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View Full Version : Lowe's cancelled again

Marlboro Mafia
11-26-2007, 10:13 AM
Per the SeDiv site.

Ron Earp
11-26-2007, 11:07 AM
What happened this time???????????

11-26-2007, 01:41 PM
Where did this information come from?? It is still on the 08 schedule.

Marlboro Mafia
11-26-2007, 01:41 PM
Just checked the schedule again and it's on there now. What's up with that?

11-26-2007, 01:55 PM
See the thread in the MARRS scheduling forum. They aren't coming; they claim it is cancelled as well.

11-26-2007, 02:02 PM
Say it ain't so, Joe. Say it ain't so.

Marlboro Mafia
11-26-2007, 02:02 PM
Steve, what's the official response from CCR? I had heard elsewhere that it was cancelled, that's why I was watching the schedule.

11-26-2007, 02:15 PM
See the thread in the MARRS scheduling forum. They aren't coming; they claim it is cancelled as well.
What I said was...

Originally posted by Moi
Interesting...as of a couple of weeks ago that event was showing as "canceled" on the tentative SEDiv schedule.
The version of the tentative schedule that was posted just prior to 11/1/07 (I believe it was dated 10/26 or close to that) showed the event as being cancelled (ie. there was a strike through it). It no longer appears that way in the current version of the tentative schedule.

We northerners just found it interesting at our last CC meeting that both that event and the Mother's Day NCR event at VIR were listed as SARRC/MARRS even though we had not committed to attending either.

11-26-2007, 02:18 PM
Deleted because Gregg beat me to it.

11-26-2007, 02:18 PM
Sorry Gregg, did not mean to misquote you.

I just spoke with our RE (Mark Senior). He is well aware that VIR May is NOT a MARRS event; I think all of us here in NCR are a bit saddened by that but understand some of the reasons for it. I suspect the listng on the schedule of SARRC/MARRS is a typo.

Steve E. - what is the official word on Lowe's?

Marlboro Mafia
11-26-2007, 02:19 PM
Maybe my computer was looking at a cached version.

11-26-2007, 02:24 PM
Deleted because Gregg beat me to it.
And as for the June Jam date, that does now conflict with the 12hrs at the Point. That is because once the decision not to head on down to Lowes was made, the MARRS 2 date, was swapped with the original date (May 30/31) so that all of the Summit MARRS events fall at the end of the month.

11-26-2007, 02:47 PM
Bear in mind people that these schedules were submitted in June at the mid year meeting and had to reflect the regions plans. Both the VIR and Lowes events were being talked about as MARRS points events. MARRS has made the decision to play at home this year for various reasons so they will not be points races for them. We are sorry as this would have been a great crossover. We look forward to working with them in the future. The Lowes race is still on the schedule for now. Will let you know if that changes so we can skip the speculation.

11-26-2007, 03:00 PM
Bear in mind people that these schedules were submitted in June at the mid year meeting and had to reflect the regions plans. Both the VIR and Lowes events were being talked about as MARRS points events. MARRS has made the decision to play at home this year for various reasons so they will not be points races for them. We are sorry as this would have been a great crossover. We look forward to working with them in the future. The Lowes race is still on the schedule for now. Will let you know if that changes so we can skip the speculation.

I (as in my opinion and not an official position of either the WDCR BoD or the competition committee) think that MARRS and Charlotte Motor Speedway won't mix as long as all of the racing takes place on Sunday after noon. I could be wrong about this, but I think this would be a major sticking point for MARRS agreeing to race, as a series, at thie venue.

If, however, some of the races were held on Saturday night............ The place has lights, doesn't it? IT and SS cars have lights, don't they? :P

11-26-2007, 03:03 PM
If, however, some of the races were held on Saturday night............ The place has lights, doesn't it? IT and SS cars have lights, don't they? :P

Now I would MAKE that trip ;)

11-26-2007, 03:08 PM
I (as in my opinion and not an official position of either the WDCR BoD or the competition committee) think that MARRS and Charlotte Motor Speedway won't mix as long as all of the racing takes place on Sunday after noon. I could be wrong about this, but I think this would be a major sticking point for MARRS agreeing to race, as a series, at thie venue.

If, however, some of the races were held on Saturday night............ The place has lights, doesn't it? IT and SS cars have lights, don't they? :P
The plan was to run into Sat. night under the lights. We still might if other plans work out. :P

11-26-2007, 03:55 PM
The plan was to run into Sat. night under the lights. We still might if other plans work out. :P

Somehow that information never got transmitted to us... or did it?

11-26-2007, 04:42 PM
What I said was...

We northerners [/b]

What the hell is with "WE"? You got a mouse in your pocket, and the last damn time I looked, VA is below the Mason- Dixon line! (which I've pissed on many a times) ;) I also had to laugh that Butch Kummer mentioned that Norther yankee carpet baggers stole the runoffs. Now I'm from Pennsylvania and I'm a damn yankee/ northerner. :D

11-26-2007, 08:58 PM
I'm from Pennsylvania and I'm a damn yankee/ northerner. :D

Nah, to be a "damn yankee" you'd have to live down here. Yankees that stay up north don't make us no nevermind. But we ain't got much truck with them what stays down here. :D

11-27-2007, 09:36 PM
Nah, to be a "damn yankee" you'd have to live down here. :D

.... Now I know why I have such a hard time getting along with you guys (Or should I say Ya'll) down here.....LOL

11-27-2007, 10:07 PM
The plan was to run into Sat. night under the lights. We still might if other plans work out. :P

Enduro?? Night Enduro??? Night ARRC style Enduro where guys like me(V8) are allowed to play????

11-28-2007, 09:38 AM
(Or should I say Ya'll)

Well, technically, it's Y'all. But it's pretty humorous to be a stickler about an abuse of language like that. :P

11-28-2007, 02:36 PM
The plan was to run into Sat. night under the lights. We still might if other plans work out. :P

:023: Cool. NASA did a night race there back in 02 and it was AWESOME!

One word of warning, while the oval is very well lit, the infield is dark as hell. NASA had lighting which lit the track, but it was very hard to see the corner workers.

Make sure you guys have enough light for the track and to light up the corners so drivers can see the flags and workers.

11-28-2007, 05:59 PM
Well, technically, it's Y'all. But it's pretty humorous to be a stickler about an abuse of language like that....quote

Yes, "youse guys" is much less an abuse of language. :D

Actually "ya'll" as a contraction for "you all" to differentiate from a singular "you" is grammatically correct as long as the speaker is addressing more than one person.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D

11-28-2007, 06:07 PM
Down my way, we talk like this:

Sneep dribbledrabbum! Uk ok mangoduh slipshimop. Malswink, comloplop sa robbleriddag.

11-28-2007, 06:20 PM
Hey Jeff, my father was from Dunn, NC, and he nevah tawlked like tha'at.

11-28-2007, 07:24 PM
Down my way, we talk like this:

Sneep dribbledrabbum! Uk ok mangoduh slipshimop. Malswink, comloplop sa robbleriddag.


..... I worry about you sometimes. You been sniffin the coon dung again.

..... Save it for later, it's to early in the day for the scuppernong .... (yeah I know about that high fullutin stuff, Take a trip never leave the farm) B)

11-29-2007, 01:24 AM
Coon dung is good for the soul! Aswiphansa meecmalop. Riteslipe con snuggunbuggum.

Man I miss me some Boone's Farm. Had to stop drinking that shit at age 18. After that, allegedly too old and too mature for wino wine.

Marlboro Mafia
11-29-2007, 09:56 PM
Coon dung is good for the soul! Aswiphansa meecmalop. Riteslipe con snuggunbuggum.

Man I miss me some Boone's Farm. Had to stop drinking that shit at age 18. After that, allegedly too old and too mature for wino wine.

The last time I drank Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill, um, competively I was bounced from the local bar. Seems I was singing that Achy Breaky Heart Song at full volume, but changing the word heart to a word sometimes used as a nickname for Richard.

Man I hated that song.

11-30-2007, 12:42 AM
Mad Dog 20-20 was the only way to go.

11-30-2007, 12:56 AM
and it came in several flavors for each day of the weekend!

Orange Jubilee!
A sort of lime green mush!
Traditional grape for Sunday morning!

11-30-2007, 08:52 AM
A couple of years ago I was invited to a dinner and when I offered to bring something wine was requested. As a joke I also brought a bottle of Mad Dog. That crap tasted like grape juice and Golden Grain mixed together. It was undrinkable.

I poured it out and kept the bottle only to refill it with some good wine for the next party joke.

Ron Earp
11-30-2007, 09:02 AM
MD Orange was right on. It was perfect for riding up and down elevators and picking up chicks.

That other stuff was good too.

"What's the word?"

"How's it sold?"
Good and cold!

"What's the price?"
Forty twice!

11-30-2007, 05:01 PM
Then there's "SupperTime Wine Time."

I think we've touched on all the major bouquets. We are indeed connoisseurs.

Pass the Red, White , and Blue. An RWB will clean off my taste buds.

11-30-2007, 05:37 PM
Blue Nun
Cold Duck
Night Train

Many moore to discuss...

11-30-2007, 06:56 PM
But Jeff how could you mention Blue Nun in the same context as MD? Their Liebfraumilch was so much less "full-bodied'" and it had a cork. What fine "drink from the vine" comes without a screw-off top?

I've had it with you effete winetoddlers, I'm gonna go drink my Iron City and maybe I've got a Schlitz left around here somewhere??!

11-30-2007, 08:27 PM
This is true, the Nun may have had a cork. Night Train was a screw on, I am pretty sure.

Iron City ain't bad! We have a bar around here that has a special on Goebbels. The French beer. Tastes like the country.

11-30-2007, 08:39 PM
My step son just moved up to NC near lowes. I would like to race up threre in 08. Are new dates firm? CFR ITS58 :biggrinsanta:

11-30-2007, 08:45 PM
Yea, the French can't make beer, and the Germans can't make wine. Maybe that's why they couldn't get along?

Curious however the French would name a beer after Goebbels, maybe they were just getting even knowing how bad it would be..

11-30-2007, 11:02 PM
Lawnman -- yes, I think we are confirmed for June. Check out www.sedivracing.org. Schedule is there.

GRJones, I guess it is actually spelled Goebel, so not quite the Nazi mastermind analogy we thought. Still odd though.......

12-18-2007, 03:23 PM
Well the title of this thread is now self fulfilling. The CCR BOD voted to remove this race from our schedule. We are looking at options to replace it but do not expect an announcement anytime soon.

Factors leading to this decision:

Pending closure at the time of Lowes by owners that put all race dates there on hold.
MARRS series decided to stay home this year for all races and just a SARRC was too big a risk.
The expected rate increase that made it even less of a possible break even event.
Economy that is expected to see a drop in numbers at many races.

Long story short we have made the decision to bag it for 08 and focus on our National in Feb. at CMP and Memorial day double SARRC/CCPS/ECR at CMP. We are looking at adding a time trial or PDX to Monday as we will be racing Saturday and Sunday with a similar schedule to last year. Worked well to give the drivers with a long tow Monday to get home. Wanted to get this out so you can plan your race schedule for 08.

We would also like to encourage some of you to try hillclimbs this year. We have 2 of the best sites we have ever run. Wolf Ridge, and Eagles Nest.

Thanks to all that supported CCR races in 07 and we look forward to another great year.

Steve Eckerich
Assistant RE CCRSCCA

12-18-2007, 04:36 PM
Dang -- that stinks.

Any chance you guys can contact Andy Hillenburg and move the date to Rockingham???

12-18-2007, 05:05 PM
I already had Lowe’s on my calendar. :(

That’s OK as The Monster was my next choice. Maybe next year I’ll get the chance to run the banking. :023:

12-18-2007, 05:05 PM
I'd go for that. Attended and attempted to run this event last year. Can't say that the infield is as good as Lowe's, but I had a blast. Towing through Monroe sucked, but I liked the track and had a blast. Would love to see this happen. How can I help, Steve?

Scott Franklin

12-19-2007, 10:44 AM
Towing through Monroe sucked, but I liked the track and had a blast.[/b]

How were the transitions? Also, I travel that stretch of 74 on business and it all sucks. They need to make the "future I-74 corridor" happen now. If Rockingham ain't in the middle of nowhere, then I'm pretty sure it's nearby.

12-19-2007, 11:00 AM
On and off the banking? The transition off the backstraight was not too bad. Just a bit slippery.

Onto turn 3 banking can be a problem if you hit it wrong and go straight up the hill. All in all, probably similar to Charlotte and much better than Nashville.

The Rock is only about 90 minutes from Raleigh. Bring it on CCR!

Gary Gentry
12-19-2007, 11:16 AM
How were the transitions? Also, I travel that stretch of 74 on business and it all sucks. They need to make the "future I-74 corridor" happen now. If Rockingham ain't in the middle of nowhere, then I'm pretty sure it's nearby.

Middle of Nowhere is just right down the road from there.....headed South, me thinks

I had a blast at Rockinham this year....it was my first race as a novice. There was much talk, prior, of a "poor transition" out of the infield onto Nascar 4 and I saw many drivers having some trouble there because they chose to try to get up onto the banking too soon (really no need to do that as far as I could tell). I'll definitely go back this year. It'll be intersting to see if the new ownership is doing any general "sprucng up" of the grounds...irrespective, it's great that they are welcoming us with open arms.

And I would have liked to be able to run Lowes this year....have been to quite a few SEDiv events there and it looks like a cool track to run. Oh well....

12-19-2007, 09:22 PM
The transition back onto the oval at T4 is AWFUL if you bonehead it and decide that carrying speed into and through the chicane is more important than getting a good exit from it onto the longest straight on the course. I saw a person (who I believe was a first time competitor) actually snap the RF corner off of their Honda in T4 from pounding straight onto the banking at a 90* angle. However, most people entered the oval from the apron just before the beginning of pit wall. Pretty darned smooth that way!

Marlboro Mafia
12-21-2007, 09:54 PM
I was at the Rockingham admin office yesterday on another subject. Did not talk to new owner but to his 2nd in charge. In casual conversation he seemed very open to SCCA.

12-27-2007, 05:19 PM
It is disappointing the race at Lowe's was cancelled. I don't understand why more people didn't attend that race in the past. Maybe people are intimidated by a real racetrack. I enjoyed every second of the IT race and the ECR two years ago.

But, if Lowe's isn't on the schedule I say put Rockingham in place of that date. The transition off the back stretch into the infield is just fine and an excellent place to pass. The transition onto the banking in NASCAR 4 is not an issue either as long as you don't head straight up the banking coming out of the turn. It doesn't take much to stay on the apron until the angle of the track to the apron decreases and you can make a smooth transition. Hitting the banking immediately is a good way to add a full second to your lap time anyway.

I really enjoyed Rockingham last year and would like to see it on the schedule several times.