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View Full Version : Thoughts on 2nd Gen 300ZX as an IT car

07-01-2006, 10:33 AM
Anyone have thoughts on how the 2nd generation 300ZX would do as an IT car? I don't know the code number but it's the one w/ the headlights are built into the lines of the cars, not the 300Z w/ the pop up headlights.


07-01-2006, 03:30 PM
The first gen 300ZX suffers competitively from a lack of aftermarket upgrade products. NISMO and others do not support this model well with brake and suspension enhancement items.
The second gen 300 was not a huge seller in the US so I would suggest you check into what's available for race prepping it, before you decide.
Best Regards - Bill Miskoe

Nickel Dime
07-05-2006, 09:00 AM
The first gen 300ZX (Z31) ran from 84 (I think) to 89. The second gen (Z32) went from 90 to 96. From what I've seen the Z31's were heavy boats desined more for cruising than sporting. In autocross they're slugs. I have seen a couple in IT racing but they weren't overly competitive, although I have heard of one that was turning OK times at VIR (but I didn't see it). I personally would think long and hard before building a Z31 for IT. It looks like they are going to put the Z32 in the new ITR class and I'm really intrested to see how it does.

07-05-2006, 10:16 AM
You may want to check with jim wolf technologies, they would have the most info available for the 2nd gen that I know of.

07-05-2006, 12:20 PM
Go over to the posts about the ITR class that has been thrown up the flag pole for consideration. When (not if) this class gets off the ground, the Z32 will be in the list of cars to pick from. You're not the first one to ask this, but it is too much car for ITS.


07-05-2006, 03:06 PM
That car, (the Z32) was a "poster child' for ITR. The ITAC and the CRB have been asked repeatedly over the years to class the Z and the Supra, but they are too much for ITS. Now the SIR is here, and the fear was that those cars WOULD get added to ITS...and nobody would bother running them. So, ITR got fastracked, so to speak.

If the ITR class is appoved, those cars should make great choices.

07-05-2006, 03:32 PM
David Ross has one (an ITS Z31) here in NC somewhere. Very well prepped and fast car. Runs good times at VIR, and I think led a race at CMP a few years back. It was for sale recently for less than $10k, not sure the exact price though.

Also, I believe Grayson Upchurch's car is still kicking around the Atlanta area somewhere. It won an ARRC in the mid to late 90s before the RX7/BMW onslaught began.

I think the Z31 makes a decent ITS car, although it is probably not THE car to have. However, with the impending move of the E36 to ITR, ITS may be more wide open than in the past.

As the posters above indicate, Z32 300ZX is anticipated to be an EXCELLENT choice for ITR, but who knows how it will pan out?

07-05-2006, 10:25 PM

Yes, the Z32 chassis will be a great choice but the one to always start with is a "slick-top", ie: NO T-Tops and as early production and no frills from the factory as possible. Basically , if you can find a 1990 production date car with no T-Tops and a 5 speed then get after it. The only catch is, the slick-top Z32 is a very rare bird in the US, especially in 5 speed and you will pay a pretty penny for a chassis to build from. They are also a pain in the a$$ to work on so build it right from the start because it is definately not a car that you want to work on at the track. If I can assist you feel free to contact me, Good Luck - Chris Newberry

07-05-2006, 10:55 PM
the Z32 will not be cheap but it should be a good car...the VG30DE is an awesome motor...many a Nissan has one under the hood (or an iteration of it)...cradle bottom end...really cool bits! If you opt for a really early production model be real careful of the left cylinder head as a few of these had the cam sensor improperly machined and it eats up sensors...the only way to fix it is to get a new head...big $$$. A quick trip to the Nissan dealer with a VIN # will tell you if the recall/update has been done. a quick way to check it is to remove the sensor and see if there is an excessive amount of rust dust in there (3 10mm bolts)

07-13-2006, 05:21 PM
The biggest issues I see will be weight and brakes. The T-top cars are porkers around 3500 lbs. As Chris said, find a slick top if you can, but it'll be hard. The stock brakes are tiny for the car's weight. If you can get the weight down they won't be so bad, but I think brakes will be a big issue.

I have a 95 Twin turbo and love it. I think the NA is somewhat underpowered for the car's weight. There's all kinds of bolt-on aftermarket/performance parts available. The suspension on my car is entirely modified (not IT legal) except for the lower control arm. www.twinturbo.net is the best site on the web for Z32 info.


07-26-2006, 11:01 AM
I have a Z32 300zx and am having a great time running it. Its definitely alot of fun to put on the track. Right now its in ITE as that is where it was when I bought it. If ITR comes through, that is where I will be running it next season. If not Ill have to try to find it a home with a restrictor in ITS. Definitely enjoying it and am very glad that someone (thanks Andy) happen to stumble upon it. It would be great to have someone else to bounce ideas off of and work on development with! I say go for it...