My NHIS Experience!

Jeremy Billiel

New member
So as everyone knows by now, I am another one of those "Rookies" out there and I wanted to give a very big thanks to Greg A, Jeff L, Dick P, Tim K, Sam G, Steve L and all of the others that made this weekend for me a huge success!!! Thank you guys!

I drove up to NHIS Thursday, at my slow pace, and managed to get settled in and get everything taken care of with no large difficulites! Yeah! I attended the school class room session Thursday and then got ready for Friday. I was a little slow off of the trailer, but with the help of my instructor Jeff and crew Sam, I was able to pick up a good amount time and I was able to get some consistency in the low 1:20's. Still a long way to go, but a start. By the end of the day I was feeling comfortable in the car and Saturday I began to push the envelope further. I am not a good qualifier as I do better when being pushed by people but in the first session I started 14th and I believe ended up 7th. Not too bad... The afternoon race was even more fun as we all were pushing it even further and we had many good battles with some clean racing. All in all another great day at the track, but boy I was getting tired!

Sunday came and so did the rain. I knew I was going to be very well off the pace especially in the rain so my goal for the day was to not finish last and stay out of the leaders way. I went out for qualifying in the rain and I spun twice and felt very uncomfortable even with new full tread RA1's. The car had just insane throttle snap oversteer. So for the race I disconnected the rear swaybar and was hoping for a bit more understeer which is easier to control especially in race conditions. I managed to succeed at this but now I had insane understeer. Damn... Oh well, I just wanted to finish the race. Luckily there were many "incidents" and I was able to finish 13th out of 18. Not good, but everyone needs to start somewhere!

Another big thanks to everyone and thank you SCCA Stewards and Volunteers! :D

I hope to see everyone again at LRP, which I have a lot more experience on, as I had none at NHIS coming into this weekend.

Was Doug taking pictures this weekend? Being a one man crew I was curious if anyone had any good pics of my car.
Due to the poor weather I thought it best to spare my equipment from another drenching this weekend. I hear I missed quite a bit of action :(

I will certainly be onsite for the Memorial Day events
NHIS was a blast this past weekend...

In the AM for the ITS/ITB qalifying it was a bit wet, but not raining. My brother tried out the new Hoosier Rain tire and it proved to be a great intermediat tire, much better than my intermediate Toyo's that we used to use in the Mount Washington Hillclimb. Stephen had issues still with the rear brakes locking yet again but was still able to qualify 1st in class and 8th overall with a 1.29.364. I came in sideways to every turn and found myself 2nd in class 10th overall with a 1:30.090. Nat Wentworth (last years winner of the event) was close behind in 3rd (11th overall) with a 1:30.289.

In the afternoon we all expected rain, but it kept holding off leaving me to pace back and forth looking at other cars trying to determine my tire choice. I decided early that no matter what tires I choose for the front in the rear I was going to stick with the Hoosier Dirt Stockers, so the car would not rotate. At the last minute as it started to sprinkle I desided to stick with the Hoosier "Slicks" in the front.

When the green flag dropped the field took off, I was passed by a few ITS cars on the stright but as soon as we hit the NASCAR turn 1 and 2 mybrother and I quickly drove past a few hading into turn 3. Everyone was safe through turn 3 and I was left to battle my brother for the ITB lead. Stephen put up a quick battle but I was able to navigate ahead of him through a few ITS cars that were a bit squirmy on the second lap. I was then on my own and 3rd or 4th overall. I ran a very "safe" race driving wise, and ran about 3 seconds a lap faster than the ITB field giving myself a bit of a cusion. My tire choice seemed to be perfect as the car was well balanced throughout the entire race. Rain came and went and some laps got me very very nervouse, as I new it a rainstorm broke out my race was done. About 3 laps from the end it started to drizzle more and thetrack got slick, and Stephen started to catch me. In the end though I had enough of a cusion to hold Stephen off for the ITB win and a 5th overall finish.

Stephen also had a great "safe" race running about 2 seconds faster than everyone else in ITB. He thought he might have a chance if it started to rain, but it didn't. Better yet though the Hoosier Rains really proved to be an awsome intermediate tire. Its obviosly not as fast as a dry tire on a dry surface, but It doesn't chunck and will last the entire race. Great job Hoosier!!! Stephen Finished 2nd in class amd 7th overall.

I forgot the results otherwise I would post them... I do know that Paul Curran came in third place in ITB.

All those who didn't make it, we shall see you at Pocono!!!

Congrats to Jeremy for surviving his first race weekend! Nice job. During the school weekend, not only did he learn racing techniques, but you that you never know who might be behind listening to your conversation. Seeing his face turn bright red at the resturant after talking about the stewards while the group of them were right behind him (nice work Greg Amy!) was well worth the trip to NHIS.

(I have some pics of you from the weekend. Shoot me an e-mail and I'll forward them to ya.)

Watching Ray run away from the pack and Stephen not too far behind was pretty amazing. I kept thinking that I need to grow some kohonas like that! Awesome driving. It was also cool seeing cars as "pretty" as mine do so well.

The ITA race was a bit of a let down as only a few laps were completed. Hopefully the guy that connected with the tire wall is o.k.! Seeing Greg Amy use the Matt supplied Nitros on the straights was very cool. Watch out for the next dry race ITA boys! Seeing Jeff's continous smile as he experienced his new baby Saturn was great. And it appeared that Tim is starting to enjoy his new toy as well.

Jake Gulick have been very proud - as with any rainy day, the subject of the Miracle ITA RX7 win :D was discussed on several occassions.

I have to hand it to the volunteers for surviving the weekend as it was pretty darn cold and wet. I'm not sure how they do it.
Congrats to Jeremy and all the 'noobies' on their first race!
I had a blast despite an early incident in qualifying involving the wall on the downhill....
With only 2 laps in on a greasy track, I was heading down the hill from 9 when the car suddenly bucked, snapped around and tagged the wall. I slid backwards down the hill watching the concrete rush by a couple feet off the right door (I would later be asked if I soiled myself during response was no, but I did sh#t in my helmet. "Huh?", he responded. " I was going backwards down the hill going, "Sh#t!Sh#t!Sh#t!")
Managed to drive in, with only the bumper cover stuffed beneath the car. Ed & Bernie thrashed on it to patch the various components back together again, and I was able to run despite the concrete adjustment to the nose. Brian M & I were on rains, Eric P on dries. He had a drying track and got some real estate on both of us. Brian & I had fun (well, I did anyway!) swapping positions lap after lap. I missed seeing the last lap signal and he got me going into 3. I said, "Eh, I'll just take him back on the straight, they must be close to last lap." Well we come out of the chicane and Doooohhhh! Dammit, there's the checker!!!! :( I tried to push the throttle through the firewall, but couldn't get past his door. :eclipsee_steering:
Ah, it was fun anyway! Still have some sorting out to do on the car. I was relieved that it was (well, with one exception) pretty forgiving of me.
Enjoyed the ITB race and the Blethen twins. It got interesting at 3 towards the end when the track got slickery. One of the Beemer's threaded himself right between the two stacks of tires without hitting anything.
So what happened in the ITA race? We left before it ran. News? Results?? How did Tim K do with his new baby?
My quick takes on the weekend; longer write-ups on the web site later in the week:

- Test day was pretty quiet except for me nearly spinning in my own anti-freeze. Blew a water pipe cap waaay up under the intake manifold, squeezed in between that and the starter. Advanced Auto saved the day (I needed the motivation to change out the coolant anyway).

- Day One of the school was quite the show. Group One drivers (a.k.a., Miatas and a few other things) managed to crease more than a few cars (while putting Serge Lentz on the trailer for the weekend). We all gotta remember that the line into Three crosses the back straight, same as what happens on No Name at LRP; it's an optical illusion that catches more than a few people (like the student that I drove past the T3 turn-in; he got the point).

Side note on Serge's incident: his welded-on steering wheel coupler BROKE OFF at the weld. It literally broke the steering shaft at the weld, for several reasons (I won't get into the technicals unless prodded). Queue now to my past rants on the safety - and legality - of welded-on steering wheel couplers...

- Day Two of said school was much better. Much. Nothing more than rare creased fenders and egos. Nice crop of students coming up in the ranks...

- Race Day dawned wet. Very Wet. In fact, it was sleeting during G6s qualifying session. Word of the day: Hoosier. If you weren't on them, you weren't winning. Witness multiple drivers kicking total butt on 'em while others sucked wind (raising hand). I had pretty much zero grip in the corners with Spec Miata full-tread Toyos.

- Driver of the day: Erik Shiflett, with a hat tip to Victor, Richie, and Anthony. I'd watched Erik whoop tail in ITS in the rain so I knew it was inevitable that I was going to be passed for the lead quite shortly. No reason to make it difficult for them and he, Victor, and Richie did a good job taking the opportunities (grudgingly) offered...then came the full course yellow then black flags right after. Ah, well...hindsight.

- Move of the weekend: Jeremy Billiel. We're standing in line at Makris waiting to be seated. Jeremy goes off on a verbal rant about "those stewards" giving him a ration of grief about his car number/class on the car. After listening to it for about 30 seconds I wait for a pause, put my hand around his shoulders, turn him around and with a wide hand flourish say, "Jeremy Billiel, number 98 ITS, meet your SCCA stewards." Rolly goes, "Oooh yeah, we've met." Smoooooooth, JB... :smilie_pokal:

- MovER of the weekend: Jeff Lawton. Last session of the day in the Saturday school Jeff's well-prepped SatURN manages to toss out its power steering pulley. The SatURN uses a serpentine belt to run everything, including water pump. Fortunately for Jeff, he spins in his own boiling anti-freeze (sensing a trend here?) and pulls it in. Commanding his god-like Saturn powers and beaming the SatURN logo on the lowering clouds beckons a couple of local SatURN Performance Club members who leap to his assistance the next morning. They get the car running at the beginning of the qually session (with more thanks to Advance Auto). After having driven the car only four laps in qually (placing 14th) Jeff uses his four laps of rain racing to his advantage (on Hoosier Dirt Stockers) and finishes 7th in class in the car's 2006 debut. This one's a comer.

- Unfulfilled anticipation of the weekend: Andy's ITA Miata. Final drive troubles sidelined the Flatout Motorsports ITA Miata, but Andy swapped over to a Spec Miata and got a finish. Personally, I think he's sand-bagging it, but we'll see as the year goes on. That's yet another one to watch.

- Proof that things are going right: the ITA grid was populated by a diverse mix of vehicles: VW GTi, CRX, Integra, 240SX, NX2000, Saturn, 1.8 and 1.6 Miati, what else? There was NO ONE sitting on that pre-grid thinking it was a done deal. This is the class to watch in '06.

- Chits to be collected later: Mr Hunter tapping Mr Amy in between turns 9 and 10 in the rain. Mr Amy gets to see how far a NX2000 will rotate before just coming back home. It was all Mr Amy could do to get his hand off the wheel to flip off Mr Hunter in the process. Yep, we know he didn't do it on purpose, but that don't mean there's not a debt due... B) - GA

ITA Top five:
1 - Erik Shifflet
2 - Victor Gangi
3 - Richie Hunter
4 - Greg Amy
5 - Anthony Ruddy
ITA Weekend Summary -

Sleet during Sunday qualifying. 48 degrees and raining (the workers had to have suffered). 4 Lap race in the rain. Good for stories at the end of the year, but not the most fun weekend for workers and ITA.

As for the crash - I was right behind him when it happened. Looked like his rear brakes may have locked. During braking into turn 3 the car just snap turned right 90 degrees and slid across the track. He hit the barrier (at drivers right in turn 3) on the drivers side. It was a big hit.

Any word on how he is doing?
Congratulations to Raymond on his first win! And Stephen wasn't going to let him have it easily either. It was wonderful to watch my guys duke it out again and come back strong. Although my pictures are not great, thought I'd share Raymond's first victory lap at NHIS with you.
Again, congrats Raymond and Stephen for your second place.

BTW, Congrats to the entire race group 4 for a generally safe and clean race! :happy204:
.......Jake Gulick have been very proud - as with any rainy day, the subject of the Miracle ITA RX7 win :D was discussed on several occassions.


Rain???? Damn...was it Biblical rain? I need BIBLICAL, LOL...a tornado touching down a few miles away helps too.

Sounds like an interesting weekend. Wish I was there.

Greg, better not hold your chit for too long...Madison Bowland (sp? Remember him? Black RX-7) punted me in the uphill at LRP with 2 to go as I was running 3rd in the NARRC Runoffs once....needless to say I was displeased...I still "owe" him. I figured it would be great to be stalking him sometime and really need to get by...he'd probably just move over, knowing it was just easier that way...LOL.

But nooooo...he had to go and quit racing! Cash 'em when you got 'em....
Rain???? Damn...was it Biblical rain? I need BIBLICAL, LOL...a tornado touching down a few miles away helps too.
Sounds like an interesting weekend. Wish I was there.

Greg, better not hold your chit for too long...Madison Bowland (sp? Remember him? Black RX-7) punted me in the uphill at LRP with 2 to go as I was running 3rd in the NARRC Runoffs once....needless to say I was displeased...I still "owe" him. I figured it would be great to be stalking him sometime and really need to get by...he'd probably just move over, knowing it was just easier that way...LOL.

But nooooo...he had to go and quit racing! Cash 'em when you got 'em....


Maybe you caused him to run away with his tail between his legs... :rolleyes:

When are you ever going to come back out??? or did you quit also??? :cavallo:

I enjoyed watching Raymond and Stephen whaling on the ITS cars. No doubt they were driving 10/10th. Stephen, you really need to get that teal stripe re-painted. Uuuuuuugly!! :lol:

Jeremy did a heck of a job this past weekend. There was a couple of times I was all over his ass in the school and he kept his composure every time. You ITS guys better watch out, that Vtec can pull!!

First time in a rain race where I wished the race had gone the full distance!! I was having FUN!!!!

Who's going to the Memorial day races!! I can't wait!!
Well, the long sad tale, shortened for your tolerance.

Watkins Glen damage turns out to be terminal. Car twisted amidships. (Something about me being a middle car in a 4 wide NASCAR straight 1st lap of qualifying 'deal'...and the quick visit to the armco after being shot out like a watermelon seed...a couple broken ribs, but the car 'seemed' ok...the FR corner was a complete toss... but it was pushed and pulled back into somewhat raceable shape over night with the help of the entire NER group that was there, Porta Power included, and was a bit spooky in the race ( 3 different make and model shocks for instance)...but the frame guy later said the four wheels aren't where they need to be)

In the middle of Sept, my job/project heats up, long 12 hour days and every weekend...from sept to mar I had a total of 8 days off...and 4 were holidays, 2 were spent in Atlanta observing the ARRC for the ITAC, and 2 were spent observing ITS ED36 dyno runs for the there, one morning was spent unloading a 'new' chassis.

So the work has begun of making two cars into one good one...but the work thing has me a bit behind schedule. Oh..did I mention that I have a 100 yr old Victorian that needs a roof? (Rafters and all?)

So...someday, LOL I'll get there.
I had a blast cutting my teeth with the new TEG, unfortunatlley I bloodied my lip in the process. I was two cars back from Dardano's EP spin. From the P7 position I was tring to reel in Brandon's 240sx at the time of the spin and had no place to go (the prefered line I mean) so I took the short cut through the tire wall at T3. Soft tissue only. I was hoping to wait at the bottom of T9 and rejoin the field but was being waved back on the track at by the corner worker - so I followed my instruction back on the track. Caught the rear of the field, then we went "black all" where they checker flagged the event - oh well I did beat the Triumph and finished P27/P22 out of 27 cazrs.

The good news - Had a great day at NHIS, enjoyed the company of Jeff L, Jeremy B, and Greg A. The Chiefie Race Team across form our space were very entertaining as well. Really liked the new car although I wasn't ready to see how well she would do in the rain just yet. I'll wait for LRP rain for that. Feels like we are making decent power so I guess I will have to see what I can do; I think it will take a little time to learn all her new moves. Congrats to Erik S with his win and to Victor G and Richie H (this is staring to sound like and AA meeting with the now last names). Someday I will learn that there is no breaking in T3, until then the #11 is starting to look like a real race car.

Also enjoyed watching the "C" CRX #11 and Steph make laps at the track. Steph and Ed should have fun with that. I met Eric Parham at the gas pumps outside the track he was on dry's for the win.

See ya at Pocono.
Greg knows me well, but not well enough to know that the only thing I sand-bag at is Ping-Pong (if anyone wants a money game, let me know...:) )

The motor was soft. A few ideas, the biggest one surounding the lack of 02 sensor. Had a bung welded in, sourced a sensor and went to qualify.

Car handles REAL well. Even a rough set-up with zero attention to bars or shock settings had the car anywhere on the track thanks to the new 205 Goodyear RS's. Greg looked at my other unmounted set next to a set of 225 GS-CS's and the 205's are WIDER. Must be using Hoosier rulers these days...

Qual in the rain had no hole for me to run in. I waived a group by in each of the first 3 laps I ran then ducked into the pits to find a bigger one. I would catch the pack in front of me before getting a clean lap - then the new 4.88 started making weird noises. Brought it in before the new Torsen tried to seek light.

Bottom line? It will be a real good car if we can find the power. Programmable ECU in over the next couple weeks with mucho dyno time. We will need it if we are to keep up with Greg's ROCKET. R-O-C-K-E-T.

It was great to meet Jeremy and I forgot what a monster our boy Tim is...yikes!!!! :)

Jeremy did a heck of a job this past weekend. There was a couple of times I was all over his ass in the school and he kept his composure every time. You ITS guys better watch out, that Vtec can pull!!


Jeff - Be very, very quite! We don't want Andy to get any wrong impressions about VTEC or Honda HP. :D :D