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View Full Version : Shifting Gears

Andy Bettencourt
10-31-2007, 09:33 PM
Nice job Butch!!!!


Butch Kummer
10-31-2007, 10:39 PM
Thank you, Sir. Anything for my adoring public - both of them! B)

Once they get it archived I'll put the link on here, but I got a call this afternoon asking me to call into the SCCA radio show "Shifting Gears" to do a little promo for the ARRC by GRM. I didn't need something else added to my hectic schedule, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to tell folks about this little event we got planned for next week.

296 cars currently registered for the sprint races, then 60+ for both the Pro-IT and the Enduro - ought to be a helluva show!

11-01-2007, 07:51 AM
Sandy and Fletcher are going to have their hands REALLY FULL fitting all of us in the paddock this year.

Pro Paddock?

Butch Kummer
11-01-2007, 09:02 AM
Yes, the paddock will be tight, but if we all work together we believe we can get everyone in. Using the Pro Paddock solves some problems but creates additional ones (logistics of getting cars on the track when a group is pitted on both sides, Impound, avoiding an "us vs. them" situation, etc.) that we're not prepared to deal with right now. That said, we expect the association with GRM to help us continue to grow the event, so we'll need to address the issues of using the Pro Paddock before the 2008 event.

For the two of you that might be interested, the link to RacinBoys follows. My effort is near the end of the second segment: http://www.racinboys.com/home/video_view/video_id/585

See you guys in a week...

11-01-2007, 11:01 AM
As a consistent reader of this forum and a SE region racer I am familiar with most of the posts and how more often than it should the "discussions" get very critical of the VOLUNTEERS that provide the logistics and infrastructure that allows us to pursue our hobby. (well ok it's a hobby for me and does NOT define my self image)

I for one just want to say a BIG thank you to Butch, Fletcher/Sandi, Atlanta Region, SCCA BoD . . . .

All is NOT perfect but it sure is fun to go to the ARRC, Gobblins, Stark, Farrier . . . . . and have a great time, see friends and fellow competitors and simply enjoy an activity that in the relative scale of things VERY FEW people get to experience.

I'm NOT a fan type, never have been never will be. I'd much rather spend my $250 going to and PARTICIPATING in a race however insignificant it may be than spending it to fund Jeff's run at the Chase at Lowes or Martinsville or wherever.

Sure, $3+ per gallon for diesel is starting to get my shorts in a bunch and it WILL cause constraints for next year.

Still for my perspective a few $hundred for a full weekend of track time, socializing with folks that enjoy the same stuff I do and doing a reality check on how skilled I think I am as apposed to what I actually am! is money well spent.

Thanks guys and gals for your VOLUNTEERING I for one appreciate it and will continue to support MY sport as long as Georgie leaves me any disposable?? income.

Travers Tapper
ITS 19