Who will win???

From a non-B guy, what I seem to see on track and in results are:

1. The Audis.

2. Dave Gran's Prelude

3. The fast Volvos
ITC? I'm not up to speed...so I'll say Jinx Jordan.

ITB...it all depends on who shows up.
Audis won't make it this year I think.
There are some faaast BMW 2002s and a quick 320 out there, but will they head south?
Dave Gran isn't going to make it this year.
I think theres a NE Golf thats capable of the podium, maybe the top step...if Beran Peter heads down.
And of course, there are our friends from Nova Scotia in their Golfs...again, podium potential there.
Don't rule out a certain Porsche from Detroit....(Vaghaun Scott)
And Chris Albin is another guy to expect things from, if his wiring harness is up to snuff.
But...I'll piss him off by putting my money on Peter Keane in his Accord. ;)

Then there are the guys I'm forgetting, LOL.

ITA. Moser? (either, LOL) Amy? Bettencourt's Miata with Leverone driving? (Or is the not going rumour true?) Bowie Gray in HIS Miata? (He's been cleaning up) And what about Bob Stretch? Don't count out Joe Diminio..he's racked up some trophies this year, and loves the rain. AJ Neally...he's a retard, but a fast retard! Mystery man J. Lucas in his H car....And.....of course......Rucks hungry....then about 20 more guys fighting for scraps.

ITS....I'lll go out on a limb. Huffmaster.

ITR...Dan Jones.
Are we expecting rain????? Oooh, goody!!! :happy204: Come to Butthead...

There's only a month left - how can it be too early??

I though Gran got his car fixed??

ITC still has a pretty light field - we expecting that to fill in??
I did until I had someone else inspect it. LOL I'm sure I could source one, but have a few other items with the car I'd like to address before spending the amount of money it takes to do the ARRC properly. Plus I'm a bit burnt out working on the car and Po'.

Vaughan - I'll be watching to see how you do down there and know you'll be a contender. This year though, I do think Peter Keane will be the guy to beat. But could Tevor repeat? Hmmm.

Amy is gonna be really, really tough to beat down there. My prediction is he does not take pole, but has a fierce battle and if he keeps it clean / on track, that car/driver/crew chief are the ones to beat.
Jinx Jordan ( I vote Jinx every year I think...)

Beran Peter, Vaghaun Scott, or Peter Keane... Possibly Chris Albin

Mosers, Greg Amy, or Nick Leverone


Dan Jones (Jake is smart, I copied him...)

Well, just perusing the entries, you ITA guys may be in for a surprise...two of the top 3 MARRS ITA drivers are coming down, including the new (as in 2 weeks ago) Summit Point ITA record holder. If Chris figures out RA I would expect to see him on the top step of the podium. And depending on how much tweaking he's done on that new car, I wouldn't expect Gregg to be too far behind.

I may just have to make this trip.

Oh, and don't forget our friend Rick Benazic in his ITB Civic - I chased him around SP enough last fall to know what he's capable of.
Not at all, Kevin! I was thinking of your finish last year, and how things didn't go your way in Ohio....and I left you until last on the list because I think you have as good a shot as anyone, but maybe you are more motivated....am I wrong? My impression is that you really want this win...I am REALLY sorry if you think that was a cheap shot...it NEVER crossed my mind when I typed it....

(I also hope that the comment seemed really out of character for me....I try to keeep my comments fact based, and while I might be complimentary or critical of someone, I try to base that on their writings and actions....and try to do so in a fair way..I'm not here to lob dumb insults for no reason.)
Although Anthony Serra is still a (?) with his "A" car, I keep hearing that he is making RA. Could add a little spice to ITA.
I would have to give Andy Bettencourt the "nod" in "A" but that requires showing up. The 09 makes lots of power and has a talented driver.
Andy - come down and show us how it's done and take home the trophy that has eluded you this year - respect for your driving ability - "opportunities knocking" (sorry that's a Honda commerical).
(I also hope that the comment seemed really out of character for me....I try to keeep my comments fact based, and while I might be complimentary or critical of someone, I try to base that on their writings and actions....and try to do so in a fair way..I'm not here to lob dumb insults for no reason.)

hummmm... lol I could find some "hits" on me, but that is more because I give em to you and we never get to do it on the track... lol JK ;) Someday maybe you will be in the ITB ranks!!!

Raymond "All in good fun" Blethen
Andy, what they are saying is come on down and watch us disappear down the back straight. Stretch found out what he already knew, RAtlanta ain't the place for a miata against the top cars and drivers. Maybe yours is more developed then Bob's, but it would be a first. Bob usually has his car ready. Just the same it is a race not to miss even if you are running a unicycle! I can't wait.
Oh, phew....the frowning guy after your post sealed the deal for me and I thought I had stepped in it big.

Next time throw a smiley in there somewhare...I'm not out to make enemies out of friends. (As an ITAC guy there's plenty who hate me already, LOL)