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View Full Version : F1 Garage Partitions?

05-12-2007, 03:05 PM
Anyone know where you can get the partitions that you see lining the walls in garages like in F1 ?


All I can find are the office partitions that are heavy steel & cloth. Looking for light, simple and cheap.
Something to block off part of the shop from prying eyes.

05-12-2007, 03:19 PM
Some of the ALMS series guys do that too. I was a guest of the Dyson team last year once & they had all that stuff. It broke down into panels & poles for transport, but I didn't study it. It did look moderately heavy, but I guess when you've got an entire 18 wheeler to haul each car around in, a bit more gear probably goes un-noticed.

05-12-2007, 03:26 PM
It looks like the kind of stuff used for convention displays.


You can google "convention displays" and you'll get lots of hits.

I think you could fab your own fairly cheaply though. Some PVC frames, have someone sew some fabric with loops on two or four sides. It should be easy too.

05-12-2007, 03:49 PM
There's also the curtains they use around welding areas.............

or these http://www.goffscurtainwalls.com/privacy.htm

05-12-2007, 04:19 PM
Depending on how long in feet you require I would propose that using the cheap gray/brown/green tarps ( size 6', 8' x 20') that Homer & other places have along with some conduit & tees from a free standing canopy with soome fabed "X"'s for the floor using bunges fromsame canopy would do the trick.

With that here is a little side for you all. Since I started racing (Spec-7 to ITA/7 to building a Spec Miata current) in year 2000 & meeting many racers I visit some of their shops now & then. One of the shops in the past raced a Spec-7 & the welcome matt was always in place even when we were competitors. A month ago I drove 45 min to their shop to shoot the $hit. Arrived saying hi to the two brothers, their father & they introduced me to a racer friend. While talking with one brother outside the wide open garage entry door this brother & I walked into the garage while continuing to talk. The other brother hot footed it into the garage questioning had I asked to enter THEIR garage. :cavallo: (In the past entering the garage was NEVER an issue.) My response was, yer jerking my chain _ _ _. NO I'm not, you need permission. I said good day to all & LEFT. I can't type what I would have liked to told the anal brother. Last weekend at a track the dufus waived to me like old times. If they had something worth viewing other than the anal brothers "ain't I important attitude" that's one thing but they ain't got $hit that is value added to me other than a past friendship. The whole deal bothered me a bunch...............

05-12-2007, 05:04 PM
Thanks guys but I'm really looking for something as close to these FRP or Plastic planels as possible.
They will be used for sponsor boards in the future.


05-13-2007, 08:49 AM
OK, try these
