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Hi, I am installing a quaife in my tranny, I have the old diff out and the bearings removed. Two quick questions: any special technique to drilling out the rivets holding the ring gear?, and, any advice on getting the bearings on the quaife? thanks
Use new bearings!!

While you are in there replace the pinion bearings too, they suck, always replace them.

Drilling, start small and work your way up. Don't be in a hurry, it takes a while.
Does anyone know what the torque specs are for the hex bolts on the quaife? thanks

For factory fasteners, 52 ft/lbs. For ARP consult the docs with the bolts.

No need to heat the ring gear.

PS - Try a clutch diff. nex time. Quaifes still spin tires.....
Bill, to clarify I am referring to the hex bolts that hold the back plate on to the diff housing, not the ring gear on to the back plate.. is this what you were addressing? thanks