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invisible saddle
09-15-2007, 07:10 PM
hey I've been trying to clean up wiring on my project. I was wondering if anyone has the pinout diagram of the SMJ on the 240sx. I wanted to know what I can depin and remove and clear up as much as possible.

all stock
10-08-2007, 07:27 PM
for IT, i'm not quite sure you can remove any wiring, save for AC system wiring.

10-09-2007, 05:51 AM
What you can remove is limited. There is language in the GCR in my opinion that lets you remove wiring associated with emissions, gauges and indicators, ignition and interior courtesy lights. I believe you can only remove wiring for optional equipment if the cars without that equipment did not have that wiring.
I know this may seem silly, but is part of the basic premise in IT that nothing can be changed unless the rule book specifically allows it.

Cobra Tim
10-09-2007, 01:15 PM
But does it state it has to be used? Coulnt you just run your own wiring and not use the stock stuff and tuck it away?

10-11-2007, 12:53 PM
Gray Tim very Gray. Remember IIDSYCYC (If it doesn't say you can, you can't) But to me, the allowance to add certain items that were not originally equiptment, some of which need wiring to run allows some addtional wiring. If I replace the item that was there with another one which can't be wired the same do I get to rewire that item? I don't know. For instance the cooling fan. My car had a mechanical fan only. I am allowed to add electric fan. I must be allowed to add wiring to run it. Second scenario, ignition is free, any ignition that uses the stock distributor can be used. New optical eye ignition uses different wiring then stock. Do I now get to wire the ignition from scratch not using the stock wiring harness? Can the original ignition wiring be removed? Or must it stay in place unused? I think it must stay. I've heard some guys say you can roll up unused parts of the harness and stash them somewhere. But in doing so would you be changing (although a tiny imperceivable amount) the weight distrabution? Nick picky for sure but non the less... illegal
I'm trying to set my car up to be legal in anybody's eyes, by anybody's interpretation of the rules. But with the IT rule set, a tall order. I think most guys could find something they thought might be illegal on their own car or anybody elses they look at, but most are such weenie stupid non performance enhancing thing as to be irrelevant.

invisible saddle
10-13-2007, 01:49 AM
this is for running ST under NASA. If it were for IT. I have a '89 base model coupe in storage. It came from the factory w/o AC and subsequently I noticed the harness was much thinner. I figure I could trim some more wiring with the removal of the autobelt system and the interior lighting. I know emissions removal will eliminate some more weight.

10-13-2007, 07:59 AM
I spent 20 hours reworking the harness on the bench of my recently built 79 Rx7. One could assume that a 79 harness is a lot thinner to begin with. I only removed what I interpreted the gcr to allow and removed 8 pounds IIRC. I left speaker wires and such because I believe there is no authorization to remove them.

Ron Earp
10-13-2007, 08:13 AM
I spent 20 hours reworking the harness on the bench of my recently built 79 Rx7. One could assume that a 79 harness is a lot thinner to begin with. I only removed what I interpreted the gcr to allow and removed 8 pounds IIRC. I left speaker wires and such because I believe there is no authorization to remove them.

Hey Dick,

Did all RX7s come with stereos?
