Convention Notes


Super Moderator
Did anyone here attend the convention? The reason I ask is, the presentation files are now posted on the SCCA website, and while flipping through the "CRB Stragegic Plan Update & Town Hall" I came across an interesting page, which I believe sets out the plan (or some ideas at least) for the future of IT. The bullet points include "Continue to refine classifications w/ process", "National eligibility", and "Explore forced induction and all-wheel drive". Since I wasn't there I have no idea in what context these were presented, which is why I'm hoping someone here was in attendence and can expand on those points.

I hope they move into the 90's and add an AWD class!!
I'm tired of driving a "fake" Audi, I want AWD!

And I also have a Cat that really want's to get out of the box!!

I was at that meeting and many were interested when that item came up. The context was a quick summary of what the CRB was doing for all classes. When consideration for forced induction and AWD came up coments came from the crowd. The board slowly realizes that there are people who want to run WRX's and EVO's.
