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View Full Version : Very Cool SCCA Press Release!!!

gran racing
05-22-2007, 02:17 PM

Mike Dickerson
Manager, Region Development
Sports Car Club of America
[email protected]

Exclusive Guide to Go Racing
How to Begin Racing with the SCCA


TOPEKA, Kan. (May 15, 2007) – Sports Car Club of America, Inc. (SCCA) announced today a partnership with Dragon Publishing to distribute its comprehensive guide to motorsports participation, “Go Ahead – Take the Wheel.” The special SCCA Edition of the book provides step-by-step instruction for racing enthusiasts with aspirations of racing in their own racecar.

“I grew up watching races and always dreamed that one day it would be me out on the track,” Dave Gran, author of “Go Ahead – Take the Wheel” said. “Unfortunately, when I first attempted to get into the sport, I listened to the wrong people and thought that racing is only a sport for the rich. Of course now I know better.

“When I was getting into racing, I faced several hurdles and all too many times did things the hard way. I later realized that I was not alone and many others face the same obstacles, or even worse, choose to never pursue racing as a hobby. This inspired me to write a book that clearly shows how anyone can become involved in motorsports and how to overcome the most common road blocks. Trust me, if I can do it, so can you!”

Gran’s book guides readers through various forms of racing starting with Solo events held on large open paved lots, Performance Driving Experience events (PDX) held on permanent road course race tracks, and competitive wheel-to-wheel Club Racing with a racecar. “Go Ahead – Take the Wheel” also describes what the prospective racer can expect when entering the world of SCCA Club Racing, steps on building or purchasing a racecar, safety considerations, detailed costs for budgets ranging from economy to extravagant and much more.

“My goal with this book is to prove that racing is possible and affordable for the average person,” said Gran. “Most people would be surprised at just how attainable it really is to begin racing. Live is too short not to pursue our dreams.”

“Our average club racer is a regular person with a nine to five job and a really, really fun hobby,” SCCA President & CEO Jim Julow said. “Becoming involved in racing can sometimes seem intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be. “Go Ahead – Take the Wheel” provides clear and easy-to-follow instructions on becoming actively involved in motorsports with the SCCA.”

SCCA has scheduled the release of “Go Ahead – Take the Wheel” for early June 2007. Orders are being accepted now on the SCCA merchandise web site (www.SCCACollection.com) or by calling 888-267-2187 for $16.95, plus shipping and handling.


About the SCCA:
The Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) has the most active membership participation of any motorsports organization today with over 50,000 members in the United States. Founded in 1944, the SCCA hosts more than 2,000 amateur and professional motorsports events each year. For additional information about the SCCA, please visit www.SCCA.com .

About the Author:
Even as a little child, Dave Gran was always found running at full speed regardless of what he was doing. His passion for racing was fueled by his father, Al Gran, who brought Dave to watch races at the local track, Lime Rock Park. Dave currently drives a 1987 Honda Prelude si in the SCCA’s Improved Touring B class. He and his wife Melissa live in Connecticut.

SCCA Collection Site Where this Book is Located (http://www.sccacollection.com/closeup.php?cPath=43&id=225&p=0&bl=1&osCsid=8cc3ab91066697a040e9deb40d71529a)

Note: The cover photo is courtesy of Greg Amy’s wife, Thea. As you might imagine, her picture features Greg leading the way in his ITA Nissan at the 2006 ARRC.

A few years ago I read an article in SportsCar magazine that on average, our club gains approximately 10,000 new members each year. It also went on to say that unfortunately we also lose about the same number of members. I was really shocked by this statistic, which still holds true today. How quickly I forgot that I was one of these people. Several years ago I joined the SCCA and thought that I’d be able to figure things out. After much frustration, confusion, and listening to the wrong people, I decided to let my membership lapse. A couple of years later I gave it another shot, and this time was very fortunate although I often learned things the hard and expensive way. As most of us know, becoming actively involved with the SCCA isn’t a terribly difficult process but people need direction on how to make it all happen. This book provides prospective and existing members the guidance they desperately seek. We really want to make getting started racing with the SCCA an easier process.

How are we getting the word out about this SCCA edition? The book is now on the SCCA merchandise site and the press release is on the SCCA home page. Due to reasons beyond SCCA’s control, we are currently unable to permanently add information about the book on the SCCA site. (Please leave this discussion alone for now.) The national office is inserting a flyer about the book into the new membership packages and flyers will be distributed at select events though out the year. For those critics wondering who is paying for this, I developed the flyers and paid to have 20,000 of them printed as a start. If you’re curious to see what they look like, here it is (there are two sides): SCCA Flyer PDF (http://www.goaheadtakethewheel.com/Videos/Flyer.pdf)

We are heavily relying upon the regions to make this a success, especially because the SCCA and its regions will be the only retailers of this edition. The national office recognizes that revenue earned is a side benefit of retailing this book for the club. They have chosen not to take a percentage of the proceeds of books sold to regions, thus allowing regions to receive a very attractive discount. The SCCA’s marketing partner, Imperial Marketing, does obtain a percentage to handle the fulfillment. If your region has questions about the SCCA edition beyond what Imperial Marketing can answer, they may contact Mike Dickerson at the SCCA national office. I can also be contacted here or at [email protected] .

We Need Your Help!
What can you do?
Contact your region and recommend that it become a retailer of this SCCA book.
Do you have any contacts at publications which might be willing to print the SCCA press release or a related story? (Grassroots Motorsports and SportsCar magazine will be doing something.) The press release is being sent to several other publications, but having a connection there to give it an extra push would be a great help.
Post the above press release on other web forums and blogs (not the other information I provided you folks).
If you have a website, maybe you’ll consider adding a link to your region (if they start selling it) or to the www.sccacollection.com site. On the home page, you can grab the book image and add a brief explanation what it is.
Next time someone asks how they can begin racing, point them to this resource.

I do want to thank those of you who have already provided support for this book and its purpose.

05-22-2007, 02:41 PM
That is great news!!!

If you havn't got a copy go and get one :eclipsee_steering:

If you have a copy, well you need a new copy with Greg's picture on the front, go get a new book!!! :wacko: lol

Congrats Dave on the success :023: ;


05-22-2007, 02:48 PM
Congratualtions Dave. That is cool :OLA:

And to think I knew him back when he was an..................................

I guess now he will move up in the racing world to a production or sports racer class with all of his new found funding :rolleyes: Just kidding Dave as I know that you just want to keep us all racing. :happy204: :happy204: :happy204:

This one is for you Dave :birra:

gran racing
05-22-2007, 03:01 PM
I guess now he will move up in the racing world to a production or sports racer class with all of his new found funding[/b]

I didn't structure the terms thinking as a business, but as an SCCA member whose passionate about the club and sport. As long as I can make my loan payments.

05-22-2007, 03:35 PM
If you have a copy, well you need a new copy with Greg's picture on the front, go get a new book!!! :wacko: lol


actually I really prefer the old cover :P

05-22-2007, 03:44 PM
Great job Dave!

Guys, Daves not getting rich on this, trust me.

I have to say that I am a bit disappointed with the cover. Sure, it is IT. (Cool!) but...the egg?? We have to look at the egg again????

If Gregs head explodes Dave, you're cleaning up the mess!

05-22-2007, 04:54 PM
That's great Dave!! It's about time they did it!! :023:

I am sooooooo glad I have the old cover!!!!

gran racing
05-22-2007, 05:05 PM
After I told Greg Amy what I paying for, some of the costs associated with this, and the discount SCCA is getting, he just shook his head and told me that I'm an idot. LOL

It took a bit of a push to have IT cars on the cover, so I guess the egg isn't sooooo bad.

Greg Amy
05-22-2007, 05:32 PM
Well, I didn't use that word specifically, but I did shake my head a bit...it's most assuredly a labor of love...

And, with that new spiffy mega-coolness cover photo, they should be flying off the shelves pretty quickly now...

Well done, Dave.

05-22-2007, 05:44 PM
Nice I too am on the cover!

05-22-2007, 05:44 PM
It took a bit of a push to have IT cars on the cover, so I guess the egg isn't sooooo bad.

we can agree to disagree. harumph <_<

Greg Amy
05-22-2007, 05:51 PM

Jeremy Billiel
05-22-2007, 08:17 PM
Nice Job Dave! Looks Good!

05-22-2007, 09:31 PM
Great Job Dave!

05-23-2007, 03:33 AM
Great Job Dave. Atleast you have a real Nissan on the cover. Ya know the blue one at the top of the hill. :D

05-23-2007, 06:33 AM
Nice going Dave! Does the new cover make my old one a "collectable"? :happy204:

05-23-2007, 07:23 AM
+1 for being on the cover :happy204:

05-23-2007, 10:28 AM
you cannot fight the power of the egg!

seriously even on the street its a go kart with fenders and a small truck motor. :026:

R2 Racing
05-23-2007, 11:45 AM
Congratulations, Dave! That is very cool and I will be spreading the word about this on some local boards where I always get the question "So, how does one get into this stuff?".

Oh yea, and I made the cover too! :023:

gran racing
05-23-2007, 12:34 PM
Thanks Kevin! I figured you&#39;d like the orange part of the cover the most.

R2 Racing
05-23-2007, 02:12 PM
Thanks Kevin! I figured you&#39;d like the orange part of the cover the most.
Well, it is a nice color. :P

Already got a small handful of people on my local little board waiting to purchase. :023:

Joe Moser
05-23-2007, 03:37 PM
Great! Thanks Dave!

We had to order a few of these for our non-racing friends (and to show off having 2 cars on the cover, good picture choice!) :)

gran racing
05-23-2007, 03:59 PM
I admit, I do like the orange. I was watching the British Touring Championship races and wondered if that is where you based some of your car scheme. Is it RAC racing or something like that? Not sure.

Joe, I figured you&#39;d get a kick out of the pic. I tried to photo shop in my ITB prelude, but Crazy Joe kept hitting me out of the way.

R2 Racing
05-24-2007, 12:05 AM
I admit, I do like the orange. I was watching the British Touring Championship races and wondered if that is where you based some of your car scheme. Is it RAC racing or something like that? Not sure.[/b]
No, not at all. It was more of me walking into my local PPG store when we went to paint our first racecar back around March of &#39;01 and looking at the samples while thinking "Now which one stands out a lot, is slightly annoying to others, will be cheap and easy to do, and will never be seen on another car? THAT&#39;S IT!" I love it. Turkington and Collard&#39;s cars look sweet. :023:

Joe, I figured you&#39;d get a kick out of the pic. I tried to photo shop in my ITB prelude, but Crazy Joe kept hitting me out of the way.
I can actually picture that. :D

05-24-2007, 12:09 AM
I opened this thread and expected the answer to be:

GO BUY A MIATA! :wacko:

Really, Great job Dave! :023:

gran racing
05-24-2007, 08:09 AM
I was in fact mandiated to have a few Miatas in the cover photo. (Yes, I&#39;m kidding!)

05-24-2007, 10:33 AM
No, not at all. The car actually used to be blue, but with ITA running with ITS at M-O, after a few hard-fought laps with Ludwig I had a new paint scheme. I kind of like it. :D [/b]

Fixed that for you Kevin.

05-24-2007, 01:23 PM
You know what kills me on the cover Dave??

On the first cover, I am on the track, but just in front of you, thus off camera, on the left. Every other freakin RX-7 in the NE was there that day it seems and THEY all made the cover. Grrrr, LOL

On this cover I&#39;m also on the track, but this time, I&#39;m too far back and just over the hill, off camera again! Arrrggg! How many books will you have to publish before I&#39;m in the right spot on the right day?? LOL.

05-25-2007, 02:04 AM
Dave: Great news! Thanks for all you have done to help folks who might not decide to live their dreams and &#39;get behind the wheel&#39;.

BTW, my copy just got loaned out. I may have to buy another copy to replace it!

See you on the hill in August!

R2 Racing
06-07-2007, 09:40 AM
Yes, I have put the paddles to this thread and revived it. CLEAR!

Received two copies from my friendly neighborhood mail man yesterday. Today I will commence reading it.

Oh yea, and it looks even better in person! :023:

gran racing
06-07-2007, 04:28 PM
Now I just need to figure out how to get the regions to begin selling it or even promoting but adding a link to the region&#39;s websites to the SCCAcollection.com site. So subtle, I know. :rolleyes:

I&#39;ll be curious to hear your honest opinion on it Kevin - I think. LOL

06-07-2007, 06:04 PM

I haven&#39;t read your book, but I did just recommend it to a teenage son of a friend-of-a-friend ( <_< ) who is dying to become a race car driver, and he sent me this comment:

"The book is very useful, it&#39;s very well written and keeps me glued to it. Dave Gran has put lots of handy tid bits in it, and they will help vastly with getting me started."

Thought you&#39;d appreciate the feedback!

gran racing
06-07-2007, 09:52 PM
Thanks Josh, it&#39;s always a nice thing to hear positive feedback about something you&#39;ve spent a considerable amount of time on.

A few people were curious about my relationship with Dragon Publishing (the publisher of my book) and the SCCA. Well, Dragon Publishing is me. LOL I self-published both editions.

Bill Miller
06-08-2007, 04:08 PM
Congrats Dave, that&#39;s great news!!!

Ron Earp
06-08-2007, 06:47 PM
Congratulations! And that is about the first "SCCA Thing" I&#39;ve seen that doesn&#39;t look like it was photographed in 1972 and where 30 year old British traps didn&#39;t dominate the field - that almost looks like a modern car field!!


06-09-2007, 01:07 AM

Congrats on the recognition for your book.


I dare you to go here (http://prodracing.com/prodcar/viewforum.php?f=2&sid=ac34f508f58dd7f8a10d49824e19dc48) and say that :P

gran racing
07-18-2007, 12:03 PM
Thought this MotorTrend review was very cool.

MotorTrend Review (http://blogs.motortrend.com/6212029/editorial/go-ahead-take-the-wheel/index.html)

Now all I need to do is get more regions to begin supporting it. The NER will be the first region to begin selling it and the Southern NJ added some information to their home page about the SCCA book.

Any suggestions on the best approach to get additional regions to utilize / support it? I imagine it&#39;ll take a bunch of phone calls and e-mails to make it happen.

07-18-2007, 12:26 PM
I like the one quote from the review:

There are few downsides here. The book is focused on SCCA racing, so if you&#39;re interested in other series, you have more homework to do.

Dave, how dare you talk just about the SCCA!!! :lol:

Damned if you do, damned if you don&#39;t!!!

07-19-2007, 07:04 PM
The regions should, by all means, market these to autocrossers, have them at autocrosses for sale, and run ads nest to autocross results in the regions rag.

07-23-2007, 01:32 PM
Every prospective racer attending an SCCA school should receive a copy of this as part of their school...even if the region has to raise the entry fee to cover the book!


gran racing
07-25-2007, 12:31 PM
Jakester, That is an interesting idea and one that was pitched to a couple of regions (SFR & OR) by a former RE. Nothing became of it yet. Maybe you&#39;d be willing to send a quick e-mail to your region with this idea?

The New England Region becomes the first (that I am aware of at least) of hopefully many regions to begin retailing this guide. :happy204: NER Site (http://www.ner.org/rr/ttw.htm)

For other regions that do not actively sell merchandise, this is an excellent route. South NJ (http://www.sjr-scca.org/)

I received an updated list of region contacts - time for me to begin making some calls. Next time you guys/gals speak with someone in your region, I&#39;d really appreciate you mentioning one of these two possibilites with them (retailing or some info. / link to the National Office&#39;s marketing partner). 45% of the proceeds go to the SCCA.

09-10-2007, 11:02 AM
I just finished the book! Good job Dave, it&#39;s interesting to read another persons perspective on racing - I don&#39;t know how you do things so inexpensive. As an added bonus, my copy arrived personalized, thanks!
:023: :023:

09-10-2007, 11:55 AM
I just finished the book! Good job Dave, it&#39;s interesting to read another persons perspective on racing - I don&#39;t know how you do things so inexpensive. As an added bonus, my copy arrived personalized, thanks!
:023: :023:

We&#39;re from the East Coast, grew up learning to barter!!! Paid net $25 for my first SET of race tires, $150 - shipped - for the second set (did I mention it included a SPARE??) :D :D :D

gran racing
09-10-2007, 02:10 PM
Thanks Mark, I appreciate that. :D Unfortunately it&#39;s now how I did things so inexpensively. I&#39;m now in that "Moving On" section which I did say adds up very quickly. :bash_1_:

09-24-2007, 10:00 PM

I got my copy in the mail today and appreciated the personalized note inside. I ordered it off your site with the old cover hoping you would get more out of the order. I know the editor for the CNY Region newsletter and I suggested that he includes some info about the book in there as well. I also sent him a link to this thread so he will have your contact info. :023:

Thanks agian,

Shawn Fohs
ITB #10