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View Full Version : Best anti-fog for inside of windshield?

Rob May
02-10-2006, 12:29 AM
It isn't very comfortable driving while your windshield is completely fogged up. Let's hear any experiences with different products/solutions...... Rain-x anti fog doesn't do the trick most of the time.

02-10-2006, 12:57 AM
Put shaving cream on the glass and wipe clean. You can also do this in the bathroom to keep the mirror clear for shaving after running a hot shower.

02-10-2006, 12:57 AM
Here's a pic of me in the rain..it was kinda wet.

Each lap, under braking at the end of the NASCAR section, I saw some great tubes go unridden in the passenger footwell... ;)

My solution to clear vision?

My defroster, blowing full bore.

(If anyone can get Josh Kane to contact me I would be very appreciative! My eamils to him have gone unanswered)

dave parker
02-10-2006, 09:28 AM
RainX Anti-Fog. Works great everytime. When it rains at Summit Point our track store seems to sell out of this product very fast.

Do Not use this product on Lexan. But hopefully no one in an IT car is running Lexan windows. :happy204:

"dangerous" dave parker

Greg Amy
02-10-2006, 10:03 AM
Bar soap, dish detergent...

02-10-2006, 10:47 AM
Another vote for hot water in the heater box, and a fan that works. SOMEDAY it will rain on a race I'm running on htis coast and revenge will be mine. Bwah-hah-haaah!


02-10-2006, 11:00 AM
wipe the inside with soapy water and it lasts the whole race. Huge blower helps too!!

Matt Rowe
02-10-2006, 12:58 PM
I'll say a working defroster and rain-x anti-fog. Of course I still couldn't see the last time I ran in the rain, but that's because the wipers couldn't keep up with the water at high speed. :(

I've seen the bar soap thing work, but the application of it seems to be critical.

02-10-2006, 01:23 PM
Potato Juice.

Yes, slice a raw potato and rub the open face on the glass, then wipe up.

A guy who made his living alternately between beeing a chef and a scuba diver told me this. It worked on ski goggles when I was a kid, can't say I've tried it on a windsheild.

Carrying a squeegy on your lap works too, much easier than loosening the belts & using the back of your hand (probably safer too).


02-10-2006, 03:09 PM
Dial hand soap, in the handy-dandy pump bottle. Squidge a little on a dry paper towel, then wipe it on the windshield. Wipewipewipewipewipewipe until it's pretty much invisible.

I do the same thing to the inside of my helmet visors...critically important when I'm running the open cockpit Plastique Pig.

Highly controversial personal opinion: Fog-X is useless.

chuck baader
02-10-2006, 04:30 PM
Works for me..plug chewing tobacce....wet end and wipe inside of windshield. Wipe clean with paper towel...can be done with windshield already fogged. chuck

Greg Amy
02-10-2006, 04:32 PM
Ugh...I think I'm going to be ill...


02-10-2006, 05:49 PM
Ugh...I think I'm going to be ill...

I think he means the 'yet-to-be-chewed' variety. I hope. Really.

chuck baader
02-10-2006, 07:57 PM
Don't chew, don't want to be around a chewer....wet the end of the plug in water and wipe windshield......doesn't even smell after you wipe it off. Chuck

02-10-2006, 08:40 PM
Just how many members of the vegetable kingdom have you guys tried, to arrive at this (growing) list of edible antifog agents ?

Why just potatos and tobacco ? Why not eggplant ? Passion fruit ? Brussel sprouts ? The possibilities are endless, although it might start to sound like a Python sketch.

Some of you guys scare me.....

02-11-2006, 12:52 AM
I tried asparagus once, worked well, but my pee smelled funny after the race..

ba da bump....


02-11-2006, 01:49 PM
You're grouping chewing tobacco into the group of "edible" vegetables? And you find us scary?

Remind me to be cautious if you're offering to cook.


02-14-2006, 08:37 PM
I wipe down the inside of the windshield with Coca-Cola. Works great !!
On the outside I use Rain-x

Tim (Pinkys new owner)
ITB Golf

02-27-2006, 02:56 PM
Road Atlanta was miserable on Saturday (my first rain sessions) so I got to try out Fog-x. I have to say that Fog-x by itself sucks. It was raining during the qualifying session and my window fogged up after about a lap. Luckily it wasn't raining for most of the race so the window stayed mostly clear. It started misting about halfway through and my window fogged some, but I could still see for the most part.

Another racer had a small, high volume fan blowing across his windshield and he said he was ok. So fog-x with a fan seems to work, but not fog-x by itself. I did the Panoz racing school and they actually have a wiper blade on the inside of the windshield that syncs up with the one on the outside.

I'll be doing a test on my bathroom mirror with all the weird things mentioned in this thread along with fog-x to see if something actually works better than the others. Should be interesting.


02-27-2006, 03:05 PM
I use Fog-X with no problems, used it all day Saturday at Road Atlanta. I think that the key is a very clean windshield prior to Fog-X application. I use rain-X on windshield with great results also..again on a clean windshield. The temps were pretty cold this weekend so I don't think the defroster was worth it...Had hard enough time getting any temp in the motor even with tape on half of the grill...

02-27-2006, 03:42 PM
I used shaving cream on my windshield at RA last weekend and had no issues at all, works great :)

02-27-2006, 06:57 PM
I use Fog-X with no problems, used it all day Saturday at Road Atlanta. I think that the key is a very clean windshield prior to Fog-X application. I use rain-X on windshield with great results also..again on a clean windshield. The temps were pretty cold this weekend so I don't think the defroster was worth it...Had hard enough time getting any temp in the motor even with tape on half of the grill...

Rain-x worked great. Fog-x, no. Windshield was cleaned on the inside with Invisible glass and newspapers as well as a generic glass cleaner. We even reapplied between qualifying and the race. It must have something to do with airflow into the car as well as how the heat comes off the engine.

Also, it is just me, or is everyone else's wipers slow as christmas? Don't know if the motor's so old it barely moves or what. Good thing for rain-x.


I used shaving cream on my windshield at RA last weekend and had no issues at all, works great :)

What brand? Must get the right stuff for my test. :)


02-27-2006, 10:06 PM
Also, it is just me, or is everyone else's wipers slow as christmas? Don't know if the motor's so old it barely moves or what. Good thing for rain-x.

lol, mine are pretty worthless on track. I usually rain-x before every weekend.

What brand? Must get the right stuff for my test. :)

Last weekend was Colgate regular shaving creme, but I've also used the edge gel before with good results. Let us know what you find out. B)

03-05-2006, 08:37 AM
We tried dish soap at Road Atlanta and it didn't work. My ITA car had no heater core or blower motor so the crew gave me a squeegee and every lap on the back straight I just took two or three swipes to clear the fog. Worked ok but only for a lap each time. :D The problem was trying to keep the squeegee within reach and not have it interfere with the shifter or drive off the track at 85 mph :lol: