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01-09-2006, 05:50 PM
They pretend they don't hate me, but they do. They are all out to get me. They have secret meetings to talk about it. I know they have them, and they are secret, because they never invite me.
Thats proof right there that they are having the meetings.

I think the issue is my garage. All the guys that live around me are envious of the fact that my garage is better than theirs (some of them don't even HAVE race cars in them... HA!). They all want to get in on the incredible goodness of my garage, but they can't, because mine is the best!
This one guy, Harry, he's behind the whole thing. I know it. He's just mad because they took his garage away last year, but he still wants to work in a garage, and he's screwing things up for ME!
What an ass. I HATE that guy. <_<

And Harry is one of the ones holding the secret meetings. The ones I know about because they are so secret that I wasn&#39;t invited.

If you think I sound paranoid, SCREW YOU! :bash_1_:
The whole neighborhood is trying to mess with me just because they are jealous. They want me to share what I have and I ain&#39;t gonna. I&#39;m just going to keep my race car right here in my garage and I aint never leaving it. My garage is awesome, you should see how awesome my garage is!!!
Harry&#39;s garage sucks. Its a dinky little piss of a garage with no car.
HA! B)

I will win!
I will. You can&#39;t stop me.
If you try, I&#39;ll just start my own neighborhood right here in my garage. Don&#39;t think I won&#39;t do it either, because I will. I&#39;d rather do that than share with the dinky no-racecar-having people that want me to come over to their garages sometimes. HA! Like I&#39;d reduce myself to a level like that. B)

01-09-2006, 07:21 PM
I&#39;m loving it Scott! Thanks.
But realy, "Harry" is a pretty cool guy. He works hard with the garage he has and even helps others out in their garage.

01-09-2006, 08:09 PM
I have never felt more confused in my life.

My neighbors give a blind eye to my racing and car stuff because I keep it in the garage, I never work with the door open late at night, and I don&#39;t store my trailer at my house (though I could use a location closer then 15 minutes from SP to store the damn thing.)

Good luck with the secret &#39;we hate your garage club&#39;

01-09-2006, 08:35 PM
Cameron&#39;s neighbors hate his garage, too. And they hate me because I park my car in his driveway to work on my racing car in his garage. And I think they hate all of us because we are a lot younger than they are. (Technically, it&#39;s possible that I hate Cameron a little bit because he&#39;s a lot younger than I am.) :D

The really hated that I drove around in figure-eights for a half hour, in the parking lot of the school across the street to break in my diff. They particularly hated that I never went more than about 15mph while doing it, because it would have given them reason to actually do more than hate had I been going fast.

They wander over and ask vague questions about what we&#39;re doing, then go away and talk about things we aren&#39;t. The city actually got in touch to see if he was running a business. "Yeah - makin&#39; big money working on an IT Golf." The guy actually got it.

They hate it that, when I&#39;ve left there in the racing car, I do it at the speed limit. None of this is new. When I lived in Seattle, the woman across the street called me at 6:30 in the morning on a weekday to tell me that she had decided that the logo on my van was a "billboard," in violation of the home-occupancy permit - which she had researched with the state and county.


01-09-2006, 08:48 PM
Geez Kirk, I didn&#39;t know you hated me like that, you can take solice in the fact that maybe I hate you a little because your in better shape than me:)

Maybe we should build a racer comune, big garages, with little apartments above them, or maybe it just wouldn&#39;t be fun anymore if no one hated us.

01-09-2006, 08:51 PM
Mine would hate me except they are all mechanically inept and whenever something needs fixed or assembled (bikes, furniture, kids toys, lawn mowers, etc...) they all end up coming over to my garage. And it&#39;s not even that nice of a garage. :( Of course I do work on the car...at night...with the garage door open....but I also stock the garage fridge with beer and keep the TV on and it seems that this is most often the time of day (night) that their things "break" and they seek my assistance. The wife is even ok with some of the divorced moms coming over to steal a beer from me. :119: And they all put up with the race car because it&#39;s also street legal and I drive it to work a couple time a week during the warmer months. And I&#39;m the slowest driver in the entire neighborhood when that happens (30 mph limit, I run 25).
But what really riles them up:
1. Parking the borrowed trailer in the driveway the week before an event (they really gave me the evil eye when I parked the borrowed RV for two days).
2. When I send my son up and down the cul-de-sac a couple times in his race kart...for shake-down purposes only, of course! :happy204:

chuck baader
01-09-2006, 09:02 PM
GHC!!! Guys.....I even understand what Scott is saying....well said :smilie_pokal: Chuck

01-09-2006, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by wbp@Jan 9 2006, 07:21 PM
I&#39;m loving it Scott! Thanks.
But realy, "Harry" is a pretty cool guy. He works hard with the garage he has and even helps others out in their garage.


You&#39;re not fooling me. I know who you are, you live just north of me in the neighborhood, and you are a spy. A SPY!!! :angry:

I know what you&#39;re doing. You&#39;re trying to get me to let my guard down so you can get in my garage.
Well... I&#39;m not falling for it. My garage is LOCKED, and I&#39;ll be deciding who can get in. Screw the rest of the neighborhood. My garage is so awesome I don&#39;t need you people anyway.

Ron Earp
01-09-2006, 11:32 PM
Mine hate me. Not sure why.

Could be that time Jeff brought home the 260z from Atlanta and I did a donut in the cul de sac at 130am. Or that time we needed to see if the LSD worked and tried to light up both wheels. Might be that time I had to flush his TR8 radiator and repeatedly started it all day with open pipes. Also might have something to do with having three race trailers over and six cars for tech on tech inspection day. Or the motorcycle. Or the truck. Or the big 20ft trailer that comes home sometimes to spend the night like Racerlinn.

I try to be good. I do. I mow the grass. I pretend to be friendly when I see them. I smile. I wave. I drive slowly down the street when entering and exiting the neighborhood. I don&#39;t scare small children or animals.

They still don&#39;t like me. But, I don&#39;t care - I like what I&#39;m doing and it ain&#39;t illegal, so there. Well, mostly it ain&#39;t illegal....

01-09-2006, 11:35 PM

You need to get out of your garage. I think you are going crazy.


01-10-2006, 03:04 AM
My neighbors hate me, too. So does the city. They gave me a citation for "non-running vehicle parked outside". So what - in my neighborhood, everybody has non-running vehicles - most of them are in the front yard and on blocks. Mine were at least hidden from the street view. I think they&#39;re jealous of my garage, and my trailers, and my motorhome (which are also in the back yard, not the front).

But I got even. I moved the non-running cars into the shop, got the property rezoned, and I&#39;m now moving to the next county. :) I&#39;m sure they will appreciate my property and sales taxes over there!

01-10-2006, 07:55 AM
My neighbors hate me so much that they moved out.

On both sides.

And one of the two houses behind me is being remodeled, so there is no one there either.

But wait, I don&#39;t even have the racecar, trailer, or a truck at home. They must hate me for no reason... that means when I bring the new truck home on Saturday they will REALLY start hating me! Maybe the others will move out now...

It must be because of the helmet Scott painted for me. :023:

01-10-2006, 09:22 AM
This is the first time I ever had a cool neighbor...he restores old musclecars...it is wierd to hear 426 hemi&#39;s being tested at 930pm...I run out and promptly end up working on them with him until 1am!! and the rest of the neighbors are jealous so much they call the cops on us all the time...so I made my DRZ400 street legal and do donuts and wheelies all afternoon in my yard and up and down my street..that&#39;l learn&#39;em!!!

01-10-2006, 09:54 AM
And this is a nice friendly post Webmaster? Pretty funny. :P

01-10-2006, 10:15 AM
Florida&#39;s garage:

4 tracks, two of which are legends and draw 250+ cars every race. 400 for the last two.
1000 drivers
703 workers

Alabama&#39;s garage:

1 out of state POS boring track with 60 grit surface and no facilities where even the FWD people DON&#39;T pray for rain...
28 drivers
25 workers

Paranoid? Not at all. Just want Barry Hair put in his place as the representative of 53 people as opposed to 1703.

Keep looking for workers and drivers. We&#39;re doing just fine down here in the sunshine state. I think we should start adding dates against other regions. Since we got Homestead I think another National at Moroso is in order. Since it looks like we&#39;re likely out voted in SEDIV I guess we should get used to the fact that we&#39;ll be out on our own soon. Time to start competing against other regions. Maybe adding enough races that a Florida driver never has to leave the state to qualify for license and/or Runoffs will be a good thing. I&#39;ll also have to look into my company sponsoring some stuff and paying workers more. Let&#39;s see how you do when we start that program. Paranoid? Nope. Just building a better garage.

GO FLORIDA and NORTH CAROLINA! :023: :happy204:

dave parker
01-10-2006, 10:16 AM
I think all of you guys have serious issues. ;) :)

"dangerous" dave parker

01-10-2006, 10:24 AM
My house is connected to 3 others. It&#39;s not a town home, but an attached home and all of our garages are right next to each other. They neighbor 2 garage doors down is mucho old and has nothing to do all day so as soon as he hears a noise come from my end he opens his garage and comes over to stare, I mean, watch me work. He doesn&#39;t even have cool old guy stories to tell, just the same ones over and over and over. Usually about "did you see that Nascar race" and "man them vipers are fast". He even has crazy eyes like walleye vision.

Due to all this I can never open my garage doors all the way up, only half way. He&#39;s to old to bend over to get in so that&#39;s how I keep him out. Bad part is working on the van. It&#39;s WAY to big to fit in the garage so I&#39;m trapped out there. He came out, leaned on the nose of the van for 2 1/2 hours watching put the front of the engine back together. Didn&#39;t really say anything either. Just heavy breathing with a "yep" every now and then. I thought I was in a horror movie.

I&#39;ve even got my wife trained. If we have our garage doors all the way open and we hear his open we both hit the deck. If we don&#39;t move he won&#39;t see us. It&#39;s like hiding from a bear. You hear him waddle over. Sniff around a bit. Then eventually wonder back to his garage and shut the door. Yeah it&#39;s mean, but you can only agree to "them vipers sure are fast" 20 times. After that I have to get back to work.

01-10-2006, 10:59 AM
Here we are trying to have a discussion of how cool our garages are, and how bad everyone else&#39;s suck. And somebody makes an OT post on how his race tracks are cool, and everyone else&#39;s racetracks suck. Can&#39;t we stay on the Garages subject.

01-10-2006, 11:07 AM
You really think that&#39;s what the original post was about? :D

If so, I got a bunch of stuff to sell you. :happy204:

01-10-2006, 11:09 AM
No we all KNOW what it was aluding to. But we turned the post into something fun. Something you seem not be able to handle.

01-10-2006, 11:19 AM
I had a great idea when I was laying in a dark room not sleeping last night, Scott. You should start a web site about your garage! People could not go there to read your opinions about critical issues.


01-10-2006, 11:22 AM

Agreed, and I&#39;m not even SEDiv. ;)

01-10-2006, 11:46 AM
YEs at someone else&#39;s expense and belittling an important issue not to mention furthering the effort of those trying to undermine drivers and their race schedules. Good work. Sorry to spoil your fun.

01-10-2006, 11:57 AM
See, Matt understands.
He understands how important it is to be able to stay in your own garage and never have to go to anyone elses garage. We don&#39;t need the neighborhood, just our own garages. We have 4 good ones right here.

How many garages have YOU got you useless pussies? :lol:
Just imagine the absolute GALL of folks who don&#39;t have race cars in their dinky little garages wanting just as much input about the neighborhood as the rest of us. <_<

Thats it. We&#39;re taking our four garages and starting our own neighborhood. We don&#39;t need any of your garages because ours are so much better and we never leave them anyway.

You guys all suck. We are awesome.
Go Us!!!

Greg Amy
01-10-2006, 12:07 PM
Scott, my neighbors like me! One of &#39;em even comes over and drinks my beer while I work on my cars!

(I think they do...maybe I better spy on &#39;em, just in case...hey, maybe that one guy IS A SPY!!! Come to think of it, no one&#39;s waved at me lately...and I haven&#39;t been invited to one my meetings lately...YOU BASTARDS!!! )

dave parker
01-10-2006, 12:24 PM
Ok now that I understand what we are discussing here I will tell you about my garages. Thats right garages (plural). :)

The wife and I purchased a house with a two car attached garage and a two car detached garage with sixteen foot ceiling (can you say "lift"?).

The attached garage houses the wife&#39;s ITC Scirocco and a racecar canidate. The detached garage houses my now H prod Scirocco, the parts empire, tools, and the beer fridge.

The neighbors are interesting, on the right we have the 80 year old retired dentist who knows we have racecars, but cannot understand why we park our street cars outside every night. The first time I met him he asked me "How many people live in your house?". When I told him that there were three of us and one was a toddler, his next question was why did we have so many cars.
The neighbor on the left likes Nascar, has a new Chevy pickup with a super nice Flowmaster exhaust that sounds awesome. But he leaves for work at 4 am everyday and his garage is about thirty feet from our bedroom. His truck works better at waking me up then my alarm clock.

Please feel free to come by and hang out, we have an open door policy at both garages.
If we run out of beer we can always send Mattberg to Piggly Wiggly to buy more. :) :)

"dangerous" dave parker

01-10-2006, 12:33 PM
I don&#39;t even care what the original post was "really" about, because Scott is so damn funny! He is DA MAN!

So, here&#39;s the thing about my garage: I live next to a cemetery. That&#39;s right, my neighbors on one side are so jealous, they are dead.

I win.

01-10-2006, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by evanwebb@Jan 10 2006, 12:33 PM
So, here&#39;s the thing about my garage: I live next to a cemetery. That&#39;s right, my neighbors on one side are so jealous, they are dead.

I win.


Oh no.
You don&#39;t win.

You can&#39;t taunt your neighbors with your awesomeness if they are dead.
I WIN!!!

And your dead neighbors don&#39;t CARE if you declare independence from the neighborhood...

R2 Racing
01-10-2006, 01:32 PM
My immediate neighbors seem to be pretty cool with the awesomeness of my garage and the sweetness that lies within, but you never know. My neighbor to the south has three old British cars in his building so eventhough I rarely talk to him, I think he "understands". My neighbor to the north just does wierd stuff on his property too so it&#39;s kind of like a "turn a cheek to what I&#39;m doing and I&#39;ll do likewise" sort of thing. We&#39;ve actually had bonfire competitions before but he won by default since the fire department showed up to his house and not mine (no, I&#39;m not making this up). Then there&#39;s the guy two houses down to the north who has two dirt track late models - sometimes late at night, we have "rev-offs".

In fact I have more trouble with my friends than my neighbors. "Hey man, can I use your shop, labor, and tools to do this engine swap? It&#39;ll only take a couple of hours."

"Uhm, no....."

01-10-2006, 02:20 PM
I moved into this real cool neighborhood. Lots of big garages, and places to have parties with my racer buddies, work on our cars, etc. The Home Owners association even supported the strong bond that we developed over here on Pine Street. We had block parties in my garage almost monthly. The neighbors came from near and far to drink beer, bend wrenches and tell lies. All was good.

About a year ago, the homeowners association said we were having too much fun over here on Elm Street. They decided that we had to paint my garage pink, and we could only have garage parties on the 6th Tuesday of the month. In the interest of the entire community though, they said the the folks from Elm Street and Wysteria Lane were welcome to have a party in my garage. I&#39;m really not sure if they decided all this in a secret meeting, or if I just missed the memo.

I guess it&#39;s ok. My wife won&#39;t mind cleaning up after someone else&#39;s party...

01-10-2006, 02:33 PM
Funny thing about HOA&#39;s, they have to look at the entire community as a whole and and ensure everyone has use of the common areas. So even though for 12 years you have had the sole use of the common area connected to your block, and now another block now wants to use it too. So because your block has had it for 12 years the HOA should stop the other street from using your common area?

Now if you OWN your common area, then it would be your garage and the HOA couldnt do anything to regulate your use. But if its just a common area, your subject to the HOA looking out for the betterment of the community..

01-10-2006, 02:48 PM
We never have garage parties in common areas, the insurance folks won&#39;t allow it Besides, drunk adults should never be allowed near childrens playground equipment, especially at night. :023:

We incorporated the Pine Street Garage Party Company several years ago. We rent one of the larger garages on the street to hold the parties in. Everyone in attendance pays a few bucks to come in and drink, lie, etc. The attendance fee is used to cover the insurance rider(in case the party gets out of hand), damage, beer, and all the necessary clean up. We even hire off duty officers (Walmart security guards really) to help direct traffic, and keep things/people in order.

We don&#39;t want the HOA to stop the other streets from using the rental garage (not really a true common area)near us. We just don&#39;t want the HOA to stop us from using it either. If the owner of this garage kicked us out , or bargained a better deal with the Elm Steet guys, then so be it.

Everyone is invited to come to the party. All neighborhoods.

01-10-2006, 02:57 PM

01-10-2006, 04:20 PM
Scott, your garage sounds too cool. Mine is getting sad...broken race car looks forlorn...way too much junk surrounding her. It was once a shrine to my auto collection, now it&#39;s starting to choke me and the things I love.

I think my neighbors must know yours. They are starting to point and whisper. One put bars up around her house and yard to prevent my friends from getting too close. The other one tosses his cigarette butts in my front yard. I do have one neighbor that&#39;s kind of friendly, but he wants to talk about my pickup rather than my race car (I think it&#39;s some sort of secret plan he has with my other neighbors, the lesbian couple).

There&#39;s another story, they get really mad when I load my car late at night for a race. They know I never get finished packing and prepping for a race until late the night before. They wait until I&#39;m almost done, and then they come out of the house, power tools in hand, fully outfitted in flannel, and scream curses about the noise. Last race cost my a fortune in flowers to calm me down. It&#39;s beginning to cut into my racing effort.

Your garage sounds cool. Can I come over there sometime and hang out? I&#39;ll bring the ARRC famous cook with a pot of gumbo if you like. We&#39;ll be careful not to let anyone know of our plans so that it will be a secret.


01-10-2006, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by its66@Jan 10 2006, 02:48 PM
We incorporated the Pine Street Garage Party Company several years ago. We rent one of the larger garages on the street to hold the parties in.

Thats RIGHT!!!
And because we did this, we are better than the rest of the neighborhood.

Sure, a few houses like that one out on Braselton Highway and the one in the old cow pasture are nice, so we care what they have to say.
But the houses with dinky garages and no race cars???
Who do they think they are?
Wanting to have a say so in how the neighborhood is run when they don&#39;t even have race cars.
The nerve of these people.
You&#39;d think they paid dues or something in order to have a say in what happens in the neighborhood!!!

Thats it.
I&#39;m serious.
We&#39;re starting our own neighborhood!!!!
The rest of the neighborhood is going to be sorry. Just you wait and see!!!
The neighborhood CAN&#39;T survive without us. Without us the neighborhood will wither and DIE!!! Just you wait.
We are AWESOME. You can&#39;t live without US!!!
:smilie_pokal: B) :smilie_pokal: B)

01-10-2006, 04:50 PM
That&#39;s it...I&#39;ve had enough of this uncontrolled crap from my neighbors. Your stuff sounds so much better than mine. I&#39;m going to make the appropriate calls and send the appropriate faxes, and see that my membership in my current neighborhood is changed to yours. Your neighborhood appreciates people like me who really know what it&#39;s like to have a garage with a race car in it. :023:

01-10-2006, 05:06 PM
Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood! :blink:

01-10-2006, 06:18 PM
This is the funniest forum ever! I stumbled onto this site while looking for the "Information Technology" forum and have read a couple of "important" threads with great amusement. Do you guys know what a "straight guy" is? You know, where a joke is set up with the seemingly unwitting remarks by the "straight guy", only to be joked up afterwards. Groucho Marks loved "straight guys"; George Burns loved "straight guys". If only you could appreciate those kind of patsies like Marks and Burns. Oh, wait. I guess you do appreciate "straight guys". Man, you ITers crack me up!

BTW what if I were to build my own garage and fill it w/race cars? One of the finest garages filled with the finest race cars? Do I get to let others come over and enjoy my new garage? Just curious.

01-10-2006, 06:47 PM
Dear doesn&#39;t,

You have really stepped in it now, man. You are about to get sucked into the black-hole vortex of the IT dimension, i.e. that formed when the normally lucid and cogent amateur racer awaits the spring thaw.

Have you seen "The Shining"? :)

01-10-2006, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by gsbaker@Jan 11 2006, 03:47 AM
Dear doesn&#39;t,

...the normally lucid and cogent amateur ...

Have you seen "The Shining"? :)


all sarcasm and no racing makes doesn&#39;treallymatter a very psychotic boy

01-10-2006, 09:08 PM
In my part of the neighborhood we can race ALL YEAR!!!
Its 75 degrees in my garage right now.

Just another of the 1000 reasons we are better than you.

01-10-2006, 09:28 PM
Scott, the fine letter you had published in SportsCar recently was accompanied by the announcement of the Piloti shoe gift to the writer of the best, most eloquent letter each month. Did you get a pair of Pilotis?

I recognize that all your posts here are perfectly serious, but if the mood hits you sometime, you might try writing satire. I won&#39;t matter if everyone gets it or not.

And, Scott, I suggest you don&#39;t mess with that Harry too much (he&#39;s a bear!) at 6&#39;4" and 225 pounds.

01-10-2006, 10:06 PM
i want to join your neiborhood!!!please!!

01-10-2006, 10:14 PM
I am a snob from the north and my garage whips up on all your lame shacks. Count &#39;em 5, that&#39;s right FIVE garages with two race cars and quality broken down parts vehicles parked neatly behind. MY neighborhood can go screw because I have gates, dogs and guns. I don&#39;t have heavy breathing old gasbags wheezing at me when I work because the few neighbors I have know I hate them and I will sic my dogs on their skinny asses if they come near my own priivate neighborhood&#39;.

I have one problem. I joined the board and now they are starting to sniff around my garages. I think they are getting strange thoughts like, maybe I&#39;m nice and will let them use my garages. So I hooked up a 220 amp wire to the doorknob which completes the ciruit for the lighting problems I&#39;ve been having - that way I know when they come sniffing around for tools and advice.

I actually think they are spies from down south...

01-10-2006, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by benspeed@Jan 11 2006, 07:14 AM
I actually think they are spies from down south...


No, really, I just stumbled onto this forum. That makes me and my garge better than everybody else! Not that it matters!

What&#39;s that about bears? We don&#39;t care in our neighborhood, &#39;cause we&#39;re a bunch o&#39;titans, ya hear, TITANS. That means giants, to those challenged ones.

Go My Neighborhood! Go my Garage!

01-10-2006, 11:03 PM
I have to unload on the street and drive my car back to my shop.....it&#39;s a Mazda. Now, mind you, PLENTY of Harleys are WAY louder, (and for no good reason), but the 30 second trip must cause extreme duress for some of my neighboors, as I have been lucky enough to meet the towns finests on a few occasions.

Once they must have been busy, because they were late to my garage party! I already had the carb and manifold off, and the radiator out when they got there, with music gently wafting from the speakers.
They seemed confused..."Where&#39;s the big party?" they asked.
"Ummm I don&#39;t know, want a beer?" I replied.
"Love to! But...can&#39;t", they replied.
Soon we were talking cars..."Whats this under here?" they asked ...
"Old 911" I replied....
"Cool! My brother has a newer one..AND an old Barracuda!". And so it went.

Then they left...never did find out why they stopped in. Must be they wanted to hang at the garage for a bit...but the neighboors still hate me.

Even more.


01-11-2006, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by wbp@Jan 10 2006, 09:28 PM
Did you get a pair of Pilotis?


Not yet.
But I did get an email asking for my size, so I assume they are coming.

Hmmmmmm... Satire.

Actually, I hear such suggestions fairly often. I just don&#39;t feel that I&#39;d actually be any good at sitting down and writing stuff off the top of my head.
As mentioned earlier in this thread, I sort of need a "straight man" to get me going. In other words, I&#39;ll always need an "Abbott," or as in this case a hyper paranoid self absorbed raving looney from Florida.

Scott, who says "HA! My garage is better AND I won some Pilotis!!!" You guys should just bow before me now. Don&#39;t resist it!!! Resistance is... Uhhhh... Futile!!!

PS - Harry? A Bear?
Bah. I could kick his ass and drink a beer without spilling any.

01-11-2006, 03:42 AM

As much as everyone seems to enjoy your satire, which I see far more as pure sarcasm on an issue you clearly know nothing about, I have to say it&#39;s just back up of the attitude that is trying to force the issue. We as a region are not self absorbed or think we have something better than anyone else. We simply want to be left alone to go racing. Is there something wrong with that? A region with 25 drivers wants to take away our races so they can make money. They already admitted such. That&#39;s the only issue. Your satirical take on it only supports their actions.

That makes what you are doing an affront to racers. Do you even realize that Atlanta is a 14 hour tow for most of us down here? I love Atlanta but it&#39;s two days of travel and two days off of work. Would I leave Florida if it wasn&#39;t so far? Sure. Is Atlanta better than Moroso? No doubt about it but Moroso is 45 minutes away. The plan being proposed will force me to tow 14 hours at least twice and with 140 people who expect a paycheck from me every Friday I just simply don&#39;t have the time so I will have to choose to not race. Is that productive? How would you feel?

Your little garage stories are funny but the issue isn&#39;t. You live in Georgia. Do you travel to Lime Rock? That&#39;s the equivalent of what I&#39;m being asked to do so that Alabama region can put on races. How do you justify your support of programs and plans that cause racers not to race? Why are we being punished for doing a good job in signing up drivers and workers? We have a good thing going down here and instead of duplicating it you choose to attack it and hurt racers. I wish I had your kind of time and money that allowed me to tow 14 hours to races but I don&#39;t.

01-11-2006, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Mattberg@Jan 11 2006, 01:42 AM

Your little garage stories are funny but the issue isn&#39;t. You live in Georgia. Do you travel to Lime Rock? That&#39;s the equivalent of what I&#39;m being asked to do so that Alabama region can put on races.


The way I see it, you have a few choices:

1) Build your own damn garage and stop coveting garages of others. They do not have to share their garage with you.

2) Move to a new neighborhood with more garages in the area. Then make nice with the garage owners so that you can use their garages.

3) Sabotage! Of course, this is illegal and the owners of the other garages may arrange for you to disappear before you get to their garage.

Garage access is a privilege, not a right!

01-11-2006, 10:14 AM

You sound like the biggest pathetic whiner this forum has ever heard. If you came to my neighborhood they would tie you to the back of a my kids go cart and drag your ass the 14 hours you are whining about.

Then my dogs would eat you and your bones.


01-11-2006, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by planet6racing@Jan 11 2006, 01:59 PM
The way I see it, you have a few choices:

1) Build your own damn garage and stop coveting garages of others. They do not have to share their garage with you.

2) Move to a new neighborhood with more garages in the area. Then make nice with the garage owners so that you can use their garages.

3) Sabotage! Of course, this is illegal and the owners of the other garages may arrange for you to disappear before you get to their garage.

Garage access is a privilege, not a right!


More proof that you don&#39;t understand the issue. We covet nothing. We only want to race. The other regions want us to limit racing so they don&#39;t have competition. We are not asking them to share with us. We are fine. They are not. They want us to leave our garage and go to theirs.

01-11-2006, 10:29 AM
I feel so silly.

So this has nothing to do with garages and neighbors?

It&#39;s all about Matt?

Sorry, I won&#39;t read or post here again. My bad.

01-11-2006, 10:33 AM
Jake, it was, I tried to redirect it to funny stories many of us im sure have a ton to share about our real neighbors and how they view our habits, but it failed and its back to the black ops, secret squirrel and how imporant matt is to others, because hes the only IT racer has to bust his but for a living.

01-11-2006, 11:09 AM
In my part of the neighborhood we can race ALL YEAR!!!
Its 75 degrees in my garage right now.

Just another of the 1000 reasons we are better than you.

Remember how "a thousand &#39;attaboys&#39; are wiped out by one &#39;oh shite&#39; "?
You may have a 1000 reasons, but you have one "mattberg."

Besides, my garage hates me.

01-11-2006, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Mattberg@Jan 11 2006, 03:42 AM

As much as everyone seems to enjoy your satire, which I see far more as pure sarcasm on an issue you clearly know nothing about, I have to say it&#39;s just back up of the attitude that is trying to force the issue. We as a region are not self absorbed or think we have something better than anyone else. We simply want to be left alone to go racing. Is there something wrong with that? A region with 25 drivers wants to take away our races so they can make money. They already admitted such. That&#39;s the only issue. Your satirical take on it only supports their actions.

That makes what you are doing an affront to racers. Do you even realize that Atlanta is a 14 hour tow for most of us down here? I love Atlanta but it&#39;s two days of travel and two days off of work. Would I leave Florida if it wasn&#39;t so far? Sure. Is Atlanta better than Moroso? No doubt about it but Moroso is 45 minutes away. The plan being proposed will force me to tow 14 hours at least twice and with 140 people who expect a paycheck from me every Friday I just simply don&#39;t have the time so I will have to choose to not race. Is that productive? How would you feel?

Your little garage stories are funny but the issue isn&#39;t. You live in Georgia. Do you travel to Lime Rock? That&#39;s the equivalent of what I&#39;m being asked to do so that Alabama region can put on races. How do you justify your support of programs and plans that cause racers not to race? Why are we being punished for doing a good job in signing up drivers and workers? We have a good thing going down here and instead of duplicating it you choose to attack it and hurt racers. I wish I had your kind of time and money that allowed me to tow 14 hours to races but I don&#39;t.


I&#39;m going to get serious just this one post.
I don&#39;t know why, because Matt surely won&#39;t understand it and his response will be raving lunacy, but I will try. I will try because thats just the kind of guy I am.

And this is aimed solely at our buddy Matt. Feel free to ignore it if you aren&#39;t Matt.


Shut up.
You don&#39;t get it.
You are so tied up with "me me me" that you can&#39;t see the forest for the trees.

What would these things that you are so afraid of cause you to do? Travel a long way once or twice a year in order to compete for a championship?
Hey Asshat!!! Guess What?
The rest of us already do that!!!
Oh, I have it soooooo great because I live in Georgia. Right?
Whip out a map and check out how far VIR is from Albany Georgia. Its not a helluva lot different than from South Florida to Atlanta. Yet, I somehow manage at least one trip to VIR every year. 11 hours one way assuming minimal stops.
So yes... 22 to 23 hours of travel and 2 days off work. Alot of us already do this, what are you bitching about?

What many of us would like to see is some of you Florida folks actually creep outside of Florida and race against us. We Georgia and Carolina folks often trek to Daytona and Sebring, but we rarely see you guys up here.
It gets frustrating when you lose championships to someone you&#39;ve NEVER MET because they won&#39;t leave south Florida and can do enough races down there to win.

Its a HUGE division. If you want to win a championship in it you should have to travel across it and race everyone.
If you don&#39;t like that, or think its unfair, FINE. Start your own club or division. Seriously. Those of us who race 7 to 10 weekends a year but have never met you are completely fine with you doing that. Trust me.

This is assuming of course that these discussions are even happening and taking points races out of Florida is even on the agenda. It might, it might not be. I dunno and I really don&#39;t care. Its amatuer club racing... For little blocks of wood with plates glued to them. I don&#39;t let it keep me awake at night.

Matt, I know you are awesome and all, but we&#39;ll survive without you. Seriously. I&#39;m not kidding. We&#39;ll be just fine.

Scott, who&#39;s name isn&#39;t Chris, and figures that just proves how thoroughly Matt reads a post before responding to it.

PS - Back to the Sarctire...

01-11-2006, 11:30 AM
My neighbors used to complain about my race car being too loud when I start it up. I responded like any responsible neighbor would. I put a bigger seingle exhaust on my daily driver 325 and bought my daughter a yamaha powered kart. It must have worked, they don&#39;t complain about my race car anymore...


01-11-2006, 11:30 AM
I hate my neighbor, and his garages. That&#39;s right, he has two of them. A two-car version for the family stuff and a separate three-car for his toys, including a fully restored Model T, a fully restored XKE ragtop and, of course, the Porsche.

So my neighborhood is better than everyone else&#39;s neighborhood. We are great and everyone else is lame, lame, lame.

I still hate my neighbor, though. If his cars weren&#39;t so nice I&#39;d go right over there and burn down his garage. How&#39;s that for conflicted?

m glassburner
01-11-2006, 12:02 PM
I&#39;m thinking about changing the name of my garage to mike&#39;s bike repair....and tool loaning :D

01-11-2006, 12:12 PM
My neighbors hate me, but they&#39;re just a bunch of slow-driving, Buick-wielding octagenerians who keep running into my mailbox.

They can&#39;t hear my racecar either.

They think it&#39;s a pony.

Why do I keep getting junk mail for AARP????


Drew Aldred
01-11-2006, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Catch22@Jan 11 2006, 08:24 AM

What many of us would like to see is some of you Florida folks actually creep outside of Florida and race against us. We Georgia and Carolina folks often trek to Daytona and Sebring, but we rarely see you guys up here.
It gets frustrating when you lose championships to someone you&#39;ve NEVER MET because they won&#39;t leave south Florida and can do enough races down there to win.

Its a HUGE division. If you want to win a championship in it you should have to travel across it and race everyone.

Fine then change the rules on the requirements to win the SARRC TITLE and leave the rest of the division schedule alone. This proposal would effect everyone who races regionals, nationals, driver&#39;s schools and SARRC races. Just because you are happy to travel to other tracks to race doesn&#39;t mean others should be forced to because of a stupid rule.

01-11-2006, 01:03 PM
One of my neighbors hated me.............he moved :happy204:

Might have had something to do with his other neighbor with the 600 cu in drag car that moved in right next to him :023: . We get along just FINE :D !

Why do I keep getting junk mail for AARP????

You get those too, Mark?!

Man, I haven&#39;t been here in ages, this place has changed!

01-11-2006, 01:47 PM
This thread was way more interesting while people didn&#39;t see the sarcasm in the lead post.

Stories about neighbors are way more entertaining to read than banter about possible hostile take-overs of turf (true or not).

01-11-2006, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Drew Aldred@Jan 11 2006, 10:36 AM
Fine then change the rules on the requirements to win the SARRC TITLE and leave the rest of the division schedule alone. This proposal would effect everyone who races regionals, nationals, driver&#39;s schools and SARRC races. Just because you are happy to travel to other tracks to race doesn&#39;t mean others should be forced to because of a stupid rule.


My landlord and I have a large garage in back of our house (4 cars). We got smart. Since there was a door on one side and a door on the other side, we divided the garage in two so that it was equitable for both of us. We each have access to our own portion of the garage and, if we need to get into the other side for some reason (like when my GF brought here 66 Mustang up and we wanted to store it inside but it wouldn&#39;t fit in my garage), all we have to do is ask.

Initially, some of the people in the neighborhood were for this, others were against. Many were wondering how the utilities were going to be split, but we solved that by creating systems in both garages. Everyone I&#39;ve talked to in the neighborhood has embraced the division, and we now have 10 additional tickets to the garage/alley party (since there are now 2 garages where there once was one).

01-11-2006, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Drew Aldred@Jan 11 2006, 12:36 PM
Fine then change the rules on the requirements to win the SARRC TITLE and leave the rest of the division schedule alone. This proposal would effect everyone who races regionals, nationals, driver&#39;s schools and SARRC races. Just because you are happy to travel to other tracks to race doesn&#39;t mean others should be forced to because of a stupid rule.


So, you think its OK to be able to win a "divisional" championship without ever leaving the state of Florida?

Well, I don&#39;t.
There&#39;s lots of racing in this division happening outside of Florida.

Fine. If its too much to travel that far to race and win a championship, then the division needs to be split up. Maybe its just too damned big.
Actually. It is just too damned big.

Damn. That was another serious post. I promise not to do it again.

01-11-2006, 03:01 PM
The truth of the whole neighbor deal is that a friend of mine from FL who was my neighbor is now a neighbor who lives just North of of the jerk who is trying to split the SoutEast division. First of all he is the same jerk neighbor to the friend of mine in FL who caused the split of the CenDiv so the the SouthEast Division would be the largest Division in the whole SCCA. Ya, I know the CenDiv & the SouthEast aren&#39;t real close neighbors but, close enough. Now the jerk is moving to California & he is pi$$ed that he will not live in the largest Division so he has initiated the FL split from the SouthEast Division. But neighbors not to worry because the neighbor, my friend who lives just North of the jerk who thinks he has a bunch of pull in the FL Regions tells me the jerk don&#39;t have $hit for pull.

Neighbors, I have three just to my North who have Harleys.......... Naw, I ain&#39;t going there cause they are friken goofy & the jerk neighbor to my friend from FL may tell my goofy neighbors what I said. At the same time I don&#39;t beleive my goofy neighbors have secret meetings discussing that suspension bushings are spherical bearings. That&#39;s a good thing & that&#39;s the way neighbors should be even tho their friken Harleys are louder that my ZOOM ZOOM.

Drew Aldred
01-11-2006, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Catch22@Jan 11 2006, 11:58 AM
So, you think its OK to be able to win a "divisional" championship without ever leaving the state of Florida?

Well, I don&#39;t.
There&#39;s lots of racing in this division happening outside of Florida.

I don&#39;t think it&#39;s OK to win a divisional championship w/o leaving the state of FL. But then change the rules for winning a championship. Make it a requirement to race X number of times outside your home state. Don&#39;t force ALL racers to travel just to go racing.

It&#39;s not OK either to force regions to give up events that are well attended and hope they will travel to other tracks for the benefit of the host region(s).

I realize there has been alot of comments like "This wasn&#39;t an official agenda item", and "We were just brainstorming", etc. But the whole idea is so without merit, it should have been shot down in 2 seconds and then forgotten about. I&#39;m not against new ideas, or different ways of thinking. But when someone tosses out a bad idea, it should be discarded just as quickly.

01-11-2006, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Mattberg@Jan 11 2006, 07:42 AM

As much as everyone seems to enjoy your satire, which I see far more as pure sarcasm on an issue you clearly know nothing about, I have to say it&#39;s just back up of the attitude that is trying to force the issue. We as a region are not self absorbed or think we have something better than anyone else. We simply want to be left alone to go racing. Is there something wrong with that? A region with 25 drivers wants to take away our races so they can make money. They already admitted such. That&#39;s the only issue. Your satirical take on it only supports their actions.

That makes what you are doing an affront to racers. Do you even realize that Atlanta is a 14 hour tow for most of us down here? I love Atlanta but it&#39;s two days of travel and two days off of work. Would I leave Florida if it wasn&#39;t so far? Sure. Is Atlanta better than Moroso? No doubt about it but Moroso is 45 minutes away. The plan being proposed will force me to tow 14 hours at least twice and with 140 people who expect a paycheck from me every Friday I just simply don&#39;t have the time so I will have to choose to not race. Is that productive? How would you feel?

Your little garage stories are funny but the issue isn&#39;t. You live in Georgia. Do you travel to Lime Rock? That&#39;s the equivalent of what I&#39;m being asked to do so that Alabama region can put on races. How do you justify your support of programs and plans that cause racers not to race? Why are we being punished for doing a good job in signing up drivers and workers? We have a good thing going down here and instead of duplicating it you choose to attack it and hurt racers. I wish I had your kind of time and money that allowed me to tow 14 hours to races but I don&#39;t.


You attacked the wrong guy, this isn&#39;t my thread. Once again, you don&#39;t seem to have your facts straight.

01-11-2006, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Catch22@Jan 11 2006, 06:58 PM
So, you think its OK to be able to win a "divisional" championship without ever leaving the state of Florida?

Well, I don&#39;t.
There&#39;s lots of racing in this division happening outside of Florida.

Fine. If its too much to travel that far to race and win a championship, then the division needs to be split up. Maybe its just too damned big.
Actually. It is just too damned big.

Damn. That was another serious post. I promise not to do it again.


You&#39;ve got to stop that, it&#39;s ruining my opinion of you as an escaped mental patient from a secret garage!

01-11-2006, 04:25 PM
Did anyone actually read through Drew&#39;s letter. Change the rules for the Sarrc Championship, but don&#39;t limit the number of races, or force the racers all over to leave their states just to compete. If our region can support a lot of races, why should we be FORCED to compete elsewhere?
While I may not approve of Matt&#39;s delivery, we should all thank him for having the balls to keep after this issue, and bring it to our attention! I would love to be able to visit a lot of different tracks across the country, but my budget won&#39;t allow it (yet!) As it is, I&#39;m planning for my first trip to the RunOffs 2 years from now. Let me get my track time locally, while I&#39;m saving up for the big dance.
Holy Crap! Am I making sense??
Mark Larson
#83 G-Prod

01-11-2006, 04:44 PM
Mark - you are making sense. However, you won&#39;t get a lot of sympathy from people who have to travel just to race (in my case 3, 6, 10, 11, or 13 hours one way). It&#39;s kind&#39;a like getting a poor working stiff with 4 kids and a leaky roof to get all up-in-arms because the price for Beluga and Dom Perignon went up.
.................................................. ................


I don&#39;t have a problem with my immediate neighbors either - my next door neighbor drag races a big-block Dodge, and the guy 2 doors up from him has a 6-liter Chevy-powered sprint car. I&#39;m the QUIET one.

It&#39;s the rest of the neighbors - to whom you&#39;re a "friend" only when they need your expertise. They&#39;re the ones spying on us, reporting us to the code enforcement people, etc. But, like I said - we&#39;re moving to a new house, in the country, and I&#39;ll have TWO garages. :)

The only problem is, my new neighbors are already getting jealous, and we haven&#39;t even moved. I&#39;ve had no less than 4 people stop by and want to know who built my new garage for me &#39;cause they want one too!

R2 Racing
01-11-2006, 06:11 PM
David - I was just waiting for someone to bring up the official split of the CenDiv for 2006. Personally, I don&#39;t mind because it really has been an issue before where I&#39;ve been going for a class championship and end up competing against some guy I never actually raced against that year. That&#39;s just stupid and bad competition. The fact was that people in Ohio rarely see people from Wisconsin show up at Mid Ohio and the people in Wisconsin rarely see people from Ohio show up at Road America (except me, of course :023: ). So really, I don&#39;t care - besides, we&#39;ve got the better "neighborhood" anyway. :o

I can say this though, knowing that I won&#39;t score points for my championship, I may be less likely to make my annual 11 hour trip up to Road America.

01-11-2006, 07:41 PM
now people are coming up with ideas to solve the problem. good brainstorming. maybe if the regions leader all got in a room, you know informally, and brainstormed like this.... oh wait, that is what started this.

01-11-2006, 08:54 PM
Mark, kind of funny because IIRC I think Drew&#39;s car number is #83. :happy204:

Kevin, I hear ya with the split & the Championship deal. Previous to the last two years I had been around the pond many times to Gingerman, Grattan, twice to Mid Ohio & to St Louis. Chicago is getting to be a bitch to travel past & around because even 294 screws ya now & then.

I would think we have met someplace on your side of the pond. ;) I am most likely as mature as your racing father or maybe even more mature.

01-11-2006, 10:53 PM
This is getting ridiculous. Some of the people posting on this forum are really getting out of hand. This is probably one of the most useless threads I&#39;ve ever read. Moderator, please lock or delete this thread as it really means nothing of importantance to 99% of the IT racers on this forum. If people would spend as much energy on real issues (ITS Porsche 911 with lexan windows and no headlamps at a race last weekend) as they do on petty grap and insults, this forum may return to the great forum it once was.

01-11-2006, 11:10 PM
***(ITS Porsche 911 with lexan windows and no headlamps at a race last weekend)***

David, being that you consider yourself to be 1 of the 99% of important people within the IT community I presume you protested the owner of the car which originated as a VW which steroids were pumped into. Now if you took care of the protest we can continue having WINTER FUN. With Matt................ :unsure:

Or we could all bow to your wishes.

Or you could read only what&#39;s important to you.

Lighten up fellow ITer........... :D it don&#39;t hurt

01-11-2006, 11:57 PM
Yep. Who protested him?
If the answer is "nobody," I don&#39;t want to hear about it.

Reminds me of the guy that was complaining about a totally gutted Scirocco winning ITC at the SARRC/MARRS a couple of years ago. Apparently it was closer to a prod car than an IT car.

Him: "That thing was totally illegal. It was ridiculous."
Me: "Did you protest him?"
Him: "Well, no."
Me: "Then quit whining. I&#39;m not interested."

Scott, who says "Somebody protested the 911? Right?"

PS - If someone tried to protest and a Steward refused to cooperate, as an active SEDIV driver I&#39;ll sign a petition to have that steward removed. I&#39;ll put my name first on the list.
I aint skeered.

01-12-2006, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by ddewhurst@Jan 11 2006, 10:10 PM
[b]***(ITS Porsche 911 with lexan windows and no headlamps at a race last weekend)***

........the car which originated as a VW which steroids were pumped into.
Or you could read only what&#39;s important to you.


OK.....NOW you&#39;re out of line!!!!!!


01-12-2006, 09:47 AM
Sorry Jake...........Close to home. :o

The first time I posted something like that on the Production site about A Porsche someone was posting about the Erik Skirmants Speedsteer. (Not father Vick) Then someone (one of Erik&#39;s friends) who didn&#39;t know Erik & I had just completed striping the car including cage for rebuild busted my a$$. Therefore neighbor jake your number two. ;)

Now after I interupted this regullary scheduled thread about who has the best neighbor let&#39;s continue with no further tangents. :happy204:

01-12-2006, 10:06 AM
My neighbors hate me, but maybe I should hate them. The sons of the guy beside has taken an interest in DRIFTING, like all 20 year old males seem to have. Instead of seeing this kid tear up his street tires, I loaned him my rain wheels and gave him some old Hoosiers. He took them to get the Hoosier drift specials mounted and went sliding. When he was done, he returned my rain wheels with no tires. He says they lost them.

I think he was secretly a spy doing a covert op for another neighborhood. I bet he stole my rain tires to give them to another neighborhood. Is there a ring of secret rain tire thieves or a black market for half worn out rain tires that i&#39;m unaware of...????

01-12-2006, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by planet6racing@Jan 11 2006, 02:07 PM
My landlord and I have a large garage in back of our house (4 cars). We got smart. Since there was a door on one side and a door on the other side, we divided the garage in two so that it was equitable for both of us. We each have access to our own portion of the garage and, if we need to get into the other side for some reason (like when my GF brought here 66 Mustang up and we wanted to store it inside but it wouldn&#39;t fit in my garage), all we have to do is ask.

Initially, some of the people in the neighborhood were for this, others were against. Many were wondering how the utilities were going to be split, but we solved that by creating systems in both garages. Everyone I&#39;ve talked to in the neighborhood has embraced the division, and we now have 10 additional tickets to the garage/alley party (since there are now 2 garages where there once was one).


I know that my neighborhood is full of SPYS!!!!!! They even have secret meetings! How do I know, the Home Owners Association admitted that they were having a board meeting, but then said that it was not open to all the members! The even call the cops when a friend parked his pickup and enclosed trailer (both plain white with no lettering of any kind!) on the street overnight (8pm to 7am). Then, when I was doing some painting in 95 degree weather and put up a tarp over my driveway, they called the city zoning enforcers. Lucky I was just about finished.

For the most part, my neighbors are pretty friendly (other than the one that puts her dog out to bark for an hour at 4AM). And if any of the others decide to get frisky, my immediate neighbors on both sides of me are law enforcement officers (and very friendly!).

01-12-2006, 03:01 PM
If your neighbors get out of hand and start complaining, and your law enforcement guys are busy, then I bet you can find someone to come over and shoot them with a super soaker and silly string. There&#39;s a big guy in the Florida that will probably have some left over after this month. That is if it isn&#39;t confiscated as evidence. :happy204:

01-12-2006, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by RacerBill@Jan 12 2006, 11:04 AM
I know that my neighborhood is full of SPYS!!!!!! They even have secret meetings! How do I know, the Home Owners Association admitted that they were having a board meeting, but then said that it was not open to all the members! The even call the cops

Home owners association? That&#39;s where you went wrong. You think HOAs want neighbors with race cars? They probably told everyone at the board meeting to watch your house and file a complaint at the first sign of non-compliance.

Me, ain&#39;t no way I&#39;d live in a neighborhood with a HOA. Cause then I&#39;d never have a neighbor with antiques, flower pot people, and toilet bowls with plants in their well manicured yard. :blink: The HOA probably would&#39;ve bitched as well when I built the carport off my driveway to park my daily driver, wifes car, and truck under because the racecar went in the garage (along with my Z).

I don&#39;t really interact with my neighbors much. They&#39;re mostly rednecks that drive around in american muscle cars and jacked-up trucks. They probably think I&#39;m a commie cause I race a Japanese car. I think this is why they keep throwing their american fast food trash and american piss beer cans in my yard. I don&#39;t worry about noise since the guy with the jacked-up 4x4 and straight pipes drives around all the time and drowns out just about anything else. They leave me alone, though, so I leave them alone.


01-12-2006, 04:53 PM
Wife VS garage,
Do you work in the garage instead of watching chick movies on TV with the wife? I do. My wife likes to cut the grass. I asked her not to do that when I am in the garage or loading my golf clubs in the car,makes me look bad. I think she likes to make me look bad. Shes a SPY too. Damn!! sleeping with the enemy all along and didnt know it.

She thinks she can fix things too. the last two new lawn mowers I had is because she tried to fix them. I have enough tools to build the space shuttle but she only uses the pliers and screw driver. I think she does this to make me mad. SPIES do this to break you down you know. I&#39;m going to check my medication just to make sure she hasent changed anything. I have been feeling a little out of body experence lately. Have to go now,she may be looking.


01-12-2006, 08:00 PM
Mark Larson
#83 G-Prod

Mark! How the hell have you been?

<---------David Scott Green/white/black 510 ( Keith&#39;s car ) and white/orange 510, early nineties. Haven&#39;t talked to you in ages.

01-12-2006, 09:46 PM
My neighbors on one side of me love me since I have only 5 cars at my house, which is 5 LESS than what they have... Their oldest son has a &#39;93 Prelude which I have loaned him countless tools so that he can work on it and helped him swap in an H22A. Now he&#39;s bought an &#39;87 Prelude with a 500Hp H22A with a massive turbo on it. Yes, I&#39;ve helped him with that too.
And helped with his brother&#39;s S-10 and Bronco.
And helped swap in a new motor into his sister&#39;s &#39;92 Prelude.
And not killed him when he&#39;s lost parts of my tools. They have me over for dinner at least once a month.
My other neighbor is jealous of my garage. Its the same layout as his garage, a drive-under garage / basement that I can squeeze 3 cars into but so much cooler than his with all of the tools, the full-sized fridge stocked with beer, the air conditioner and the vent-free gas heater I just installed. He&#39;s so jealous that under the cover of an ice storm last month, he sent his old pine tree into a death plunge that terminated in hitting the side of my garage / house. Luckily since I&#39;m a racer and know about roll cages and such, I had installed extra cross-bracing in my frame (cleverly disguised as extra insulation and vinyl siding) and the siding is the only thing that shows some damage.
None of the neighbors can complain about the noise since we live 2 miles away from Sunbelt Performance Engines and you can&#39;t hear them anyway since they are right next door to Warren Johnson&#39;s drag race shop.

01-12-2006, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by charrbq@Jan 12 2006, 07:01 PM
If your neighbors get out of hand and start complaining, and your law enforcement guys are busy, then I bet you can find someone to come over and shoot them with a super soaker and silly string. There&#39;s a big guy in the Florida that will probably have some left over after this month. That is if it isn&#39;t confiscated as evidence. :happy204:


I will send over my dogs to eat them.

01-12-2006, 10:24 PM
Tim, your engine swaps with your neighbors reminded me of a couple times when I came home to find:

Tools laying in the grass aside the driveway. Hmmmm, which son fixed his car. I never said a thing & neither son who both lived on their own enlightened me.

One winter evening I come home from work just after some fresh snow. Car tracks in the snow up the driveway & into the garage. Hmmmm, which son is fixing his car. Open the garage door & there is son working on Panhard bar which is bent. Hey A.J. (not his real name, but he got the point) how the hell did ya do that. Yup, it was an A.J. deal where the rearend got away & hit a curb big time. I said to A.J., would you be the same mechanic who left the tools in the grass a couple months ago. Response, yes dad that would have been me. Sorry :unsure:

01-13-2006, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Despr8dave@Jan 12 2006, 08:00 PM
Mark Larson
#83 G-Prod
Mark! How the hell have you been?

<---------David Scott Green/white/black 510 ( Keith&#39;s car ) and white/orange 510, early nineties. Haven&#39;t talked to you in ages.


Hey man, what&#39;s up?.. Had to back away from racing for a few years due to a bad business decision. but I&#39;m back with a vengence! I have a prod car now (just built last year) Look for us in the paddock locally (same number and paint scheme). We&#39;ll be @ Sebring in Feb. if you&#39;re going. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Good to hear from you!! :happy204: We should be @ all the CFR races this year, so stop by!!
#83 G-Prod

01-13-2006, 09:09 PM
Reminds me of a story a buddy of mine told me about his son.
After 22 years of living at home, his son graduated from a local college, got a job and moved out. The following Christmas my buddy bought his son the 1700 pc. Craftsman tool set with cabinet and all. After opening all that hardware my buddy asked his son"how do you like it?" His son replied "this is great dad, I&#39;ve finally got my own tools!!" My buddy proceeded to pick up the entire collection of tools, walk to the front door, and spray the 1700 pc. Craftsman set in to the 12" of fresh Michigan snow in the front yard. He turned to his son and said matter of factly "there, we&#39;re even." :happy204:

01-14-2006, 03:41 PM
Well, I used to have a cool garage and driveway, and yard. A race car, a nice motorcycle, and a V8 Mustang. I think I may have started the neighbors off right because the first night I was in my first house, six motorcycles and a few of my friends and their girlfriends magically appeared in my driveway. After a little loud music and loud conversations, we all roared off on our bikes for a ride. Then my friend&#39;s girlfriend and her stripper girlfriend came over and layed in the sun while my friend and I were working on my race car. A couple of days later, my next door neighbor asked me if I coule please close the windows or turn down the sound if I was going to watch porno movies in the afternoon. I didn&#39;t have a VCR at the time. The old guy from two houses down cornered me as I was coming home from work a couple of days later, and I thought I was going to catch hell from him, but he said "I just had to come down and meet you, &#39;cause I heard you are a hell of a guy!" The next day, the high school kid from across the street came over as I was coming home from work and said "I just wanted to come over and shake our hand!" I&#39;m sure he was overjoyed that his parents were distracted from whatever innocent fun he was having in their basement. All of this fun came to an end about six months later when I acquired a steady girlfriend (someone who had designs on turning my place into a "Barbie Dream Castle"). All of a sudden I found out I was Married With Children, and my garage was filled with kid toys, and my race car was covered with kid toys. How did that happen? :unsure: I was no longer racing, but the mother of the 15 year old next door would finally smile and say hello when she saw me.

I really miss my old garage, it was a fun place to hang out. If someone near me has a garage like this, could I come over and help drink beer :blink: I mean work on the race car? :(

edited for speeling

01-14-2006, 05:39 PM
***How did that happen?***

***could I come over and help drink beer***

Wait a minute here, why would anyone invite a neighbor to his garage when the neighbor don&#39;t know about the bird&#39;s & the bee&#39;s & how the lack of knowledge of the same stuffs the garage full of (even on the race car) toys. & worse yet the neighbor wants to HELP drink beer. That HELP drink beer may fly with some neighbors but if ya want to HELP drink beer with my neighbors they would most likely suggest you find some other people to call neighbors because they take their drinking beer seriousl. What the hell is this HELP drink beer ? Do you & your neighbor suck out of the same can ? I might share with the stripper who was around before the garage got filled with toys & ya started to HELP neighbors drink beer. Ifen ya were my neighbor ya can come over & HELP with the race car BUT ya need to drink yer own beer & please don&#39;t try & HELP drink MY beer. Neighbor, when ya get in invited to the neighbor&#39;s garage to drink beer it&#39;s time to drink get yer fair share. Maybe people drink beer differently is states other than Wisconsin. Hmmmm, ya go around those Production neighbor racers & ya better grab quick or the beer is GONE :unsure: . & YOU get to replenish the beer supply (minimum 24 pack of CANS) if you are the last to reach. <_< No HELPING with those folks.

01-14-2006, 09:42 PM
**why would anyone invite a neighbor to his garage when the neighbor don&#39;t know about the bird&#39;s & the bee&#39;s & how the lack of knowledge of the same stuffs the garage full of (even on the race car) toys. & worse yet the neighbor wants to HELP drink beer. **

I was referring to how I lost control of the situation. I know how the kids came about. Helping to drink beer is done when your neighbor has too many beers to fit in the garage refrigerator, and you only get a beer if you finish a requested task, ie: welding, bleeding brakes or changing brake pads, oil changing, removing wheel doughnuts from the door of the race car, etc.

My wife won&#39;t let my friend, his girlfriend or the stripper come over anymore :( My neighbors weren&#39;t allowed to come over, I guess I was classified as a "Bad Influence" with all the race car, bike, and stripper stuff. I just want my garage back.

01-15-2006, 02:28 PM
Mark, no intent to imply anything except a continious play on the neighbor stuff. ;)

01-15-2006, 04:41 PM
**My neighbors weren&#39;t allowed to come over, I guess I was classified as a "Bad Influence." **

I can&#39;t figure that one out, either. I thought I was pretty cool. At least the old guy down the street and the kid across from me thought so!

I guess if I was one of the neighbors who agonized over crabgrass and those punks with the loud hot rods, I could have been accepted.

Now I have septugenarian groundhog neighbors on either side, and from what little interaction I have had with them, I know that they would be way jealous of any race cars.

On a previously mentioned theme, I did buy a set of Home Depot hand tools for my stepson to keep him out of my tools, and he proceeded to leave them lying around until he lost them. :rolleyes:

I still want to work on race cars and drink beer! Having strippers come over at the same time would just make things even better. :023:

R2 Racing
01-16-2006, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by MarkL@Jan 14 2006, 02:41 PM
All of this fun came to an end about six months later when I acquired a steady girlfriend (someone who had designs on turning my place into a "Barbie Dream Castle"). All of a sudden I found out I was Married With Children, and my garage was filled with kid toys, and my race car was covered with kid toys. How did that happen? :unsure: I was no longer racing, but the mother of the 15 year old next door would finally smile and say hello when she saw me.

In my circle of friends, this has become known as "Game Over!".

Dave - I have run into you at the track before (not literally!) but you&#39;re right, it has been a while. I&#39;m not sure if you&#39;ve got my Dad in "maturity" or not - it might be a close race. :P

01-16-2006, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by ITS5GB@Jan 13 2006, 09:09 PM
Reminds me of a story a buddy of mine told me about his son.
After 22 years of living at home, his son graduated from a local college, got a job and moved out. The following Christmas my buddy bought his son the 1700 pc. Craftsman tool set with cabinet and all. After opening all that hardware my buddy asked his son"how do you like it?" His son replied "this is great dad, I&#39;ve finally got my own tools!!" My buddy proceeded to pick up the entire collection of tools, walk to the front door, and spray the 1700 pc. Craftsman set in to the 12" of fresh Michigan snow in the front yard. He turned to his son and said matter of factly "there, we&#39;re even." :happy204:


Right on brother!
My dad did the same type of stuff to me, and I&#39;m passing it on. But I have 2 girls to deal with, so I have to be creative (but yes, they still get in my tool box and they NEVER replace what they removed).

So... Every time I find one of my tools in the yard or on a bedroom floor or in a kitchen drawer, I go to their bedrooms, get a handful of something out of a drawer, and throw it somewhere.
Thus leading to the infamous "Panties in the pool incident of 2004."

It never accomplishes anything, the behavior is never modified, but it makes me feel better.

01-16-2006, 01:18 PM
Scott...is that what lead to the famous "panties in the race car" incident of 2005? :lol:

01-16-2006, 03:02 PM
***is that what lead to the famous "panties in the race car" incident of 2005?***

Neighbor to neighbor about a neighbor, that is COLD.

Kevin, I retired 5 years ago & will be the offical age for full retirement in another year. :023:

The Truth
01-17-2006, 11:45 AM
This is a cool thread. All of the people who use my garages just formed a HOA, but we specifically formed the HOA for financial purposes, and any sheduling of garages is dependant upon meetigs and votes of the individual home owners. We have an HOA right next door that will be 100% seperate in November of 06, with thier own garages. The homeowners with garages near some of our garages talk to us all the time, so we all don&#39;t schedule so much work that we destroy the garages.

There are 2 types of garages, National, and Regional. All the fuss was over the number of National garages and how they were distributed. The regional garages were, and are pretty much up to the home owners. Now, after a long run the unified regional garage competition between HOA&#39;s was split up, but in truth one of the big reasons was that the cars in the garages rarely crossed the continental divide. Each regional HOA has thier own comeption now, and cars are welcome from everywhere. My regional HOA has had several winners from the other HOA over the past several years, and the department within the HOA&#39;s in charge of the regional competitions talk frequently.

What I don&#39;t understand is how a combined HOA could limit the number of regional competitions at a given garage. National competitions are governed by the Great Book, section 3.17, but regional? Seriously, how is it possible?

How can any HOA dictate what you do in a regional garage? And why can&#39;t the regional garages run thier own competition, in addition to the one run by the HOA? That way all the cars in the garages all over the HOA could have many choices of which garage and which competitions to visit.


01-17-2006, 12:00 PM
One of my best friends Informed me a few years ago his wife was pregnant...I congradulated him and asked him if I could have his race car he was building...he looked at me puzzled and said NO! its mine and im racing it!!! a few years later i was pulling toys out of it in preparation for a race :). MarkL, I have LOTS of work to do on my cars and If you work for beer, what brand and how many to remove tar from integras???

01-19-2006, 01:50 PM
As I prepare to leave for a weekend visit to the Southern HomeOwners Association gathering on Hyde Island, I have decided that I am going to send an award to EVERY member of each HOA for the Best Swept Garage. This once-coveted award, which required many sweep-offs and members having to try and cleen-sweep garages in other HOA&#39;s, with a finale at the SIC - the Sweep-off International Competition, will now be fairly distributed to EVERY HOA member at the start of each year.

The great benefit of this is that everyone will now be able to stay in their own garage drinking beer!.

Also, the HOA will not have to stage any Sweeps and can concentrate on PSX&#39;s (Performance Sweeping Competitions), which are much easier to to organize (they don&#39;t require certified Trash Collector&#39;s to be in attendance) and they bring in more money :) (Interesting that an entrant at a PSX may pay $100 or more than a licensed sweeper pays to enter a HOA Sweep-Off).

I always thought sweeping was Dirt cheap (pun intended).

However, my concern is that my plans may get swept under the carpet with all the dirt that may be flying at Hyde Island. Some people may refuse to listen. Others will think the idea is garbage or I&#39;m just re-cycling some old concept.

My only consolation may be to collect all the Dirt and use it for a RallyCross course.

PS: At Hyde, I hope to avoid the whine drinkers whose products appear to be made from sour grapes.

01-19-2006, 02:27 PM
Now that&#39;s good! One of the mostest bestest posts I&#39;ve ever read...particularly concerning garages. :023:

01-21-2006, 01:08 PM
I have a garage, but none of my neighbors do, well except for one. My garage is the bestest in town and it came with the house when we bought it three years ago.

It&#39;s a "Full" two car garage with plenty-o-space to move and even work on the cars. It has, what I would imagine are, the old kitchen cabinets and the old oil-fired heater from the house. My garage isn&#39;t one of those whimpy two-door models either, it&#39;s got one large honkin&#39; wooden door with one of those fancy-pants door openers.

I never really thought about my neighbors hating me because of my garage, but Scott, you have inlightened me. Now I&#39;m sure that&#39;s why.

It has nothing to do with the lawn going south when we moved in... my neighbor across the street asks me about it occasionally. He also whistles to me rather then just saying hi. He also tends to ask me if I fixed my outside porch light too. I figured this is a great distraction so he won&#39;t pester me about other things. If my lawn is too high, he usually asks me about that too, and when my trash cans are put back the same day without his knowledge he assumes I didn&#39;t put the trash out at all. I felt better once the other neighbor across the street told me that he has the mental capacity of a 12 year old. I know he wants to get in my garage an play with my big-boy toys, but I won&#39;t let him. I keep the door closed and the music on, so I don&#39;t see or hear him.

We gave another neighbor our queen-size bed just so she wouldn&#39;t get up set with my late night packing of the car. She also sweeps leaves with a broom and shovels snow with a dust pan. She&#39;s the one that told me about the mental capacity of my other neighbor.

My other neighbor, John, next door, is a mail man. He leaves really early for work and is the only one who really understands. He has a garage, but not nearly as cool as mine, and drives a WS-6 TransAm. Luckily it&#39;s my driveway that&#39;s next to his house and not the opposite... he&#39;s also mostly deaf.

His dad hates me though, John Sr. I know he does. When we cut the apple tree down he came over to tell me how the previous owner made jam and gave him pears from the other two trees. He doesn&#39;t like my race car let alone my garage. It distracts me from making deserts for him. I know he want&#39;s in, and I know he want&#39;s a door like mine. He as to slide his over like a pocket door. I know he hates me because he lets me cut through his yard to get to the pizza place. I know John Sr. had the pizza owners point their light directly in my eyes so that when I come up to the booby trapped gate, I can&#39;t diffuse it before it shreads up my fingers. Not only does it make pizza carrying difficult, but it also makes it difficult to work in the garage. I know he knows it. He even throws pine needles into my gutters, then after a few months comes over to tell me my cutter is clogged. Sure just one more thing to keep me out of the garage. And I know he softens the ground somehow, so I&#39;ll fall and become parallized so I won&#39;t ever be able to work in the garage.

The corrections officer directly across the street tried to sell me his old tools, but I was onto him. He wanted his old tools in my garage so he could come over and borrow them... in my garage. No Way Man! He doesn&#39;t have a garage, or any lawn for that matter. When we had our daughter they came over a couple times and even brought a gift, but they never made it out to the garage. I allowed them in the kitchen, but never out the back door.

01-23-2006, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Mattberg@Jan 11 2006, 12:42 PM

That makes what you are doing an affront to racers.

Guess who, as of this weekend, is a Steward In Training?

01-24-2006, 11:19 AM
Not who you might think, regardless of what may be said on other sites......

01-24-2006, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by pistonwheels@Jan 24 2006, 11:19 AM
Not who you might think, regardless of what may be said on other sites......


do tell

01-25-2006, 11:30 AM
There has to be some type of psychological profiling exam to weed out the disturbed, right?

Matt Rowe
01-25-2006, 11:59 AM
Profiling, you have met some of our stewards, right? :D

01-31-2006, 11:45 PM
One of my best friends Informed me a few years ago his wife was pregnant...I congradulated him and asked him if I could have his race car he was building...he looked at me puzzled and said NO! its mine and im racing it!!! a few years later i was pulling toys out of it in preparation for a race :). MarkL, I have LOTS of work to do on my cars and If you work for beer, what brand and how many to remove tar from integras???

I resemble that ! Sorry zrzcre, I can&#39;t come to Florida to work on your racer. But as for how many beers it costs to get tar off a car (actually, I think it&#39;s marble tracks--you know, the smears that chunks of hot soft gooey racing rubber leave behind when they hit your racer), it kind of depends how much is on it. It could be anywhere from one beer on up! :birra: At least you don&#39;t have to clean it off your visor, like the open wheel guys.