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View Full Version : GingerMan National-Double Restricted Regional

06-09-2009, 02:09 PM
The entry form for the GingerMan National/Double Restricted IT Regional race is available the South Bend Region website. Racers attending will get $50 off their entry fee for the Grattan race in August.

Not sure what the restricted regional group will be in August. I'll check and post it here.


06-25-2009, 10:03 AM
Anybody going?

06-25-2009, 06:43 PM
Anybody going?
Nope. Done for the year.

06-25-2009, 07:43 PM
nope. haven't started for the year.

IT Fest and ARRC are all that is on my calendar.

06-26-2009, 09:50 AM
Crimeny. I don't want to tow up if there are no IT cars, especially no ITA cars.... :(

R2 Racing
06-26-2009, 11:05 AM
Maybe. I'd much rather be running the Watlkins Glen national the same weekend, but doing this one instead makes much more sense logistically. I'm still up in Wisconsin right now from The Sprints, and could hit this one on my way back home to Columbus. Basically, that makes the tow free. If I do Watkins, I have to make the 9 hour drive from here back to Columbus, make the 7 hour drive to WGI, and then 7 hour drive back. That sounds pretty awful. But, WGI blows Gingerman out of the water and the compeition will be a lot better. So...

06-26-2009, 02:13 PM
I sent the registrar a note asking about IT entries to date....
I had not planned on going, but the weekend opened up for me, haven't been there in two years, and the last time it sucked because the car was overheating due to some tune issues.
But if there are no other ITA cars.... :(

R2 Racing
06-26-2009, 02:42 PM
But if there are no other ITA cars....
...you might win?:shrug:


07-01-2009, 09:39 AM
There aren't a lot of options for regional racers between Memorial day and Labor day and that's why SBR and WMR have added another race group for IT cars at GingerMan and Grattan(hopefully, it will help the our bottom line too).

Right now we only have 4 IT cars, but we expect entries to start piling in over the weekend based on past history. If guys aren't coming, what are the reasons? We're trying to be as user-friendly as possible.

Any input is welocome.


07-01-2009, 10:14 AM
speaking for me personally, we are at a point in our last 2 daughters college careers where they overlap for two years. two kids in college eats into the race budget.

if i can only race twice per year, i want it to be at the larger events. and i live only 40 minutes from Grattan and it is one of my favorite tracks.

07-01-2009, 11:05 AM
Looks like I'm in. Hope the weather is nice.

07-01-2009, 12:10 PM
If guys aren't coming, what are the reasons? We're trying to be as user-friendly as possible.

Any input is welocome.
$ - This is a tough year for the budget. Next year looks much more promising. But Gingerman is not as high on my priority list as Grattan and the IT-Fest.

R2 Racing
07-01-2009, 06:48 PM
Sent my entry in this morning, so that's "+1 FP". Anyone else signed up for that group yet? I'd love to not be completely bored out of my mind.

Oh yeah, and insert another "It's 2009, can't we get some online registration already?!" rant here. Not being able to view an online entry list absolutely has to have an effect on number of entries.

07-01-2009, 07:31 PM
I understand the $ issues. Last year I had two kids in college and was only able to attend two races myself. For those of you going to Grattan, remember we're offering a $50 coupon to drivers who attend both the GingerMan and Grattan National/Regional races. We've talked about creating a "Michigan Championship" of some type for drivers that compete at both venues. Perhaps next year we can get a sponsor or two, and get organized.

Why no on-line entry? Simple...cost. I think it's something like 4% of the entry fee. We're trying to keep costs down and 4% of a $295 entry fee adds up quickly. Maybe we can get a list posted on the South Bend Website? I'll look into this.

Keep the comments coming.

07-01-2009, 09:30 PM
is there a cost for online registration if you send a check via mail?

i signed up online for the IT Spectacular but since i like to minimize on-line credit card use AND because i am guessing they will hold the check til the event, i sent a check in the mail.

is that a possibility? just curious.

tia, tom

Weasel Keeper
07-05-2009, 02:05 AM
Steve, Murfin and I are in with two ITA Neons. Still hoping for more entries, but at least with you...I believe Murfin and you have had some good battles in the past so it should be fun regardless. I'll tell Chad not to wait up for me...heh. It's my first time at Gingerman, but Chad says I have to run it because it's a great course. Looking forward to it!

*damn, was hoping to at least place third* :p

Was hoping to get Dusterburg there with my post in the SCCA forums (Indy region) but no bites.

Tom, Chad called and learned they will hold the check until the event or after.

Weasel Keeper
07-21-2009, 03:49 AM
Too bad there weren't more IT cars, but I had fun anyway. Weird that a few of the SM cars chose to kick our butts in IT and then run the SM race too.

Oh well, probably my last race for the year. Trying to sell a house after I already bought another is putting a bind on my wallet, and now the wife needs cataract surgery on both eyes...oye!

Motor City Hamilton
07-29-2009, 09:13 AM
Here is my video from the Saturday ITA race at Gingerman. Had a blast battling with the ITA Saturn. I ran in full SM trim with the restrictor plate so I was a little under powered. No time between races to pull it.

That was my first national in SM. I am pretty much a regional guy, but wanted to give Gingerman a try. Fun track.



Music by Kittie.
GoPro Hero camera.
Ulead Video Studio software.

07-29-2009, 10:22 AM
Steve - that was a heck of a start! Man that car has some get up and go! Roads - we don't need no stinkin roads... :D

07-30-2009, 08:41 AM
Nice shots Keith, but you should not have followed my line thru T1!!!
Yeah, got one of the better starts I've ever had, to the point that apparantly the Stewards considered having a "talk" with me about it. But I have proof it was clean on my video. Now the agricultural racing at that point, that DID get me a bit of a talking to by a Steward, but my explanation was that I had a run and the lead SM saw me coming and crowded me (I would have done the same thing). So rather than hit him, or check up, I just put two off and let up so I did not improve position. Then of course my brakes went to sh%t and ended up with an off at T11 and filled the radiator full of weeds (they don't mow that particular corner apparantly). Had to pull in early with overheating. Had a great start Sunday as well, same SM in front of me, so I just hit him and pushed him down to T1 on that start. Brakes really went bad and had a complete failure on the right front half way thru. Glad I didn't hit anything, but the ensuing fire on pit road was rather amusing.....

Motor City Hamilton
07-30-2009, 06:58 PM
Your start looks pretty impressive on my video. I couldn't see the flag and by the time I moved over to see it, it was waving.

My off in turn 1 was because the Miata on the inside of me was in full brake lock up (can't see the smoke in my video). I was waiting for him to turn in... waiting... then at the last second he found some grip. At that point I was choosing between being right and doing body work.

Weasel Keeper
08-04-2009, 12:20 AM
Sweet video! Good editing. :)