internet access at RA?


New member
I've never been...
Trying to figure out if it is practical for my wife to come as she will need access at different times of the day for her work.
We found a starbucks about 20 min. away from the track, but this could be a little inconvenient.

Does the timing tower or some such have a signal that can be accessed?

We've had discussions with Road Atlanta about establishing wireless, but to my knowledge that has not yet been accomplished. I know that we have dial-up at the Registration building (and perhaps in the Tower), but I don't know if that meets your needs.

Butch Kummer
there was no wireless access that i could find anywhere at ra when i was down there in october.
I can attest that today, thursday, my computer said "nada"...I even went and dragged computer guru Greg Amy over and he came up empty as well. Regulars are doubtful that the tower has wi fi as well. Uggg....

We NEED doppler radar, LOL>

I live about 7 minutes from the track. I'm pretty sure my wireless is accessible from my driveway. If your wife needs acces she is welcome to sit in the driveway and do what she needs. If someone is home, she can even sit inside. Give me a call if you are interested. 678-640-8839.

I will be at the track most of the weekend.

The media center in the base of the tower does have wireless...but it might be turned off at times outside of big events.
There was access in the hospitality suite (3rd floor I think) during the Petit LeMans when I was there last month. Don't know if it was broadband or dial-up, it was used with a laptop to display timing & scoring on to a large flat screen.

Even used another laptop they had to surf a bit late in the race after dark as there wasn't much to see. Besides, by that time the view of the bar was better than the view of the track!

Good luck to all this weekend.
I got a wlan connection from my trailer in the paddock but it was WEP encrypted.

>> The media center in the base of the tower does have wireless...

Should be something the SCCA could arrange with RA in the future since obviously the "wire" is already there.