Here's where all the ITS E30s went...

They have absolutely done a great job with that class. There were a bunch in the enduro, too. They aren't quite up to ITS specs but they seem to have the formula just about right, and it hasn't gotten out of control. Cars are generally kind of scruffy, though as you might expect from running that close. They used to have a slower class for the 318 and the crappy 325e thing but I believe they've scrapped it.

Maybe that spec class is just "fringe" enough to keep the $$$ boys that kill other spec classes out.

Pretty impressive, I agree Kirk. That's a lot of cars, quick.
True...I'm sure you can spend any amount you want to on the cars, but it might not really be cost productive to win. I've always heard a BMW is an expensive car to race, but I can't see it being that bad...just a little strange like all things German. At least, unless for some reason the factory took interest, you shouldn't have to spend $25G on a stock motor to run mid pack like SM. Could have some definite potential. :023:
What's that saying? Those who forget history are bound to repeat it right?

I read the article in GRM about Spec E30 and they slammed Spec Miata by comparing an established very competitive class to one just starting out. They should have compared it to SM 7 years ago...or we can come back 5 years from now and compare Spec E30 to where SM is now.
AG is telling the truth. You can bet that just as any class develops the cost of this one will go up as more people try to run up front. SM may have a few warts, but it is still a ton of bang for your buck. Besides, any cars that close in performance will be scruffy after a few races. Especially club racers who do it as a hobby. It is probably a blast to run just like SM, but mistakes by someone will cause some damage nearly every race.
Opinions are just that, but SM is one of the best things club racing has had to hang it's hat on tha last seven years. Probably the same with IT 20 or so years ago. ( And IT seems to still be a really good thing for club racing ...STILL.) Maybe more folks will do like me and start in SM and "elevate" :D (thats for you AG) to IT! But just because I changed classes doesn't make me think something is wrong with SM. It is still a super place to race. Spec E30 looks fun too.
Maybe more folks will do like me and start in SM and "elevate" :D (thats for you AG) to IT!
Mac, I would run IT in a heartbeat if it were more competitive in this division. Look at're going to Midiv and SEDIV to compete instead of racing around here. We're trying to build up IT and SRX7 by holding more attractive weekends (double regionals, or regional/enduro, or extended regionals). Lone Star was carrying the torch but with TWS up for sale...who knows what will happen next year.
That car #30 with the in-car camera absolutely blew by those other "spec" cars down every long straight. What is spec about the motors in that class? Yep, just like "spec" Miata. I like the idea in theory though... a spec class alternative to the Miatas.
Spec is spec. Whether something that is supposed to be spec is WITHIN specs, is an issue for enforcement - which in our game generally means someone has to protest it.

An over-fast car isn't necessarily evidence of a cheat, and a cheat isn't an indictment of a rule set.

Right, that car looked to be well prepped, and I got the impression his starting position wasn't "normal"...and it looked greasy/wet, and drying.

He DID look to have the pull on lots of cars, but who's to say he was more "spec"...or they were "less" spec? Maybe the class is new, and lots of guys are just out there on stock and worn motors?
All good points and very well stated answers. However, to my comment regarding "Spec" Miata, I have always wondered why one can be had for $24,000 and is consistantly four to five seconds a lap faster than another Spec Miata that can be picked up for $8000. I'm just trying to understand how spec rules can be so wide open as to allow for that scenario. Some of it, as stated, is obviously age of the motor, the quality of driver, some of it is track setup and other legal factors. All that aside though, I don't understand how the "spec" rules can allow for that kind of variance to make one car so much more expensive and fast. Generally speaking, if it's spec class, isn't everyone supposed to have the same stuff?

To me, the best example we have of a true spec class is Spec Racer Ford. There does not seem to be the huge variance in car cost and correlating lap times. Are there more narrow rules that they follow, or is this just a better policed group? Sorry if this is kind of a hijack of this thread.
Go to Click on the forums, then "Spec Miata Garage." There are 9 or 10 threads, excellent reads, from a guy named Steve Schieffler I think. He tore down 3 SM "pro" motors. Some VERY interesting finds.

Let's just say that "spec miata" is not so "spec," and that there is a reason a top SM motor costs $6-8k.

If Spec E30 is even half as popular as SM, it will suffer from the same affliction.
Yeah, I really think the reason srf is so equal is the sealed motors.

If spec miata had sealed motors, it would be much more "fair" for those of us without thick wallets.

And yes, that "spec" bmw had a pretty substantial hp advantage over the guys he was passing. It isnt his fault. He just has the means to spend more money on his motor/car then his competition.
Personally, I wouldnt really savor a victory all that much with that kind of hp advantage. I dont know, kinda takes the fun out of it.

On the other hand, I understand the kind of hurdles/cost's involved with sealing motors.

It is just inevitable that you will have guys willing to spend big bucks to win a plastic trophy and bragging rights. I hold nothing against these just isnt me. I guess I dont want to win that bad (or cant afford to :P )
I'll just have to be happy tooling along in the lower half of mid pack until I win the lottery.

In the meantime, be sure to give me a wave as you go by on the straights :114:
Some people also enjoy prepping their cars to the top level, just as some enjoy driving them that way.

Just in case any one was confused, I am not saying one class is better or worse, just that they have to be compared fairly. Jeff Young pretty much summed it up in one sentence. Do you think some of those guys that got smoked by the one guy won't be kicking prep up a notch now?
the way I heard it explained is that the back of the pack was running flat out to catch up with the front of the pack for the start, the front guys slowed waiting for the green but he was still running flat out when the green dropped. The current "norm" in the class is to run the stock or a junkyard motor.

Right, that car looked to be well prepped, and I got the impression his starting position wasn't "normal"...and it looked greasy/wet, and drying.

He DID look to have the pull on lots of cars, but who's to say he was more "spec"...or they were "less" spec? Maybe the class is new, and lots of guys are just out there on stock and worn motors?
looks like a great class, with fun cars!!! :023:

One thing SM has going for it... Competition just about every weekend just about everywhere all around the country... Other than SRF no other spec class has that to offer from what I know.

the way I heard it explained is that the back of the pack was running flat out to catch up with the front of the pack for the start, the front guys slowed waiting for the green but he was still running flat out when the green dropped. The current "norm" in the class is to run the stock or a junkyard motor.

thats the way I understand it too... you're a "cheating" bastard if you do a standard rebuild.. lol
And yes, that "spec" bmw had a pretty substantial hp advantage over the guys he was passing. It isnt his fault. He just has the means to spend more money on his motor/car then his competition.
Personally, I wouldnt really savor a victory all that much with that kind of hp advantage. I dont know, kinda takes the fun out of it.


he was a normal front runner that got gridded in the back of the pack for the race. the track was wet. some of the spec folks don't have multiple set of tire for different conditions. it wasn't all horsepower happening there.....

bmw cca is starting a spec e36 325/8 class this year. lower prep levels than IT. lots of interest already.
if they keep good car counts throughout this year, get even just a few reasonably serious drivers, and have a 20+ car championship at Mid-Ohio this year.....expect prep to explode over the next 2 years. not on the level SM blew up, but i'm pretty confident $ to compete is about to go up a notch.

i watched it happen in SM from the inside, i think we're watching it happen right now to Spec E30, and if IT goes national, we'll see it happen again.