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04-21-2008, 10:11 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,boys and girls,lets all step right up and applaud CFR on reinstating the May enduro as an ECR,arguably the best and most prestigious amateur enduro series ever conceived, at the legendary crucible of speed that is Daytona.
That being said, and thrilling that it is so, the schedule that the race board has arrived at is, well.....ludicrous.
The ECR run groups,by far the largest,and mostly supported by travelling teams,are to be subjected to a schedule that has us qualifying as the roosters crow on Saturday morning(one session only), and racing as the thunder rolls on Sunday afternoon,groups last,and next to last,thank you very much.
It is somewhat amusing that, knowing the weather patterns in Central Florida during the summer months, the race board would choose to schedule the largest,and longest running (and,admittedly most troublesome to t&s) run group during the time of day when weather could most disrupt the proceedings.
I believe that I speak for the majority of us when I respectfully request that the race board revisits and revamps the ECR schedule( a la 1999,2000,2006,etc) in the interest that we don't have to be subjected to a race result that may be weather tainted.

Just my 2 pesos worth.

David Leira


Chris Wire
04-22-2008, 12:30 AM

I did not get a Christmas card this past December from CFR due to my comments following the same race schedule last year. The small-bore enduro ran first and ended up with nearly the entire second half of the race in the rain. Well at least they raced.

The big-bore group was removed from the grid and sent home due to....you guessed it.....rain. Except that it never rained. The rain stopped after the first enduro and never returned. I guess the Speedway had a hand in it, but no matter.

Too late. Too bad.

Congrats on the ECR though!

I don't think that the schedule will change from this point forward, since the Nat guys get the love. We're just "fill". Could you imagine the outcry last year had some Nat'l classes been sent home off the grid? Now you see my point.

What's a powerless, regional-only class racer to do?

04-22-2008, 08:58 AM
Chris;Nat guys?....Love? We are the biggest run group and yet again get the short end of the stick,schedule wise. Oh well,Iguess the Nat guys' @#$%! dont stink.
You know who

04-24-2008, 12:21 PM
Chris;Nat guys?....Love? We are the biggest run group and yet again get the short end of the stick,schedule wise. Oh well,Iguess the Nat guys' @#$%! dont stink.
You know who

Hey now.
I'm in National run group 5 and we have double the number of cars in BP at Daytona compared to the turnout at the January Nationals at Sebring.
(4 vs 2)

(Thanks to Mr. Mauney for running his BMW in BP for the National.)

04-24-2008, 12:34 PM
A couple of notes about the entries in the ECR:

74 cars in run group 6 ( ITB, ITC, SMEnd, SSBEnd, SSCEnd)
There is an 1995 VW Jetta in ITB driven by some guy named Randy Pobst.:eclipsee_steering:
Were is Paul McNamara? He was on the entry list a few weeks ago.:o

58 cars in run group 7 ( IT7, ITA, ITR, ITS)
Is Barry going to set a new track record in IT7?:smilie_pokal:
Who is this 'Hollywood' person in ITS? :shrug:

05-01-2008, 12:55 PM
102 Drivers entered in Group 6
The weather for Sunday's ECR isnt looking so good:(
From Weather Channel .com:

05-01-2008, 01:15 PM
See what the National guys have to say about the IT racers.



05-01-2008, 01:17 PM
I really hope I'm wrong,but it's looking like..."I told ya so"
Central Florida...summer weather...thunderstorms.
I'd take those odds to the casino anyday.

05-05-2008, 05:26 PM
I too agree that I was concerned about the weather. It would be really nice to start in the morning. The good news was the weather held out and I had one of my best runs. 4th in class for ITA group. One position shy of a podium. Jim and Chris it was really good seeing you all at Daytona. Chris thanks again for the push start.

05-05-2008, 08:23 PM
Well,I started off my last post by saying " I really hope I'm wrong...", and my wish was granted. We couldn't have hoped for better weather or a better run event. I guess it's now everybody's turn to tell me...I told ya so.
Thanks CFR and all its officials and workers for a great race weekend!

05-05-2008, 09:31 PM
This sounds great to run ECR again, I quit racing in 2002 mostly because there was no point in racing without a goal every 3 or 4 weeks. I drove the 45 ITA MR-2 in 2000 & 2001 it was really fun, but lost its apeal after some dispute with managementof CFR & ECR.

I would like to produce a video of every race, track view and incar, Just a thought. I have alot of really cool incar from the 2000 season.

Is Lowes speedway still on? :eclipsee_steering:

05-11-2008, 09:25 AM
Just a quick note, The Enduro guys all did a great job, I will take my Enduro's over National classes every time for great racing and just plain fun. Group six got a little bit sloppy, but group seven was oustanding. You guys and gals rock, thanks for a great weekend.

Krys Dean, ECR Chief Steward, South