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View Full Version : Thanks for the help

03-11-2007, 07:08 PM
Just thought I'd drop a group note to everyone who gave me a hand, gave me an encouraging word, and checked on me after my little hot dog roast behind pit wall. A HUGE[i][u] thank you goes to all of the folks in F&C, EV, and anyone nearby with a firebottle. I trust you guys with my life and you really came through. Not 100% sure what caused the fire, but everyone's quick action made a mole hill out of what could have been a mountain. A special big thanks to Jeff Young and (I'm sorry I forgot your name) his electrical whiz buddy who got the silly transponder/kill switch issue fixed.

Scott "Righty" Franklin

03-11-2007, 08:37 PM
That'd be Ron Earp. He's good with the electrical stuff. No problem on what (little) help we offered, enjoyed finally meeting you.

Hope you make it to CMP.

03-18-2007, 07:26 PM
Which car were you trying to burn up? Did you at least let everyone get their marshmallows cooked? Manage to get any worthwhile track time?

03-18-2007, 09:30 PM
Which car were you trying to burn up? Did you at least let everyone get their marshmallows cooked? Manage to get any worthwhile track time?

It was the Baby Grand. He fought carburetion problems during practice and qualifying, then only got about three or so laps during the race before the barbeque, so I doubt much of it was "quality time". :D

03-18-2007, 09:50 PM
That sucks, glad only the car got damaged. The phrase is "turning money into noise", not "turning money into a rolling BBQ." :023:

03-20-2007, 06:40 PM
Thanks, Lance. Look forward to seeing you at the 1st event at "The New Road Atlanta". I don't know if I'll be driving (the not-as-crispy Rx7), doing F&C, or crewing for an F500 friend.
No time for marshmallows (thanks to EVERYONE involved!!) and thanks to that tall dude with the goatee who helped me out of the (newly installed) roof hatch.
Thanks most of all to the guys at McKinney Racing who sold me the NHRA-spec hinges, latches, and hardware that made it possible for me to get out of the car so quickly. Fire makes your common sense go right out the window!!

Scott "What's that smell?" Franklin

03-20-2007, 10:27 PM
You gonna be up there on Friday? I'll be there giving Ingle (#7 white T1 Vette) a hand before chasing cars(and holy bejeebers do we got a bunch) on the weekend. I look forward to seeing you too, no matter what we do this weekend its gonna be a party.

Better be lucky I wasn't there... I would have just done my Beavis impression.. FIRE! FIRE FIRE! HEH HEH HEH!