View Full Version : Cold Air Intake Query Por Favor

05-22-2008, 07:04 PM
I'm not really looking for a discussion and opinions in this thread. Nor, do I need to be pointed to the section in the GCR that addresses cold air intakes. Nor, do I need a cut and paste from the book. We all have the black book and have studied it diligently.

Since Internet discussions get hijacked/side tracked, I thought I'd clarify what I'm asking, before someone interprets my question in their own mind and decides what I might want to hear based on what's on their mind. If you voice your mind, please be so kind to also answer the question.

It is simple and direct:

Q1. Could someone point me to the threads where the cold air intake has been discussed in depth?

I have done numerous searches :024:for a decent amount of time. There are limitations with the Search function only allowing words greater than 3 characters. As you might note: "air" is a three letter word. So "cold" and "intake" yield small results and I'm relatively certain there are in depth threads on this subject based on some comments I've found.

Thank you in advance and sorry to sound so curt with my request.
Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.


05-22-2008, 08:09 PM
I do not know of the threads you are referring to but this may help you find them, you can search for "air intake" and make sure to use quotes, it works rather than just air intake without quotes. "Air intake" in quotes brought up a few pages which might yield what you want. Anytime you search for something in quotes it will look for that exact phrase and you don't have the 3 character problem.