Brake controller install


New member
I have a 2004 GMC Sierra, im not terribly familiar with trailer brake systems and such but im pulling an older open aluminum trailex dual axle, and im told i need a brake controller installed in the truck to manage the system. I have seen controllers avaiable on ebay in the $30-$100 range. Do you guys recommend any particular controller, and can i do the install/wiring myself fairly easily?
Check to see if your truck comes with a plug already. My 2002 Explorer had a plug behind the glovebox. It came with the other half of the plug and pig tails as well as instructions for wiring it. I just took the controller and soldered it to the pigtailed connector in the comforts of my house...and all it took was to plug it into the harness.

As far as controllers, I like the better ones with more features. I forget exactly what it is but there is different logic in the more expensive ones.

I'm happy with my draw-tite II controller even if it's manual (I adjust for rain/dry conditions and empty/full trailer)
2004 should have a pigtail you plug into the truck wiring system. Your truck may have come with one when you bought it. If not you can get one. Some people like the big expensive inertia based controllers like the prodigy but they are over 100. I went with the timer based one like the Reese POD for 40 bucks.
The wiring is in the 2004 as noted above. I would expect if the cable had been included with your truck when new, you would have already found it. Most new brake controllers can be ordered with the appropriate connector for your vehicle. I would recommend this, not the universal type where you have to figure out the wiring, and the connectors. I've tried 3 or 4 different brand name controllers, and I would highly recommend the Tekonsha Prodigy. It's the only one that is noticably different, and better.

Forgot to mention, you need to verify your hitch/trailer wiring is the 7 pin type. A 4 pin doesn't include brakes. See this link for the wiring diagram.
The wiring is in the 2004 as noted above. I would expect if the cable had been included with your truck when new, you would have already found it. Most new brake controllers can be ordered with the appropriate connector for your vehicle. I would recommend this, not the universal type where you have to figure out the wiring, and the connectors. I've tried 3 or 4 different brand name controllers, and I would highly recommend the Tekonsha Prodigy. It's the only one that is noticably different, and better.

Forgot to mention, you need to verify your hitch/trailer wiring is the 7 pin type. A 4 pin doesn't include brakes. See this link for the wiring diagram.

Listen to what this guy has said! I strongly recommend what he is telling you.

If you search around Ebay for the Prodigy, you can get a good deal on it. I picked mine up for 90 shipped! It is by far the best one on the market for the money!
The single most important part of your entire racing package is trailer brakes. Do NOT skimp on the controller. \When it all comes to a grinding halt on the highway on the way home, and you scare yourself, but miss it all, you'll be braggin' about how smart you were to buy the right controller.
+1 for all of that. I've used a variety of Brand X controllers in the past, and went with the Prodigy this time around, based upon recommendations here, and on various towing orieneted forums. Easy to install, and works like a charm.
This thread reminded me I needed to get a controller for my rig. I went with the Prodigy on E-bay here

Less that $100 shipped!

Thanks for the advice.
Add another +1 for the Prodigy! I've owned several controllers, and it's by far the best of the bunch. It's also the only one that has enough grunt to stop my 16K# gooseneck. The "lesser" controllers were both scary and dangerous, IMHO.
Another feature that the Prodigy brake controller has over the cheaper ones is the diagnostics. It showed that I had a "short" and an "overload" in the brake circuitry. Sure enough, I searched under the trailer and found one of the wires to the LR electric brake had rubbed on the frame through the wire insulation, causing an intermittent short.

My old Tekonsha never would have let me know that. Now all four brakes are working properly again! :happy204:

