Mitsubishi Eclipse Race Car?

A quick look at the ITCS shows that the 95-98 Eclipse would be classed in ITA. I've always heard that the biggest problem with these cars was brakes. In looking at the spec line, that would seem to be confirmed.

The eclipse is 2700 lbs with 204mm front rotors. For comparison, the Nissan NX2000 is 2515 lbs and 257mm rotors. (These weights may have changed as this is from the GCR, not the updates, but the eclipse still seems to have very undersized brakes.)

I've never seen one racing, so I have no first or even second hand experience.

If you were considering racing one, I'd have to suggest you reconsider.
You're totally right, the Eclipse is difficult to deal with even on track days, the brakes are way undersized for such a heavy vehicle. Especially in the AWD GSX trim which is around 3000lbs.

The Evo has the larger Brembo brakes, however, and seem adequate.