More Newbie Questions


New member
Sorry in advance if this information is available elsewhere.
1) Where might the reserved paddock for groups end up being? NER group?
2) Are garages available for rent for the weekend?
3) DisplayIT - Atlanta region is listed as a region that uses this - can anyone confirm the use for this event?
4) Are showers available on site and how good are they?
5) I notice there are electrical hookups but how many and what is the chance they will be available to me?
6) Any restrictions on running generators? I noticed the paddock etiquette stuff in supps.
7) Food service? Any restaurants or hot dog stands? What hours?
8) BBQ grills ok?
9) Hoosier on site service - any one have a number for them?
10) Grocery store/walmart, etc. what is close? e.g. can I buy my food and ice for the 3+ days when I get there?
11) We are running the 2.54 mile course correct?
12) We use pit lane on the drivers left correct?
anythings else for a newbie?

I am running an ITB VW Golf and I am coming from the New England region.

Thank you in advance,
1) Where might the reserved paddock for groups end up being? NER group?[/b]

Note EVERYONE for this event is detained on entry from simply going in and parking where they want. EVERYONE is escorted into the paddock and given a limited amount of space. Unlike other large events there's no "land rush" and anarchy. Yep, some folks consider it a PITA, but Sandy and Fletcher and Tom and the rest do a commendable job; it works, keeps the peace, and maximizes the use of the available space.

That said, NER will be in the same place as last year: middle lane, moving outwards away from the gas pumps area. Anyone from NER on my list will simply tell them that when they stop you, and they'll allow you to come find me. I take it from there on who parks where (donations/graft accepted... ;) ) The sooner you arrive, the better; at some point I will have to surrender the remaining space to the "ARRC Parkers" so they can use it for other people.

2) Are garages available for rent for the weekend?
3) DisplayIT - Atlanta region is listed as a region that uses this - can anyone confirm the use for this event?
4) Are showers available on site and how good are they?
8) BBQ grills ok?[/b]
Don't know these.

5) I notice there are electrical hookups but how many and what is the chance they will be available to me?[/b]
In the past we've been able to hook up at will, with no restrictions. Given there's a limited number we make a point of trying to share connections as much as possible. I try to place someone with power outlets and circuit breakers at the front end of the line, and we daisy-chain from there.

6) Any restrictions on running generators? I noticed the paddock etiquette stuff in supps.[/b]
Loud generators will get you stoned to death. Fortunately, since you're with us, you probably won't need it.

However, if you do, surrounding it with sheetrock goes a long way to avoiding death by rocks.

7) Food service? Any restaurants or hot dog stands? What hours?[/b]
There's a food shack there, but the quality and price is not attractive.

9) Hoosier on site service - any one have a number for them?[/b]
Appalachian Tire, Louisville, TN.

10) Grocery store/walmart, etc. what is close? e.g. can I buy my food and ice for the 3+ days when I get there?[/b]
MANY locations for groceries, food, etc. Road Atlanta use to be out in the middle of nowhere, but it ain't no more. There are several grocery stores, fast food joints, convenience stores, and auto parts stores within 15 minutes.

11) We are running the 2.54 mile course correct?
12) We use pit lane on the drivers left correct?[/b]
Yes, both counts.

anythings else for a newbie?[/b]
Plan to have fun.
Sorry in advance if this information is available elsewhere.
1) Where might the reserved paddock for groups end up being? NER group?
2) Are garages available for rent for the weekend?
3) DisplayIT - Atlanta region is listed as a region that uses this - can anyone confirm the use for this event?
4) Are showers available on site and how good are they?
5) I notice there are electrical hookups but how many and what is the chance they will be available to me?
6) Any restrictions on running generators? I noticed the paddock etiquette stuff in supps.
7) Food service? Any restaurants or hot dog stands? What hours?
8) BBQ grills ok?
9) Hoosier on site service - any one have a number for them?
10) Grocery store/walmart, etc. what is close? e.g. can I buy my food and ice for the 3+ days when I get there?
11) We are running the 2.54 mile course correct?
12) We use pit lane on the drivers left correct?
anythings else for a newbie?
I am running an ITB VW Golf and I am coming from the New England region.

Thank you in advance,
1- not sure... isn't there another thread about the NE guys getting some paddock space together? In the past, Sandy (I think I have the name right) has coordinated Paddock parking. There may be some additional info at
2- I don't think so. There are a few garages at RA but I don't think you can get one for the weekend.
3- I have no idea...
4- I'm pretty sure the camping area has showers but I've never camped there and haven't used them.
5- See #4
6- I've seen people running generators in the past but not for extended periods of time.
7- There's a food place on site but I normally bring my own stuff to eat.
8- Grills have never been a problem in the past.
9- Appalachian Tire will be on site for Hoosier. 865-681-6622
10- There's not a whole lot really close by but there are some stores within 15 minutes or so.
11- Correct, this will be on the full course.
12- Correct, we will use the "Club Racing" pits on driver left.

You'll have a great time! This is only my second year running (3rd year attending) and I really can't wait to be out there! I'll be at the Conover Motor Sports paddock area... feel free to stop by and say "hi" :D

Bring your own food and NEVER, EVER count on the little food shack. Southern hospitality (in that area, anyway) my eye!

Story - Eatery open until 4. We go at 2:30. They are no longer serving food. Any food. Nothing. No real point for the place to be open!
There are restrooms and showers across from the gas pumps. This is the only "hot" water showers on the property. There are a number of showers on in the infield camping areas, all cold water as far as I know.
What time and day will you get to the track?
I think we should get there between noon and 9:00 PM on Wednesday.
What time and day will you get to the track?[/b]
They don't start letting us into the track until some time around 5 PM on Wednesday. No rush, otherwise you end up sitting in your truck (or standing around listening to our blather) for hours...

We'll be there from gate opening 'til probably 9-ish or so, drinking beer and telling tales. I'll develop a cellphone list and post it here so we can contact each other (mine's 203.209.1217). - GA
Errr.... so how late will the gates be open Wed, likely? Towing down from Detroit, it's a long haul... wondering just how early we're gonna need to leave...
Errr.... so how late will the gates be open Wed, likely? Towing down from Detroit, it's a long haul... wondering just how early we're gonna need to leave...

It's a 14 hr tow so leave early!
It's a 14 hr tow so leave early![/b]
Wusses. 18-19 hours from the Northeast, and there's folks starting way on the other side of *us*!

IIRC, the gates are open all night, however you must be escorted by the ARRC Parking Team to bring your rig in if you're not already there; and, these folks are calling it a night around 10PM:

If you arrive after the parking team has left for the night you will need to wait until 7AM the next day. And before you start complaining, be advised unless YOU want to be parking cars from 7AM to 10PM each day I highly advise you keep it to yourself...hey, I'm just sayin' (copyright 2007, Catch-22)...
1) Where might the reserved paddock for groups end up being? NER group?
2) Are garages available for rent for the weekend?
3) DisplayIT - Atlanta region is listed as a region that uses this - can anyone confirm the use for this event?
4) Are showers available on site and how good are they?
5) I notice there are electrical hookups but how many and what is the chance they will be available to me?
6) Any restrictions on running generators? I noticed the paddock etiquette stuff in supps.
7) Food service? Any restaurants or hot dog stands? What hours?
8) BBQ grills ok?
9) Hoosier on site service - any one have a number for them?
10) Grocery store/walmart, etc. what is close? e.g. can I buy my food and ice for the 3+ days when I get there?
11) We are running the 2.54 mile course correct?
12) We use pit lane on the drivers left correct?

1. Answered
2. No
3. We use AMB - if that is compatible with DisplayIT then yes but Test Day is a crap shoot.
4. Two showers in the Main Restrooms, they work and have hot water. During off hours they are vacant.
5. Do not count on electrical hook ups as they are on the perimeter only.
6. Run your generator but mind that fact that at a certain time people want to sleep.
7. The concession stand is privately run and on their own indeterminant schedule.
8. Grills are OK.
9. Goodyear - maybe and who knows.
10. Ice can be had at the concession stand and there is a convienece store about 1 mi. from the track if you take a right out of the main entrance. If you go left, there is a Publix grocery store about 4 miles down the road. Also, if you are so inclined, Domino's delivers to the main gate.
11. answered
12. answered

IIRC, the gates are open all night, however you must be escorted by the ARRC Parking Team to bring your rig in if you're not already there; and, these folks are calling it a night around 10PM:[/b]

Greg, you are correct about 10PM.

If you arrive after the parking team has left for the night you will need to wait until 7AM the next day. And before you start complaining, be advised unless YOU want to be parking cars from 7AM to 10PM each day I highly advise you keep it to yourself...hey, I'm just sayin' (copyright 2007, Catch-22)...[/b]

Thanks for your co-operation and understanding.
IIRC, the gates are open all night, however you must be escorted by the ARRC Parking Team to bring your rig in if you're not already there; and, these folks are calling it a night around 10PM:

Thanks, that helps...

...unlike some people... ;)
The NE paddock stuff....
Greg - Are we able to keep our tow vehicles with our enclosed trailers?
e.g. can I leave my pickup hooked up to my 32ft enclosed trailer?
Just to warn all of the above, Bob Smart just registered our Jagermeister BMW in ITB.
Keep an eye out for stacks of PBR 30 packs, and you'll find Bob. :lol:

Best of luck to all that are competing.
Bring the championship trophy to the Northeast !!!! :smilie_pokal:

- Dave Austin
Ah-HA! At last - some REAL competition!!! :P
C ya there... :birra:

Hey, crap - just saw you're from Saratoga!!! Crazy... I grew up there...