come in behind the tow truck after qualifying, let's hope Ed gave her some parts from the ITA car!

Should be underway in about 10minutes or so...

Greg Amy
07-12-2009, 05:02 PM
Interstingly Ed and Victor are the only non miata's until 8th place qualifyer Anthony Ruddy in his CRX with a 1:21.362.
And Anthony is actually in a rented Flatout Miata (problems with his own car)...

07-12-2009, 05:25 PM
we are about Half way in...

ITA: Ed Funk with Victor chasing him down...
ITC: Stephanie Funk with Fred out and Michael Goldkuhl about a lap down
IT7: Norm Latulippe with Micheal Buccella just behind

07-12-2009, 05:39 PM
No changes... Just the leads got bigger!!! Oh and Buddy won the escourt race!!! Great safe race, hope everyone had fun!

07-12-2009, 09:40 PM
Can't figure out how to upload pictures with the I Phone but Eli's car dosn't look to bad, lost a rear wheel though

That sounds better than the phone calls I got at work today. Anyone want to help fix a VW before the LRP Pro IT in 2 weeks???? Pretty please.

Each caller mentions different damage than the previous caller. Not really sure how bad it is yet.

Matt Bal

07-13-2009, 06:37 AM
It was a fun race weekend, at least for everyone who wasn't in race group 2. (Eli excluded, he did not have a good day) I'm not sure what was up with that race group, but there was carnage everywhere on Sunday and their on track time lasted about an hour. Complete with someone who spun behind the pace car and stuffed it into the barrier at 1.
Ed's getting the A car dialed in. He had smooth sailing Sat. and again on Sunday. No mechanical glitches or on track incidents. I had the driver's side CV joint let go about 5 laps in on qualifying. Hence the ride back from safety. :(
Fortunately, we had spares, so with help from Fed White (thank you Fred!) we got it put back together for the race. (man those things blow grease pretty bad when they let loose!)
I was bummed that Fred retired. I think we were setting up to have a lot of fun. He got behind a couple A cars who were holding him up into 3 and I got by him on the inside...kind of a Holy Crap! pass because suddenly the brake lights came on earlier than anticipated and it was hit him or pass him now.
Of course I would NEVER choose to hit someone, so I did the honorable thing and choose to pass. (snicker :rolleyes:)
He told me afterwards that it was right after that moment when he saw his oil pressure had dropped dramatically, so he called it a day.
Too bad, he's a lot of fun to dice with. Ask him about the time we went to Pocono...and he bump drafted me past the kid in the Toyota..ha!
We are looking forward to getting together again at Mid Ohio. All in all, I was pleased with the way the CRX C car turned out after we rebuilt the motor. The paint job will take a little getting used to.....

07-13-2009, 08:24 AM
In group 2 the BMW that spun and hit the wall in turn 1-2 caused the full course yellow... The Neon at start/finish was the one who lost it two laps in on the full course yellow.

07-13-2009, 08:53 AM
Black Betty Racing had a pretty good weekend and I still have not been able to sleep!

Friday was my version of learning to drive on ice. The very much appreciated hand-me-down tires (thanks Andy) had finally given up the fight and I was on the verge of damaging the car I was so slippy. Quick work by Smarty put a newer set of hand-me-down tires (thanks Andy) and things were better.

Surprise myself with a seond place in qualifying on Sat with a decent set of times given the track and gridded next to Ed. I got some greate advice from a friend who advised that I needed to keep my door even with Ed' Door down the straight and through 1 and 2. Well, I needed a new plan about 4 seconds into the race. Some VERY tight and close racing for a few laps until things settled in for a run. Became a bit of a time trial but I could not put a dent in Ed's lead... and I was trying until the last lap when I figured I was done trying to be the hero and should just get the car back. Good lesson... in "just cruising" the last lap I was only about .25 slower that some of "fast laps." I was shaking with adrenaline after the race in the impound :)

I had a HUGE smile on my face and enjoyed the piggie with a beer or two.

Sunday I got some quick coaching on my lap data (thanks Greg) and got faster in my qualifying though I thought I did not have a good run. In the race I tried the "stay on the pole sitter's door" trick again to no avail. Vitor's Acura made me look silly as well. Chris and Linda commented on my first lap turn 3 antics... but again... super close. My gap to Victor was a bit of an accordian... but he was faster.

Thanks to everyone!

Ed Funk
07-13-2009, 09:17 AM
The A car is no where as easy or forgiving to drive as the C cars, very twitchy! None of the fast guys were there (you know who you are) the track seemed slower than in May, my times were off by at least a second compared to May Qual. Pace car brought us down nice and slow, I was 4200 in second, Brad tried to creep me on the start and I just held my RPM, just as he lifted to drop back by me the green waved, I had ~ 4 lengths by 1, and stretched it to a front straight lead by 1/2 race, tried "cruising" but found I was losing concentration so just kept on at 9/10s to win.

Sun was similar except Victor was there and was right behind me on the start and got a better start had his rear bumper at my front bumper at 1, but was able to drive around and started stretching didn't get quite a straight away lead by 1/2 distance, started cruising again and nearly lost it big time in 1-2 and in 6 a couple times. Also was looking for Steph from various vantage points and that also distracted me, had to push or really cruise so dropped back to ~8/10s for the win. Disapointed that Anthony had trans problems, cause we would have had a good race. So I'll take the wins rather than 3rds or 4ths if certain other people had been there. Thanks Andy, Jeff, Tim!

Had a very cool side by side victory lap with Steph on Sun. Apparently the stewards in the tower were talking about us getting together in the corners---they were going to call it a "cluster Funk"---thanks Kathy B!!

Mid -O and the fest is up next for us. You going Andy?

07-13-2009, 09:36 AM
As a note... I was about 5 feet away from the unfortunate Z3 crash in T1 and saw the whole thing coming. If anyone knows the driver and the driver wants to know what I saw happen... please let him know.

07-13-2009, 09:46 AM
Brad, good job!!! Congratulations!!

Had a very cool side by side victory lap with Steph on Sun. ?

Now THAT'S awesome!! How many chances in life do you get to do something like that!!

How about some details everyone?? What happened on the yellow crashes? What happened with the Z3?

Andy Bettencourt
07-13-2009, 02:46 PM
Mid -O and the fest is up next for us. You going Andy?

Congrats to Ed on the wins and everyone who ran fast and safe!!!

Won't be at Mid-Ohio. Jersey this weekend and then the Glen the weekend after. Then a month off...saving for the ARRC.

Looking to fill that toter home bound for the ATL.

07-13-2009, 03:01 PM
Then a month off...saving for the ARRC.

Looking to fill that toter home bound for the ATL.

I'll believe it when I see it. :D

Andy Bettencourt
07-13-2009, 03:07 PM
I'll believe it when I see it. :D

And you would be right to say that Senior Craziness. Gotta have the funds. Thinking I can do it!

Greg Amy
07-13-2009, 03:07 PM
I'll believe it when I see it. :D
Plus eleventy billion...


Andy Bettencourt
07-13-2009, 03:09 PM
Either way the car will be down there. Kip, Boo-hee...someone will drive her.

Greg Amy
07-13-2009, 03:14 PM
...someone will drive her.
I could write something like "Well, we're going to have to change her name to 'The Blue Slut' since everybody's had her", but I won't...

Andy Bettencourt
07-13-2009, 03:41 PM
I could write something like "Well, we're going to have to change her name to 'The Blue Slut' since everybody's had her", but I won't...

More like a high-paid escort...only discriminating drivers may apply... ;)

07-13-2009, 04:39 PM
More like a high-paid escort...only discriminating drivers may apply... ;)

So call her Ashley...

07-13-2009, 04:41 PM
I could write something like "Well, we're going to have to change her name to 'The Blue Slut' since everybody's had her", but I won't...

UMMMM you just said it. ;)

07-13-2009, 06:04 PM
More like a high-paid escort...only discriminating drivers may apply... ;)

Would that make you client number 9 (or 09)?

07-13-2009, 07:10 PM
Had a great race. Improved my best lap time by 5 secs. Thanks to Jason Daoust, a Miata driver who I am in debt to for his timely advice. It worked great!!!!!
Was able to stay on lead lap with the middle pack just up ahead.
Thanks to S. Funk who I was able to follow around the track for many laps, that was fun actually racing another driver instead of just trying to catch up to someone.
Learned to check and insure all ignition wires are firmly secured. Loose coil wire shut down 1st race after 3 laps. Thought engine went again but just an oops!!!
Thanks to Matt Kessler, after a re timing effort engine ran great.
We are coming for Buddy!!!!!!

07-13-2009, 11:37 PM
Had a very cool side by side victory lap with Steph on Sun. Apparently the stewards in the tower were talking about us getting together in the corners---they were going to call it a "cluster Funk"---thanks Kathy B!!

Congrats to Steph and Ed - Hope to see pictures of the victory lap - nice one.

07-14-2009, 02:37 PM

Here are two videos from Sunday of the Pig Roast event.
The first is just a few snippets of the event. Very cool
powered beer cooler... with tandem trailers !! :)


The other is just the start and the restart and a couple
of in car laps...otherwise the in car video was boring.
I did manage to synch the second camera, and flip the image
horizontally, so it appears as a rearview mirror.



07-14-2009, 08:18 PM
Thanks to S. Funk who I was able to follow around the track for many laps, that was fun actually racing another driver instead of just trying to catch up to someone.

Dan, congrats on your second place finish in ITC!!

07-15-2009, 07:54 AM
Dan, congrats on your second place finish in ITC!!
Thanks, It was a lot of work but the results were gratifying. :D I will now attempt to actually place in my class or at least beat Buddy. We are however feeling like real progress is being made. A lot of time is coming off our lap times and the car is handling much better. The help we receive ( not including the good natured ribbing we hear from time to time ) is invaluable and more importantly working.

07-15-2009, 12:14 PM
Dan, congrats on your second place finish in ITC!!

I crack myself up!!


07-15-2009, 01:36 PM
So.. thought I would share a bit of the start and the last lap of the Sunday race.

Have fun...


07-15-2009, 02:28 PM
Congrats to the ITA racers (and IT7 - ITC) for podium finishes. I had visions of a great weekend, but a broken transmission put me out after 1.5 qualifying laps on Saturday. Pretty funny... I could not get into 4th... then it got stuck between gears in 5th. So I looked for a safe spot going into Turn 3. I ducked behind the tires and looked up... there were the stands! I did get to hang out at the fence and talk to my family for a while.

Plan "E" was to rent a ride on Sunday and try to salvage the weekend. The Flatout guys had a Miata available so I hopped in. In typical fashion the RX7 "boyz" gave me quite the hard time back at the paddock. I told them it was not easy deciding whether to drink still or sparkling water as an "arrive and drive" customer. :D

The car felt great in qualifying with only the driver to blame for slow laps times... trying to get used to the car. The Sunday race started well and I was having a blast with plans to move my way up the field. But a broken throttle body shaft ended my drive after about 2-1/2 laps. I have never seen a throttle body shaft break and certainly cannot fault the car prep. Just one of those days. (BTW - the Miata had one of the nicest cages I have seen. Take a peak in one and look at the Nascar door cages)

Needless to say, the weekend was challenging but it was still fun. I'll be back in August to try again.

07-15-2009, 03:03 PM
Anthony, have you driven a Miata before? I'm curious as to how you found the change from your car, both from a drivers perspective and from a handling perspective.

Ed Funk
07-15-2009, 03:46 PM
Anthony, have you driven a Miata before? I'm curious as to how you found the change from your car, both from a drivers perspective and from a handling perspective.

WTF! is everyone going to the dork side?:p

07-15-2009, 08:46 PM
Hey Jeff... yes, I rented one of the Flatout cars a few years ago for a double. From a driver's perspective it is a blast to drive. Visibility took me a bit to get used to with the pillars, cage etc. The side mirrors are set back a bit on the doors so they are not in my peripheral vision. This time I was more comfortable in the car and was able concentrate on braking points and the getting thru the oval quickly.

As for handling - the SM set-up is soft, so a bit of body roll and bounce over bumps. But I am not a fan of a tightly sprung car, so I don't mind the roll/set into a corner. The car brakes really well (I was still trying to shorten my braking point into 3); it turns in very quickly; oversteer is minimal unless you hammer the throttle. And even then, some modulation gets the car back in line pretty quickly.

The power in the Miata SM set-up is lower so it forced me to concentrate on keeping momentum in the corners. (helps for the CRX too) The rear wheel drive is fine and the Miata does not have the throttle understeer we get in the front wheel drive cars when we try to go too fast in a corner.

Overall the Miata is great handling. In an ITA prep, it must be even more fun. But I will let Andy be the expert on that.

07-15-2009, 08:50 PM
. But I will let Andy be the expert on that.

Yeah, but he's never driven a real (FWD) car before..........


Andy Bettencourt
07-15-2009, 11:01 PM
Yeah, but he's never driven a real (FWD) car before...........
Someday you will get a real history lesson. :)

07-16-2009, 07:54 AM
Someday you will get a real history lesson. :)

Parking lots don't count...... :rolleyes:

Andy Bettencourt
07-16-2009, 08:01 AM
parking Lots Don't Count...... :rolleyes:


07-16-2009, 11:20 AM
Big props to Brad for his first time on the podium. Nice work! :026: :smilie_pokal:
Looks like you found your lucky charm!

Wish I could have been there to help.


Ed Funk
07-16-2009, 03:24 PM
Anyone have any photos of Race group 8? Especially the victory lap!

07-19-2009, 10:13 PM
Mentioning pics... if anyone has a good set of #13 ITA pics i would be greatful as I am having dad's company of the car and if anything might help his business in this recession...