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View Full Version : In-car footage from Lap1 of an ITR/S/B race

06-30-2009, 10:46 AM
At least, that's what this reminds me of ... :D


06-30-2009, 11:08 AM
and those F1 drivers complaining that when they get close to another driver their aerodymaic efficency goes to crap.. these guys seem to have figured it out. :happy204:

06-30-2009, 11:38 AM
I went to RI to see these guys last Sat, and man, it's awesome. My favorite part was the high speed low pass right down the flight line. You could see the air piling up in front of the plane. Just wicked. ;)

And there was no charge!

I also loved the (I think) F22 show, which was a single guy hot dogging around. The attitudes that plane can achieve are astounding.

The best part of the show is that you can wait in line for a burger, and not miss a thing, LOL>

If you have a chance to attend one, I highly recommend it. Esp if you have kids.

06-30-2009, 12:22 PM
on air show days when I was a kid my dad would sneak us onto the airport property via ATV to watch them.. it was really cool.

06-30-2009, 12:50 PM
If you are into airshows and like history, there is a great place very close to LRP: http://www.oldrhinebeck.org/ (http://www.oldrhinebeck.org)

They fly WWI biplanes in dogfights, plus you can have a nice little Hudson river valley flight in a 1929 biplane. Airshow with a story around it (for the kids) every weekend in summer Sat & Sun. They also have an extensive museum in the hangars with more planes, cars and other things. There is also a functioning WWI tank.