Enduro tires?


New member
At the end of the month my dad and I are planning on running a small club (EMRA) 2 hour enduro at Pocono. He'll also be running the sprint race the day before. I don't want to put on the brand new Hoosiers for this... What cheaper and perhaps longer lasting tire should I look at? I'm thinking either Toyo or Hancook, but I'm not up on what flavor of those I should look at. The car is an ITB Volvo 142E. Thx in advance.

We've been running the same set of 3 year old hoosiers on our itc car in mini enduros, they're hard but they last and they still seem to stick, we were within 1/2 sec of the itc record at Pocono in a three hour in July---and we were short shifting!
From what I hear, Toyo RA1s are a good choice for endurance races. They're cheap, last a long time, and stick relatively well for an R-compound. Plus, you can run these unshaved if you had to, as long as you take care not to overheat them.
Completely my $0.02 but if you're used to running Hoosiers, then I'd run Hoosiers. The newer compounds don't cycle out quickly and they last plenty long for me. Toyo's are a mixed bag for me. They don't cost much less than R6's after you factor in shaving them for dry usage, they've got sluggish turn-in, and squeal like a pig when pushed hard. I bought one set of them and have never gone back. Besides, you've presumably got your car set-up for R6's and Toyo's will be a whole new learning curve (most folks I've spoken to run considerably more camber with the Toyo's).

I've heard good stuff about some of the newer compounds by Hankook... mostly that they're about as sticky as R6's and wear about the same. They may be a bit cheaper... I dunno.

I've heard good stuff about some of the newer compounds by Hankook... mostly that they're about as sticky as R6's and wear about the same. They may be a bit cheaper... I dunno.


Ooh that's good news. I had Hoosier R5s and they were sticky, but their super sized tires rub on my fuel filler. Seems to me the Hankooks wear better too. I have C51 Hankooks coming.
The Nitto NT1 is a great enduro tire. They've won some of the big ones, such as the 25 Hours at Thunderhill. Not as sticky as the Hoosiers or the Hankooks but better than the RA1s, IMO. Absolutely indestructible and a great value. http://www.discounttiredirect.com sells them.
Look at the BFG's,we used them at the 12 of Summit and they rocked.We tested both Hoosier and BFG and were very surpised and happy since they are $20 cheaper per tire that they handled the same or better then Hoosier and lasted much longer.We haven't corded a set yet.The car is Type R.Good luck.
Used Toyo RA-1's at the Longest Day with good results. Do feel a little squirlie at first but nothing unsettling.

On my own car (I was driving for Murfin Racing at Nelson) I've been using Hankook Ventus c-30 compound and they seem to do well. Ran a set at the Indy Grand Prix 1 hour enduro and they didn't even look worn afterwards, yet stuck well.
