View Full Version : Which is cheaper??

10-15-2007, 02:54 PM
Well, I've been married for more than 6 months now and I need the group's help again. The spirited discussions that we had about marriage versus racing have let me to pick the community brain about the expense of racing versus kids. I got my wife a kitten hoping that it would do the trick, but her biological clock just keeps ticking. I wonder if Al Qaeda hasn't planted a bomb in her womb!! Well, I'll be 40 in about four weeks and she'll be 37 in about 11 weeks. Since my argument that puppies and kittens can be taken to the humane society has fallen on deaf ears, I need your help with the question of which is cheaper and/or more rewarding, racing or children?

Greg Amy
10-15-2007, 02:57 PM
I'm not touchin' this one with a ten-foot pole...

steve b
10-15-2007, 03:08 PM
If you think you will EVER have kids, HAVE THEM NOW!! DO NO WAIT ANY LONGER!! It only gets harder as you get older. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

The most expensive? paying for your kids to race. (probably the most rewarding also)

10-15-2007, 03:16 PM
If you don't want kids, you don't deserve them, and they certainly don't deserve you. Sorry if that's harsh. :014:

But then if you didn't want kids you would have had your tubes cut by now wouldn't you?

Have them NOW or not at all! :bash_1_:

10-15-2007, 03:18 PM
I'm not touchin' this one with a ten-foot pole...


10-15-2007, 03:28 PM
Kids are more fun than racing :026: Seeing the look on my 9 year olds face after meeting Dan Wheldon this past Friday at Barber was priceless. You can mix kids and racing to the benefit of the kids if you do it right.

A's = "go kart seat time" is a helluva incentive for a kid that grows up helping hobby racer dad in the garage.

Ditto the above about not waiting, my biggest regret is waiting as long as we did, and we started in our late 20's. We had to stop at three, we'd have had more if we'd started earlier.

You can still drive a racecar when your old, but playing soccer in the backyard with the kids when your old involves trips to the ER :rolleyes:

What I'm doing is "keeping my toe" in the racing water by racing a few times a year. These days, I'm there to hang out with friends more than I am there to "race".

When the kids are older, and "too cool to hang out with dad", then I'll get serious about racing. That will last a few years until the grandkids show up, and I'll repeat the cycle again!

Which is cheaper? Racing is, by far. But there is a much better ROI on kids!

My .02

Andy Bettencourt
10-15-2007, 03:36 PM
Having kids, buying your first house, and racing - all things you can't really afford - you just DO it.

10-15-2007, 03:50 PM
I was in a similar situation about 9 years ago except for the part being married for 6 months. It was more like ten years. Anyway, my wife wanted kids and I did not. Long story short we now have two kids. I hope this has helped.

Seriously, as long as one of you really wants to have children and agrees to handle all the maintenance that is mandatory 24/7 with kids from conception to college while the other gets to live his, err, I mean, their life as before which shall include but is not limited to partying late, riding Harleys and racing whatever, while at the same time taking on the responsibility of providing discipline and financial well being for everyone, it can work.

As far as being expensive, kids are a relative thing, pun intended. They are also the experience of your lifetime. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll smile and you’ll swear but in the end kids are something I wouldn’t want to have missed out on.

10-15-2007, 03:54 PM
Having kids, buying your first house, and racing - all things you can't really afford - you just DO it.

Ding Ding Ding :smilie_pokal:

10-15-2007, 04:08 PM
I've got to agree that if one of you are not on board with having children, then you probably shouldnt.

Your life will not be the same AK (after kids). And, it shouldnt be either. Your spare time should include your children...even if they are working out in the garage on the car with you...or riding on you lap on the mower...etc...

There really shouldnt be a "hands off" attitude with your children, just my opinion. You may miss the free time out with buddies at the bar that you had BK (before kids), but that is part of parenthood.

If you want well-adjusted kids who respect and listen to their parents...then you have to put in the time and sacrifice. Just like anything in life, the product you get is related to the time you put in.

I'm not a parent, but have some close childhood friends who are. I have seen how life changes for them. And believe me, it changes.

None of them would go back and do anything differently though...
But, they WANTED children too....something to consider.

You will probably have to cut your race schedule down once the kids come along. You can probably juggle both, but it may be tough to afford/have time for a full schedule...(depends on your income and such)

By the way,
If a democrat gets into office in 08 you may not be able to afford either.
Hold onto your wallets! Here come the taxes!

there I said it... :P

Had to get it off my chest.

10-15-2007, 05:21 PM
I have two kids now, our daughter is 2 1/2, our son is 6 months. I would trade a lifetime of racing for 5 minutes with either of my kids. There is no comparison. I'm finding that I increasingly want to spend my weekends and free-time with the kids rather than at the racetrack.

I haven't found our kids to be expensive at all, but I'm sure that'll change as they get older! Two sets of tires pays for an all-inclusive trip for 5 days for the whole family to Disneyland. Not hard to figure out which one gets preference there!

I'm not one of those guys who really wanted kids, I never really thought about it till I got married. Now that I've done it though, I could never go back.

Bottom line, you can race any time, you only have a limited window to have kids!

10-15-2007, 05:38 PM
Well, I've been married for more than 6 months now and I need the group's help again. The spirited discussions that we had about marriage versus racing have let me to pick the community brain about the expense of racing versus kids. I got my wife a kitten hoping that it would do the trick, but her biological clock just keeps ticking. I wonder if Al Qaeda hasn't planted a bomb in her womb!! Well, I'll be 40 in about four weeks and she'll be 37 in about 11 weeks. Since my argument that puppies and kittens can be taken to the humane society has fallen on deaf ears, I need your help with the question of which is cheaper and/or more rewarding, racing or children?
gee isn't this something you should have talked about 6+ months ago. :bash_1_:

10-15-2007, 05:54 PM
If a Republican gets into office in 08, your kids might be dead on the side of a road in some sandpit in the Middle East somewhere.

There, I said it.

Let's keep the politics off the board.


By the way,
If a democrat gets into office in 08 you may not be able to afford either.
Hold onto your wallets! Here come the taxes!
there I said it... :P

Had to get it off my chest.

10-15-2007, 06:06 PM
If a Republican gets into office in 08, your kids might be dead on the side of a road in some sandpit in the Middle East somewhere.

There, I said it.

Let's keep the politics off the board.


By the way,
If a democrat gets into office in 08 you may not be able to afford either.
Hold onto your wallets! Here come the taxes!
there I said it... :P

Had to get it off my chest.

Pot, kettle, black.

10-15-2007, 08:00 PM
Kids are a pain in the ass, there I said it...lol
But I love my 2 kids, daughter 19, son 16, they've been the biggest pain in the ass but they have also been the best thing that has ever happened to me...

Like all things that are good in life you have to take the bad with the good...

And later in life you can use the kid as an excuse to spend money like a drunken sailor on all kinds of racing stuff... I have 8 racing karts 2 race cars and all kinds of cool racing stuff... and it's all for the kid honey...lol
If I keep him hooked on racing he wont have time for stupid stuff like that little jerk down the road...See how that works... It's great...spend money on something cool for your car or what ever and use the kid as an excuse and mommy can't say shit....lol

Kids are Great...

10-15-2007, 09:07 PM
you mean the war the dem's voted for? :D

Your right, politics should stay off the board :P

lets move on... :eclipsee_steering:

10-16-2007, 08:06 AM
Seems that I may have struck a nerve between those that took this as a joke (as it was intended) and those who thought I was serious. In regard to experience with kids, I was the program director for a residential Medicaid Moderate Management program for "behaviorally challenged" kids between the ages of 6 and 18. In some ways, they were the best birth control in the world. In other ways, I'd love to have (some of) them as my own. That being said, I just worry about the $$$!! This isn't the first time I've heard "just do it", "don't worry, you'll find a way to afford it", etc. Not my personality type, but looks like one I'm going to have to adopt. PLEEZ take this as a joke, as it was intended. We haven't started trying yet. Wife is hypertensive and is going to see a "high risk OB". This alone is pretty scary. While I won't disgust/bore you with updates on progess, I'll keep everyone informed when the announcement is ready to be made. All right, everyone have fun with this topic!

Scott Franklin

10-16-2007, 08:08 AM
I'm not touchin' this one with a ten-foot pole...
The mind reels... :)

gran racing
10-16-2007, 08:30 AM
Think of all those times working on the car when your arms are just too big to fit into various locations. ;)

Another option you could consider is adopting - be it an a toddler or even slightly older child. We've also given thought to being a foster parent. That way you're doing something fantastic for the children, and get some finanical assistance along the way. In your case, you would be able to give them back when a permenant home is found. :lol: (Just teasing ya.)

10-16-2007, 08:52 AM
behaviorally challenged...lol
I find it very amusing that people having no children become an authority on how children should behave or how they should not,...lol

behaviorally challenged children...lol there all behaviorally challenged and yours will be to...
But if your talking about kids that act like idiots in public...look at the mother and father of the kid...the ones that set the examples for him or her, thats were the problem is, not the kid...
All children have the potential to be good or bad it's the influences in there life that determine that, so the next time you see a "behaviorally challenged kid" smack his lazy ass mommy or daddy in the head...for screwing him up...

10-16-2007, 11:29 AM
Another option you could consider is adopting -[/b]
That's it! I'll adopt a race car.

10-16-2007, 11:43 AM
I have two kids now, our daughter is 2 1/2, our son is 6 months. I would trade a lifetime of racing for 5 minutes with either of my kids. There is no comparison. I'm finding that I increasingly want to spend my weekends and free-time with the kids rather than at the racetrack.

I haven't found our kids to be expensive at all, but I'm sure that'll change as they get older! Two sets of tires pays for an all-inclusive trip for 5 days for the whole family to Disneyland. Not hard to figure out which one gets preference there!

I'm not one of those guys who really wanted kids, I never really thought about it till I got married. Now that I've done it though, I could never go back.

Bottom line, you can race any time, you only have a limited window to have kids!

Our oldest turns 3 next month. Our youngest is 7 months.

I do both. Both are expensive. Like anything in life, you find a way to do the things you really love. I don't find racing and kids mutually exclusive. Lukas attended his first race - June Sprints - at 8months. Nikolas attended his first at 5 months.

I am a firm believer that children are portable, and should be integrated into the things you love to do in life, not supercede them. This generates experiences and memories that both of you can cherish.


10-16-2007, 01:13 PM
Having 12 children, 30 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren......... my wife and I are by no means experts. But here are my thoughts (and they go along with 99.9% of the previous comments). Have children as soon as you can (that gives them more time to support you later, hopefully). Have as many as you can (spread out that support burden). They will be the highest highs and the lowest lows you will ever experience, just be ready for it! Love them no matter what. You can only teach them - they have their agency to do whatever they want. We can only hope that they make good decisions. Be consistant and fair. Be strict when you need to - they may hate you today, but they will love you down the road. Listen to them, especially when they are not talking to you. You will be amazed at how they will show their love. We recently spent two and a half days in the rain at Mid-Ohio and my daughter (not an outdoor type) did not complain once! Have fun with them. Include them in family affairs as much as possible. Let them know constantly by your words and actions how much you love them.

Bottom line, if I had to choose between racing and kids, I would choose kids. Make your decision, keep your priorities straight. Your success will be directly proportional to the effort (perceived or actual) you put into life.

My 14 year old daughter came back to live with my wife and me (after we had been empty nesters for 12 years), two weeks before I did my drivers' schools. Megan is now 18, and a lot of water has gone over the dam. Keep family first! They are what will be around long after the racing is over. I am attaching a picture of Megan and I driving down to Tech at my first race. See was saying to me 'Don't tell Mom (ex-wife who hated racing) how much fun I'm having!' Brought tears to my eyes!

Good luck!

10-16-2007, 01:16 PM
I'm sorry the Northeast guys have to see this again....

I only have one thing to say:

Best day of my life having my son there to celebrate

10-16-2007, 01:35 PM
Having 12 children, 30 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren......... my wife and I are by no means experts.[/b]

Holy moly! You should be experts. Either that or rabbits. ;)

gran racing
10-16-2007, 01:56 PM
I am a firm believer that children are portable, and should be integrated into the things you love to do in life, not supercede them.[/b]

I absolutely agree with this. We're having our first in late January and when talking with various people I hear "so I guess that means no more racing, huh?" or "now you'll have to sell the two seater car". Neither of those is going to happen. I will admit that right after we decided to have try having kids in the upcoming months, I made sure to build my racecar as much as possible even if that meant less racing this year.

10-16-2007, 02:13 PM
Dave - this is exactly what I did. I spent more time and effort on the race car than usual leading up to the first baby, because I knew both would be harder to direct at the car afterwards.

Don't worry you will soon adjust by reducing your sleep time to make race car time after the rug rats go to bed. :P

steve b
10-16-2007, 03:30 PM
I absolutely agree with this. We're having our first in late January and when talking with various people I hear "so I guess that means no more racing, huh?" or "now you'll have to sell the two seater car". Neither of those is going to happen. I will admit that right after we decided to have try having kids in the upcoming months, I made sure to build my racecar as much as possible even if that meant less racing this year.

No need to sell the 2 seater, but in about 7-8 years you'll get it out again and brag about its low mileage.

10-16-2007, 03:35 PM
Thanks to all for all of the replies thus far, especially RacerBill. In regard to the putting more effort into the car now because of constraints later, Captain Who and I have (basically) rebuilt the large majority of the Rx7, the 1st of our "clown car" SPUs is about to come out of the shop, and we have another SPU project with no deadline in the works.
In regard to the statement about having kids earlier, I didn't have a wife then to have one with!! LOL. Not that this has stopped some folks, but it seemed like a good idea to me. She wants two kids, but I'm leaning towards keeping it to only one. With her hypertension, we'll have to see what happens with the first one and go from there. Already referred to a "high risk OB" despite our not having begun to "try" yet.
Please don't take the wording of the title of the subject for this thread as being an "either-or" situation. Guess that I'm just kinda intimidated and, yes, a bit scared too.

10-16-2007, 06:19 PM
I hate my kids.......all four of them! Did they listen to me when they asked me to autocross with their dear old dad? Nope, they came and raced anyway. Did they take my advise and join the military instead of going to college, not a chance in hell! Do you all know how much of the racing budget disappears when three are in college simultaneously? Did my 16 year old son listen to me and stay away from an SCCA drivers' school this March, no way! Did I mention that little fart cut me off in three corners while I was trying to pass him? And now for the kicker! Did my son listen to me when I told him to just hit the next reck me otter that cuts him off in a corner? Nope, and he hit the wall in turn 3 at Gateway IN MY CAR!

Wouldn't trade a minute of it without em! Keep them in your life and stay in theirs as a mentor, friend, and above all, AS A PARENT! Sometimes they do get confused about the parent part.

10-17-2007, 04:37 PM
I am one of the babies when it comes to the age of a racer so I haven't been through the same situations as most of you yet. My daughter is almost three and she loves going to the track, driving the race car in the garage, and "fixing" her Power Wheel when I am in the garage fixing the car.
About a different car because of children-
After my daughter was born my wife wanted a four door car. Instead of buying a people mover or Chevy, we decided on a standard 328i. The car has 4 doors for her and three pedals for me which means a potential race car in the future. There are usually positive things about any idea if you look hard enough.

Jeremy Cesene
Hillbilly Motorsports

10-17-2007, 09:25 PM
<strike>Having kids</strike>, buying your first house, and racing - all things you can&#39;t really afford - you just DO it.

Is 67% a passing grade? :)

My wife and I HAD that conversation before we ever got to the marryin&#39; stage.


10-17-2007, 11:15 PM
Kirk you are already on your second child....sort of.