ARRC Budget


New member
Ok ARRC expenses.... This is based on 6 crew and 2 cars/drivers.

Travel expenses:
Travel Budget to transport cars/tools/spares and 2 crew members (including tolls/gas): $1,000
Airfare (6 people: $1,800
Hotel (3 rooms - 2 nights): $700
Food (1 "nice" dinner for crew, not including "free" track parties/food): $250.00
Rental Van: $200.00

Sub Total: $3,950

Sprint Race (totals for 2 cars):
Entry fee for sprint race: $500.00
Race-car gas testing/qualifying/sprint race: $150
Tires: $1600
Brakes: $260
Wheel Bearings/Hubs/Axles: $500.00

Sub Total: $3,010

Enduro (1 Car):
Entry fee for enduro: $350
Race-car gas: $75
Tires: $400
Brakes: $130
Wheel bearings/hubs/Axles: $250.00

Sub Total: $1,455

Grand Total: $8,165.00

(Grand Total may not include all costs such as other repairs and/or a head gasket set for a top 3 finish!!! :rolleyes: )

All- What did I miss?

Butch- Anyway to get a "tow fund" to help out the people coming in from a long distance?

Raymond Blethen
RST Performance Racing
ARRC Expenses:

Tires 775.00
brake pads 165.00
rotors 45.00
race car fuel (93 octane) 200.00
Diesel 500.00
Hotel 550.00
Food/drinks (hard to say) 200.00
entries (enduro/sprint) 600.00
edit test day 200.00

total 3235.00

I am in the SEDIV and it is still a longer tow for me than some people out of division! :wacko: 700+ mi...but way worth it!!! I can only hope I incur more expense with a teardown!!!
Not to belittle your expenses. I know just how expensive racing can be...particularly if you want to, and feel like you could win. But I recently talked to some really good friends who run a limited prep HP Sprite. It's currently divisional champ and, arguably, one of the fastest cars in the country. Before they could go to Topeka, they estimated that they were going to have to spend $8500, on the car, just to make certain it would be ready for the week. That's not including expenses to, from, and at the track for 12 days. Plus, going in, they expected that they would finish no better than third, as the guy that does some of the more exotic engine work has two local guys running for him. (resulting in them getting the better parts)

The tow fund would probably be in the area of a grand...I think.

That goes into the ever growing stack of reasons as to why I run IT, and want it to stay regional only.

Our ARRC expenses are not as large as yours, but our effort is only for one car...this year. Plus, it's divided five ways as we all have a stake in how our driver does.

I can only hope I incur more expense with a teardown!!!
We use that as an excuse to freshen up the motor once a year! You's true! That's the only time.
All this is exactly why Jeff Lawton and I are trying to find folks willing to share expenses. I've got a 15-passenger van that - as of this point - will have ~13 empty seats (well, call it 6 so folks can spread out) and it just seems absurd for everyone to tow cars there with their own truck and trailer.

All this is exactly why Jeff Lawton and I are trying to find folks willing to share expenses. I've got a 15-passenger van that - as of this point - will have ~13 empty seats (well, call it 6 so folks can spread out) and it just seems absurd for everyone to tow cars there with their own truck and trailer.


Greg, I'll consider....but if you even pack that thong thing ANYwhere in the truck, I'm out!
All this is exactly why Jeff Lawton and I are trying to find folks willing to share expenses. I've got a 15-passenger van that - as of this point - will have ~13 empty seats (well, call it 6 so folks can spread out) and it just seems absurd for everyone to tow cars there with their own truck and trailer.



When is that van leaving???

Our problem is some people can only get off work for Friday and need to fly down thursday night to make it in time for the weekend. Some might be able to get out of work on thursday and friday so if it leaves wednesday night it may be an option. for some reason though I thik you are going to try and make it to Thursdays test day.

As for combining the towing.... If a car hauler was used to transport cars, then I supose that we could take our trailer down with all the spares/tools/tires and what not loaded in. I can leave on Tuesday anytime and make stops along the way to get stuff. Just an idea, only problem is someone needs to figure all this out.

I haven't kept up with it since 2001, but the Runoffs tow fund is funded by a surcharge (I think $5) on each entry at a National race throughout the year. That money is allocated back to the top three finishers in each class from each division that choose to attend the Runoffs pro-rated based on their distance traveled. Although I'd be glad to accept (and distribute) even $2 from every Regional entry across the country as part of an ARRC tow fund, I don't see the rest of the regions agreeing to that.

We could always pass the hat after everyone has partaken of adult beverages at the social. :D

When I ran the Runoffs back in 2000 (in GT-1), I figured it cost me something north of $10K for that week and I didn't have to fly anyone in. If I recall correctly, my check from the tow fund (based on a third place finish in SEDIV and rated from Atlanta to Mid-Ohio) was less than $500.

We could certainly establish concentric travel circles around Road Atlanta with an increasing percentage the further out you are, but the two major issues remain:

1. How do we fund it?
2. Since there are no invitations (like to the top three per division), how do we distribute it?

As always, however, I'm open to suggestions...
Distribution? I haven't got a clue. But the collection method of passing the hat after many beers have been consumed sounds like an excellent idea. Just make certain that someone big and sober is watching the hat so as to prevent a competitor from taking their tow fund out before anyone else does. :P
Let's see:

Diesel - $60
Hotel - $0
Sprint Entry fee - $250
Half test day - $100
Race gas - $75
Food and beer - $75
Tires - Why? My driving sucks and they ain't gonna help get me any closer to the front
Freshened engine - see tires

Living 40 mins from Road Atlanta - priceless

Somebody has to live close by. I'd pitch in some $$ for a tow fund if it was setup.

Butch, I gotta give you credit....your open responses the other day about the schedule were top notch, and I give you credit for even discussing this idea!

Yea, a tow fund IS a hard thing to manage, because the money has to, obviously, come from guys who don't go! Otherwise we're just trading bills. Like, "Hey's a $20 for your tow."...."Thanks Jake, here's $ didn't drive as far"!
Butch, I gotta give you credit....your open responses the other day about the schedule were top notch, and I give you credit for even discussing this idea!



As noted by jake, thanks for paying attention... you do raise a good question.

I know of a series in Canada that will allow someone to race for free if they travel greater than a certain distance. I believe that they do this becuase they welcome competition and "guests" as you may to thier series/events.

Is your race profitable? Can the region operate without receiving full $$$ entries from those that are out of the 95% mean distance? Basicaly pro rate the entry the greater the distance you travel to compete. I know that I would accept that type of system if it was my region holding the event, actually I would support that idea for any event in any region.

Raymond, that's very creative thinking! I don't have ANY idea about the actual numbers, but I hadn't thought of that.
I don't know how you pay it out, but some sort of tow fund might help get out of SEDIV racers to come. The first year we had the WHEELS AMERICA Spec Miata Series down here in Texas, we gave every driver who went to the ARRC either $100 or $150 to help pay for some gas. It came out of the year long fees and sponsor dollars. I think 8 or so WASMRRS guys came to ARRC that year. If your towing a long way any help with the diesel is a blessing. To make it easier I am sharing my car (I hope she makes 4 races) that weekend.
raymonds break down from above is exactly why i do not add up anything and i am thinking that he does not have a wife to show it too.
raymonds break down from above is exactly why i do not add up anything and i am thinking that he does not have a wife to show it too.

No wife, smarter than all of you :unsure: ok maybe not, I have met some of those significant others in the padock and they are cool in my book!!!

I do have a girlfriend and I showed her the "budget" and she said it was "my money" and thought it was crazy but was suportive as she knows I will do it anyway... she didn't mind much but we havn't lived together yet (looking for a place now to move in together).

Raymond "trying to find money to save up" Blethen
If my wife saw this thread........................... RIP!

Why don't you guys just PM each other on these distasteful subjects. :rolleyes: I thought the title was just about beer food and table dances. OOPS another RIP if she sees this thread again! :dead_horse:

LOL... well the first year we went down with just one car and we had a budget of $1,000 for the sprint races as well as the Enduro... Gas wasn't as expensive but between gas and entry fees that entire budget was used up. We finished 3rd in the sprint race and 4th in class in the Enduro. So it is feasible to do the race on a limited budget, and do well. Maybe I should have posted if you were giong to go to the ARRC to WIN what would your budget be?

Raymond "It can certainly be done for less" Blethen
When is that van leaving???[/b]
It's flexible. The car and equipment must be there for the test day Friday. It's possible that, due to an utter lack of vacation time left, I may have to fly in. Thus, Matt will be forced to drive the rig down, and would certianly love to have company (Dave...? Melissa...?) Best guess, figure leaving Tuesday, staying overnight somewhere that night, then arriving at Road Atlanta at a leisurely pace Wednesday. If absolutely necessary, it can be done in one LOOOONG day (we left RA at 7:00 AM Sunday last year, and arrived at my house at midnight same day...)

For cost references, my last year trip was 2139 miles using 278 gallons (including travel to and from the track), averaging 7.7 mpg at an average $2.28 per gallon, for a total gasoline expense of $632. We are most fortunate in that our ace co-crew chief, Tim Rogers, lives in nearby Sugar Hill and loves to have overnight company that feeds and beers him well.

Also, don't forget that vacation season is coming to a close, and gas prices are expected to begin dropping. Those of us that remember last year will recall that gasoline this very day a year ago was approaching and surpassing $3 per gallon in the wake of hurricane Katrina. By the time the ARRC rolled around the prices had decreased dramatically (as my average cost above indicates.) So, anything's possible. - GA
The car and equipment must be there for the test day Friday. [/b]

Perhaps it was a mistype, but I don't want to take a chance on misleading anyone.

The track-sanctioned test day is actually Thursday, Nov. 9. We qualify on Friday, the ARRC Championship races are Saturday, then the "bonus events" are on Sunday.
