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View Full Version : Moving pedals and steering wheel...how far back ?

10-23-2008, 03:14 PM
Silly question.

Building a new car and am wondering how far back can you relocate the seat, steering wheel and pedals?
Would pedal extensions be the way or just move the pedals and get longer cables and push rods?

Thanks for any responses

10-23-2008, 03:31 PM
2008 GCR

The driver’s seat (only) shall be replaced with a one-piece
bucket-type race seat. Factory seat tracks/brackets may be
modified, reinforced, and/or removed to facilitate replacement
mountings provided they perform no other function. All other
seats may be removed.

Any steering wheel except wood rimmed types may be used.
Any shift knob may be used.

Modifications may be made to the foot pedals to improve the
comfort of and control accessibility to the driver.

So... you can put the seat really anywhere you want. You can extend the steering wheel as much as you'd care to and the pedal extensions should fall under "pdeals covers", IMO. You can NOT move the actual pdeal assembly.

You may also want to think about the shifter... you can bend the shifter above where it enters the car. Think "inventively" about the Shift Knob allowance and I think you can make your idea work pretty well :)

BTW, what are you building?


Ed Funk
10-23-2008, 03:33 PM
Don't think you can move the pedal or steering wheel mounting locations, pretty sure you can bend the pedals, and pads and put a steering hub modification.

:cool:Or you could get stilts and arm extenders!:p

10-23-2008, 03:35 PM
There is a limit to this. Somewhere on this board are pictures of some guy, ITB Volvo I think, who basically used extensions to place the driver near the center of the car and almost in the back seat for better weight distribution. I kid you not.

I can't remember which rule ultimatley prohibited this, but there was one.

10-23-2008, 03:40 PM
Just the man I knew would have the answer...lol after seeing your car I got the idea to do this.

I am building a 1st gen Saturn SC2 1995 model it's shorter wheel base and lighter weight I might be able to keep up with your new one... lol

I am planning on doing the pedal extensions or covers as the rule book says..
I have shifter cables that can be made longer....is that legal ?

10-23-2008, 03:42 PM
Non-stock shifter cables: illegal.

10-23-2008, 03:44 PM
Modifications may be made to the foot pedals to improve the
comfort of and control accessibility to the driver.

I have not looked in the book but based on what this says, get your cut off wheel and welder out.

10-23-2008, 03:51 PM
Just the man I knew would have the answer...lol after seeing your car I got the idea to do this.

I am building a 1st gen Saturn SC2 1995 model it's shorter wheel base and lighter weight I might be able to keep up with your new one... lol

I am planning on doing the pedal extensions or covers as the rule book says..
I have shifter cables that can be made longer....is that legal ?


Hmmmm... another Lunchbox? Why not a Honda... you know that's what all the fast guys drive (well, except the ones who don't drive a Honda) ;) Seriously though, sounds like a cool car! Can't wait to see it out on track!

Non-stock shifter cables: illegal.


But you could bend your sifter to a 90* angle pointed toward the rear of the car and then attach a shift knob shaped like an "L" to get it further back and then "upright" relative to the driver.

Something like this where the "*" is where the bent shifter and shift knob connect.



10-23-2008, 08:04 PM
Something like this where the "*" is where the bent shifter and shift knob connect.



So that's what "inventively" means eh? nice...

10-23-2008, 09:27 PM
There is a limit to this. Somewhere on this board are pictures of some guy, ITB Volvo I think, who basically used extensions to place the driver near the center of the car and almost in the back seat for better weight distribution. I kid you not.

Yeah-and drove it from NJ to Atlanta towing a Coleman camper, but I digress.
It was a 4 door and if I wanted to I could pay tolls thru the rear window. At the time we weren't allowed to "adjust" the pedal position for driver "comfort" so that, and the fact that the up-axis of the steering column put the wheel in your field of vision, were limiting factors. I moved the accelerator pedal back 4" under the provision allowing modification of external carburettor(s) or FI linkeages. It had the long "majic wand" shifter which lent itself well to an 8 black"knob" that looked more like a sex toy. The seat was against the tunnel AND leaned towards the centerline which really was more comfy than one would suppose, especially in right turns! If you do the math, moving one 190lb turd back 12" in the middle of a 2400lb car doesn't change corner weights very much-but I think driving to the false grid looking out the rear window may have had a psychological effect on the technically challenged. Early on I started moving the seat a bit further foward before the start. Even then, sitting so much farther back in the car made the left fender an impediment to vision-the exit of the uphill at Limerock beacame an act of faith! And it was found legal by the national court after a NYR techie sent an RFA to the stewards at my second event where the stewards found it illegal but could not/would not specify the rule they made their decision by. Phil

10-23-2008, 09:53 PM
So that's what "inventively" means eh? nice...

:shrug: the rules are the rules... :D

10-24-2008, 01:12 PM
"If you do the math, moving one 190lb turd back 12" in the middle of a 2400lb car doesn't change corner weights very much-"
But moving the center of that mass 8"(?) laterally sure does! I forgot that.

10-31-2008, 03:43 PM
I read this question and the first thing I thought of was "Phil Hunt and Matilda are the ultimate expression of this rule" - glad to see you posted here. Watching Phil go into Big Bend sitting in nearly the backseat was wonderful just as a spectator.

Ed Funk
10-31-2008, 04:19 PM
----and racing with him was kinda thrilling too!---especially on the pace lap when he was warming up the Street TD's!:eek:

10-31-2008, 04:52 PM
Are you calling me a 190lb turd? :D

10-31-2008, 08:11 PM
I think more like 180

11-01-2008, 04:07 PM
Ouch! :d