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View Full Version : NHIS RAL weekend, Sprint races...

08-15-2006, 01:10 PM
ok with all these guset superstars racing we have decided to bring out a guest superstar in my ITB Audi (Provided things go ok this weekend) for the sprint race. I can not devulge his name as of yet as we are "still working on a contract" lol... Ok Just kidding its My dad!!! Be nice to him, he hasn't run a sprint race all year, but he is looking to win as he still feels he can kick our buts!!!

On a side note, why so little entries throughout all classes? are people just waiting for the last minute or are people bailing out on this race?


Greg Amy
08-15-2006, 02:17 PM
...why so little entries throughout all classes?[/b]

- NERRC only, no NARRC points
- NARRC event at LRP the weekend before
- Enduro on Saturday, effect on car for Sunday sprint? (i.e., I don't own a Miata)
- Only a one day sprint race (~45 mins track time, max?)
- Double Regional NARRC event there two weekends later for the same price
- Hotels more expensive (peak tourist season)
- Gasoline is attrocious right now (can you say "7 mpg"?)
- Getting to the end of the racing year; time and money is being rationed...
- Any others I missed?

It simply comes down to "value for the money"...