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View Full Version : Opel Manta brake question

07-29-2008, 10:03 AM
I have a friend with an Opel Manta GT who is having problems finding front brake calipers. Any ideas?

Scott Franklin
www.NutDriver.org (http://www.NutDriver.org)
[email protected]

07-29-2008, 09:56 PM
Wow, that is obscure. That said, there's a guy at Waterford used to race GT's - shall have to hit him up...

07-29-2008, 10:09 PM
A friend of mine's father has an Opel GT; I shot him an e-mail when I saw this and got a quick reply back.

He said to check with this fellow in Germany, Dr. Manta or something:


I see two different Manta A series calipers on there, not cheap though, 239 and 279 Euros respectively......

07-30-2008, 08:05 AM
I've got a 74 Manta I'm thinking about making into a B car..

Here is Opel-freak mecca: http://opelgt.com/

There's a racer forum, a brake forum, and classifieds.. these guys can help I know.

07-30-2008, 08:17 AM
I'd seriously consider trying to rebuild any that he might have laying about. It's going to be tougher than going to the NAPA and asking for a rebuild kit but there are a limited number of seal dimensions in the world, and they are probably the same size as something of similar vintage but more readily available. Strip 'em, get them boiled out at a real machine ship, hone the bores, and get creative about finding parts...


07-30-2008, 08:22 PM
There's a fellow up in Vermont - Jim McMahn (sp?) who is very successful in his when he runs it. He's had Opels for years.

07-31-2008, 10:25 AM
His name escapes me now (senior moment) but there is an Opel racer in Columbia, SC who has many various Opels at his shop. I believe he's a CCR member.

08-02-2008, 02:27 PM
Olin Gayle I think.

08-02-2008, 02:54 PM
I have a Opel Gt.
I get most of my parts from Gil at GT source.
Opelgt.com has a great write up on rebuilding and replacing the calipers for racing.
Here is a pic of my baby!