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02-12-2006, 08:38 PM
just got back tonight from the double drivers school at roebling road.The region and everyone involved did a wonderful job.

as for me...i got my license so i'm very happy.

Car...the old girl let me down on friday.ran into a fuel pressure problem.there's a first time for everything i guess.

saturday was a great day to learn car control in the rain.All Day!!

Once again i would like to that everyone involved in that school and also the entire region.GREAT job.

Tim Martin

02-12-2006, 08:56 PM
Good job, Tim :023: A driver's school in the rain is the only time you'll ever hear a wet situation referred to as "trial by fire". I suppose this means you'll be ready for the ECR in Daytona in May. :)

02-12-2006, 11:32 PM
Congratulations to everyone who made it through the school. Look forward to racing with all of you.

02-13-2006, 12:05 PM
I also had my cherry popped last weekend. Trial by fire is a good discription. Between the rain, 50+ cars in the group and running with SPO & GT cars I think I've seen it all. I even drove though a cloud of tire smoke and dust at track out in 9 when an Acura? hit the tires at Pit In right in front of me. I held my line and prayed he did not shoot back across the track. :o I remember emerging to see clear track and my heart pounding in my chest. Amazingly, he and the car were OK.

And then there was the time the "Marines" SPO passed me in 3 just to get sideways in front of me in 4. Wow! But he got it together and was gone out of 7.

Hope to see you guys at RA. I'll probably be doing the test day and the SARRC depending on the weather.

02-13-2006, 12:15 PM
What a great weekend! Having 2 cars there was a bit nerve racking though...but seeing the Miata we slaved on running out there with no top made me think it would be fun running topless at a few events :D ...maybe at short non aero tracks... both cars made it through and both drivers are licensed! More drivers in the IT and SM ranks! My driver in my Integra had no prior experience and was not so fast, but learned alot. Having 2 beautiful sunny (but damn cold! :wacko: ) days and one soaker was perfect for learning! All schools should have a rain day, or at least some sprinklers to soak the track down...very few cars did not survive due to incidents and mechanicals...so a big :happy204: to everyone involved!!!!

Team SSR
02-13-2006, 02:18 PM
My driver got his novice license at RRR this past weekend too. We are getting ready to race CMP this upcoming weekend - after buying some new tires. We 'corded' a RF on the last 5-lap race. We also need rain tires. We found out Saturday that ours are pretty sorry.

Thanks to all the officials, corner workers and staff at RRR!

02-13-2006, 03:31 PM
The event went well, and all 4 of my students did well and passed with no issues and no incidents. I had zero discussions about my students with chief instructors or race officials all weekend long, which is a very good thing. Those guys did a great job, or maybe they just had an awesome instructor :cavallo:

On another note, some of you experienced guys need to get down there and instruct. Its a shame for us to be short of instructors for something like this. The 140 or so students at this school, and future schools, are the future of our club.
I was fortunate in that I had 4 students all in one race group, but some guys had as many as 7 students in 2 groups and ran like crazy all weekend. I ended up working with a student that was paddocked next to one of mine as much as my own students because his instructor was always busy somewhere else. We can get the job done that way (and we did), but we certainly can, and should, do better.

Yes, it does cost time and money to do this, but the Buccaneer folks took great care of the instructors providing lunch each day and a certificate for a free 2006 test day.

Its rewarding, fun, you get to help determine who you race with, and you might just get a free test day.
Sounds like a good deal to me.

Lets see if we can get that student to instructor ratio down to 3/1 next year guys.

02-13-2006, 03:51 PM

You make some very good points. I have instructed at the Roebling Super School in the past and enjoyed it. However, the Bucc Region needs to do a better job of recruiting instructors; specifically:

1. ASK THEM. I have never even been asked to teach at this school. I have had to chase somebody down and offer. This year I sent an e-mail to the chief instructor offering to teach and didn't hear anything for several weeks. Naturally I assumed that there were enough instructors and I made other plans for that weekend. NCR and CCR have each recruited me for their schools with a simple e-mail or phone call.

2. Provide lodging as an incentive instead of a test day certificate. :015: It's a lot to ask me to pony up gas to and from Roebling, pay for food, and lodging to instruct. The offer of a test day isn't very interesting to me since a) I only race at Roebling once a year and B) don't test that often anyway. CCR has put up instructors two to a room and this worked out well. I'm sure Bucc region could work a deal with a local hotel. There are plenty of them.

Just some suggestions. :024:


02-13-2006, 04:26 PM
...but some guys had as many as 7 students in 2 groups and ran like crazy all weekend. [/b]

That was our situation - our instructor had 8 or 9 students from two run groups (although he did have assistance from a second instructor)! But then, considering I was lucky enough to draw Tom Fowler as our primary instructor I had nothing whatsoever to complain about! I just wish I had thought to bring a tape recorder to capture all of his lectures - including tips on how to avoid run-ins with the stewards (apparently Tom has tried them all :D ). Big thank you to both Tom and Tim Meek for getting us through the weekend :023:

As far as the school goes, I had an awesome time (well, except for getting busted by the sound police twice :( )! Mega-thanks to the folks in the Buccaneer region for putting on an outstanding event, and especially to the corner & grid workers who stood in the cold Friday and Sunday, and the rain all day Saturday so we could play. Saturday was kind of like taking cough medicine - you really didn't want to take it but you knew you had to, and knew it would help you get better. And, if I may be so un-humble for a moment, I was the only driver in our instructor's group to not have a spin all day! And still managed to put in the 6th best time in the next-to-last session! Must have been the full-tread Toyos combined with the great instruction. Unfortunately those same Toyos turned against me Sunday, as when I started to really push it they started to give up a little. I still had a ton of fun, and got into a few good battles with some really clean racers.

Oh, and Tom, from what I hear I think that "Marines" car set a new record for spins in a driver's school - but then I've heard that those circle track cars don't always do so well when you make them turn left AND right!

Anyway, there is now one more licensed knothead out there to deal with, so all of you MARRS guys take note, and be sure to wave as you pass :lol:

02-13-2006, 06:59 PM

You make some very good points. I have instructed at the Roebling Super School in the past and enjoyed it. However, the Bucc Region needs to do a better job of recruiting instructors; specifically:

1. ASK THEM. I have never even been asked to teach at this school. I have had to chase somebody down and offer. This year I sent an e-mail to the chief instructor offering to teach and didn't hear anything for several weeks. Naturally I assumed that there were enough instructors and I made other plans for that weekend. NCR and CCR have each recruited me for their schools with a simple e-mail or phone call.

2. Provide lodging as an incentive instead of a test day certificate. :015: It's a lot to ask me to pony up gas to and from Roebling, pay for food, and lodging to instruct. The offer of a test day isn't very interesting to me since a) I only race at Roebling once a year and B) don't test that often anyway. CCR has put up instructors two to a room and this worked out well. I'm sure Bucc region could work a deal with a local hotel. There are plenty of them.
Just some suggestions. :024:


We drivers ask the workers to get themselves to the track and get their own hotel rooms. Right?

Why can't we drivers do the same to help the club?
I know not everyone can make it every year, but last I heard we had less than 25 instructors for well over 100 students this weekend. I don't like that ratio, and I KNOW out of all of the experienced racers in the SE we can get at least 50 folks down to Roebling once a year.
I'm not preaching. Hell, I might not be able to make it next year. Most of us have work and families that come first. But again... How many racers with over 5 years of experience do we have in the SE?
The answer is alot. Getting a minimum 50 of them to the biggest school of the year should be a no brainer. This weekend we had fewer instructors than the amount of workers it takes to run a race at VIR. That sort of sucks.

I agree on the recruiting part though. The region does need to be more aggressive there.
I'd like to see an instructor mentoring program where new instructors are partnered with experienced ones their first time there, but thats not going to happen if we can't get enough bodies involved.

02-13-2006, 07:24 PM
Scott, you're exactly right that we ask the workers to do all of this on their own dime. And it's a reason why it's getting harder and harder to find enough workers. Many regions are helping pay for hotel rooms for the workers and provide other goodies as well.

You saw what happens if you ask for drivers who are willing to give up a weekend away from their families, and instruct on their own nickel: you get only 25 instructors. If you want to get more, you'll need to provide some incentive, IMHO. It won't take much , if Pareto is right. B)


02-13-2006, 07:26 PM
woe...i wish i had know all you guys were going to be at that school i would have loved to meet you all.
as for spins....the #34 gt-1 car did the best spin at start finish .....hard on gas during a restart....what was it 4-5 spins down the front???

Chris,as for me ready for Daytona...i found out one very important thing this weekend...new eith eith a new motor,would not turn over 5300 rpm's down front straight or a differant tranny,may need to get rid of the 4spd.

i had a good instuctor.did not try to tell us how to drive,just gave us sugestions.his name was Ben Robrtson.

Anyway,wish we all could have gotten together while we were there.by the way. i was the slow teal colored rabitt in group 1.


Super Swift
02-13-2006, 09:35 PM

Looking forward to seeing you in Daytona. I hope you get the handling from 9 to 1 fixed before the next race. It was obvious that was where you struggled.

I had fun watching you guys. (That goes to all my students.)


02-13-2006, 11:52 PM
I agree on the recruiting part though. The region does need to be more aggressive there.
I'd like to see an instructor mentoring program where new instructors are partnered with experienced ones their first time there, but thats not going to happen if we can't get enough bodies involved.


I wish I knew there was going to be a shortage of instructors. For future reference, what experience level do they require to be an instructor? I would have loved the experience, and the time at the track away from classes! Wonder if they would have let a 20 yr old be an instructor?


02-14-2006, 12:53 AM
I too got my first shot at wheel to wheel racing this past weekend. Ben Robertson was also my instructor. Saturday was very interesting. I know is wasn't raining that hard, but I had no idea that little 185 race tires would stick that good on a wet track. I was using my buddies ITC Civic, it was the white one with all the Honda logos on it. We are planning to do several ECR's this year. I wonder if all the lap times will be on Mylaps.com?

Hey Tim, good to meet you and glad you got the car running.
Ben, thanks for all the praise and instruction.
Hope to see you both in the future.


02-14-2006, 12:57 AM
I was there, instructing. You guys (the students) did a GREAT job on Sat./Sun -- that school had far fewer (FAR fewer) than my school in 2003, which was mass carnage. Really enjoyed watching you guys progress, and look forward to racing with you this year.

02-14-2006, 10:42 AM

I wish I knew there was going to be a shortage of instructors. For future reference, what experience level do they require to be an instructor? I would have loved the experience, and the time at the track away from classes! Wonder if they would have let a 20 yr old be an instructor?


Well, I was told you needed to have a minimum of a National license to instruct (which I have), but I don't think that should be the qualifier. I'd rather see guys with experience and results that can comunicate well and CARE about the results of the school.
As far as I'm concerned, age should not be an issue. We have some great racers in this club that are in their early 20s and some pisspoor ones in their 40s.
Just my humble opinion of course.

I plan to volunteer to be the pre-event instructor recruiter next year if the Chief Instructor (whoever that is, but its usually Adam and/or Kevin) is interested. If this happens, I'll be sending out emails and posting notices on web boards a couple of months prior to the event. With final notifications of who is going to instruct being sent out EARLY.
I'd like to see this turn into something instructors are selected and invited to. But maybe thats just me. I'm silly that way.

02-14-2006, 02:31 PM
The event went well, and all 4 of my students did well and passed with no issues and no incidents. I had zero discussions about my students with chief instructors or race officials all weekend long, which is a very good thing. Those guys did a great job, or maybe they just had an awesome instructor [/b]

Scott, from my point of view I have to go with the awesome instructor. Also, I would really appreciate it if I could bounce ideas and thoughts off of you in the future. I promise not to bounce my car off of you, though.


02-14-2006, 02:59 PM
Scott, from my point of view I have to go with the awesome instructor. Also, I would really appreciate it if I could bounce ideas and thoughts off of you in the future. I promise not to bounce my car off of you, though.


No problem.
I'll typically be somewhere in the area of Christian's CRX.
Please don't bounce the RX7 off of me, my ride ain't mine and I hate bondo :rolleyes: .

02-14-2006, 07:26 PM

Seriously fun weekend, other than the rain. The little ITB CRX ran great, and really absolutely astonished me. First time in this car, first time back on track after 4 years off, I couldn't be happier. Other than that part of the Sunday race where the motor mount let go and the engine dropped 3" on one side, exploding a CV joint, and making lots of really loud noises.

Great to meet a few names from IT.com, Christian, Tom particularly in my group of students.

Thanks again Scott for being my 'structa. Now just help me find a co-drive with really short legs so I can do some enduros with you guys!!

See yall at the track!


aka "the crazy guy"



02-14-2006, 07:47 PM
RFloyd,i was watching that crx in the 2nd group..very fast.

Superswift(Ben) monday i located a 5 spd gear box for the rabitt and trying to find a motor builder now.But i really think a 5 spd would make a big differance.

Jeff,THANK YOU for all your help,and please thank you partner for me as well.it was fun watching you drive,you have great car control.I just wish i could have kept up with you to follow some of you lines a little more.You guys were great to be around.I wa also amazed at how much grip the new toyos had during the last rain session we had.

I think i might take the car to Moroso in march for the double SARRC even befor the new tranny and motor.I need track time.

Thanks again to everyone.


02-14-2006, 08:31 PM
Scott, from my point of view I have to go with the awesome instructor. Also, I would really appreciate it if I could bounce ideas and thoughts off of you in the future. I promise not to bounce my car off of you, though.

Yep, IMO, Scott has the qualities that make an instructor really good. He's knowledgeable, friendly (mostly :P ), and completely blunt when it comes to driver feedback.

My impressions on the school pretty much parallel everyone else here... great time, well run, and it was cool top meet some of the IT folks in person. I look forward to running against everyone in the upcoming season.

FWIW, after I get some experience under my belt, I'd be open to volunteer as an instructor or instructor in training.

Christian, who can't wait for the vIR double ECR next month!

02-14-2006, 09:00 PM
I had a great time and first and foremost THANK YOU to all the instructors and workers!! I had a power problem with my IT7- Thanks to Dr. Mike Powell, Mike Van Steenburg and my dad for working on the problem with me. Fortunately I had enough power to have a ball in the rain and get some really good traffic experience. Brett was a great instructor and helped me understand not just the line(s), but the why of the line. As for the bashes on the SPO car let's not forget the little cars that went weed whacking also! It was two four bangers that pushed me off into the dirt during the weekend. If I made the same rookie mistake to anyone sorry- See you all out there!

Kevin Bailey
IT7- WDCR region


02-14-2006, 09:29 PM
Hey Tim, your welcome. I'm glad we could help you out. As for more track experence, I'll be getting it next month at the double ECR at VIR. I know that race might be a haul for you, but we'll be at CMP for the Memorial weekend ECR as well. See you at the races.

Jeff :eclipsee_steering: