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12-17-2005, 11:36 PM
I alternate between thinking that I've made a huge mistake, and being pleased with the progress...

Step 1 - Get rollcage installed (Competition Cages did a GREAT job on this one!)

Step 2 - Discover rust in floor (note that these should have been done in the other order)

Step 3 - Get bummed out

Step 4 - Get pissed off and do this...


Step 5 - Get a new piece of tin and cross brace with seat mount from the VW counter (surprisingly affordable!)

Step 6 - Voila - the new bits will be stitched in with the MIG from both the top and the bottom


We've also been grinding undercoating and tar out of the tub thanks in large part to loan of a SnapOn Crud Thug from Jon Bonforte back in my old stompin' ground in Washington State. If you've never seen one of these things work, you need to check it out.


gran racing
12-18-2005, 09:57 AM
Was there that much rust on the floor? Any before pics?

12-18-2005, 04:52 PM



12-18-2005, 05:10 PM
Damn !!!

Nice work Kirk !!! :happy204:

Bill Miller
12-18-2005, 06:34 PM
Damn Kirk, I can't believe there was so much rust on a car that's barely 10 years old. Was it under water when you got it???

12-18-2005, 07:48 PM
I am glad you like the Crud Thug.

Something a couple of guys could invest in and sperad the cost of a tool out. Well worth the investment in my mind. Can't believe Snap On doesn't do more marketing to racers with this tool. The body shops in my aera didn't even know about it.

Kirk, Rome wasn't built in one day....... Looks like a nice build keep up the good work.


P.S. with rust like that you just might of saved someones life. You will have a nice starting point to mount the seat :023:

12-19-2005, 12:56 AM
There are a couple of hints about why we have so much rust...

The windshield was busted out at one point (glass fragments in the vents), and the driver's door had been jimmied - evidence that it had been stolen somewhere along the line, potentially vandalized, and maybe left sitting somewhat open.

There was also some damage to the underbelly - like it had been driven over a curb? - that may have separated some of the joints, allowing water in.

Whatever, we'll get it worked out but particularly with the holiday travel season, it's going to be slow going for a while.


EDIT - If nothing else, we are expanding our internal skill base and infrastructure...

12-19-2005, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Knestis@Dec 18 2005, 09:56 PM
If nothing else, we are expanding our internal skill base and infrastructure...


:lol: How many time have I said that to myself? :bash_1_:

12-19-2005, 12:21 PM
Kirk, looking good. ETA for the car on track? Will you make VIR in March?

Looking forward to meeting Son of Pablo.

12-19-2005, 01:15 PM
I had hoped to do the Tarheel or NASA VIR event in mid-February but that ain't happening. March should be OK but I'd really like to have it on the track for a low pressure test before then.

We're freshening the engine, too and rebuilding the gearbox (don't ask). The suspension is getting bushings but Cameron's been working on the mechanical components so they are ready to bolt on when the paint dries. It might surprise me but the fact that I'm trying not to do in either my or Cameron's personal/professional lives is making this a slow - and sometimes frustrating - process.

I had a dream last night about camber plates and strut braces, and woke up obsessing about them this morning...


01-03-2006, 07:24 AM

Are you building a B sprint car? Guess I will get a good look at the back side of this one (from my C car) in march. There is a test day scheduled that weekend.


01-05-2006, 03:18 PM
It's an ITB car but tuned more toward endurance racing, without every last speed tweak possible under the rules.


01-14-2006, 10:34 PM
Don't try this at home. We're what you call ... idiots.


It looks a little like our attempt to make the Darwin Awards but the cherry picker and huge tow strap to the rafters were determined to be overkill, when we weighed the bodyshell - 479# completely nekkid with cage, windshield and quarter windows. This came as a pleasant surprise.

We met with the painter today and have that all figured out but still have a bunch of brackets (fire system, window net, dead pedal, kill switch) and holes (hood pins, harness mounts) that we want to do before the finish goes on. It's going to be white inside, on the bottom, and in the engine bay, and VW Motorsport (aka Jazz) blue...


Progress is being made, even though I'm going to be very sad that we're building rather than racing during the Feb VIR NASA gig.


01-18-2006, 09:08 PM
I can't believe that nobody has a wisecrack about that stunt.

01-18-2006, 10:21 PM
it seems normal to me. i did that with my fiero... only differnce being i didn't have a hoist at the time and had to use 4x4's, wood and bricks to get the rear up 4' in the air!

like the new color. who you got painting it? i might be looking to get the honda painted sometime this year.


01-18-2006, 11:26 PM
:happy204: Jazz Blue!! Woo Hoo !!
:023: :OLA:

Bill Miller
01-19-2006, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Bildon@Jan 18 2006, 09:26 PM
:happy204: Jazz Blue!! Woo Hoo !!
:023: :OLA:


Yep, it's going to be HAWT!! :happy204: :023:

02-24-2006, 12:37 PM
Cell phone pics from the painter...



The shell comes back on Sunday!


Bill Miller
02-24-2006, 01:36 PM
SCHWEET!!!!!! :023:

02-24-2006, 02:39 PM
That thing looks hot.

I'm stealing your door bars...


02-25-2006, 06:16 PM
Nice color choice, that's what color mine is...I think it's jazz blue.

02-26-2006, 08:13 PM
It's baaaack...





02-26-2006, 09:14 PM
The running gear is going to have to be SOOOOOO clean to keep up with this paint job! It really looks awesome!

02-27-2006, 02:09 AM

Bill Miller
02-27-2006, 09:22 AM

I don't want to be a wet blanket, and I hope I'm wrong, but in the first pic, is that a tab for the window net rod? Have you gone w/ the 'flip up' style or the 'drop down' style?

Oh yeah, the car looks awesome!

02-27-2006, 02:01 PM
The window net is a drop down, not off the shelf parts.

Bill Miller
02-27-2006, 02:49 PM
The window net is a drop down, not off the shelf parts.

03-06-2006, 10:51 PM
More pics Kirk! C'mon hook a brotha up!

03-06-2006, 11:05 PM
Things are starting to move along quickly now, unfortunately Kirk is working in Jackson Mississippi all week, so he's not around to take pics, but he might have some from the weekend. We've got most of the wiring harness back in, the dash support, steering column and pedal assembly are in. I've been trying to get Kirk to quit his job so he can work on the car more, but he keeps mumbling something about this money stuff, WTF?? I don't get it. . .

03-06-2006, 11:40 PM
Kirk and crew-

Looks great, hope to see you at an event someday!!!


03-11-2006, 05:09 PM
Jazz Blue!! :023:
Jazz Blue!! :OLA:
Jazz Blue!! :dead_horse:


03-14-2006, 11:51 PM
Spent a LOT of hours working on the wiring harness, cleaning things up, correcting problems, cleaning, and rewrapping bundles. But we're making good progress now...



Cameron Conover's just about finished the real, IT-spec engine, too. Won't know what to do with an engine that doesn't have 160K miles on it.


We're pretty bummed about not being at the VIR regional fandango this weekend but it will be worth it to have everything done right.


03-15-2006, 01:03 AM
wish I had your time and money!!! Looks great Kirk and crew!!!


03-15-2006, 03:26 PM
I'm sure I missed it somewhere along the way, but I just noticed no cross car tube. What's your thinking on that? The cage looks great BTW, as does the whole car. Shame to race it in a way!

03-15-2006, 08:59 PM
>> but I just noticed no cross car tube.

I see a bar between the main hoop legs.
Or did you mean a dash bar... I can tell you stories about broken wrists, hands, and legs from them. The large corregated beam under the window dissipates energy as Wolfsburg designed it to without buckling and throwing the steering wheel through the window or your legs like a dash bar can.

Not a fan of the dash bar.

03-15-2006, 09:57 PM

Where some cars have a little bracket that holds up the dash, the Golf III has a fabricated beast that weighs 15 pounds and runs between hefty bolts in the door jams. The downtubes of the cage are outside of that structure - in notches, actually - so it comes into play immediately if there's a side impact. The firewall is also way heftier than on a lot of typical cars that end up getting IT'd.

Compound that with the compromises necessary to get a bar in there, absent the motivation to rip stuff out that some people enjoy. If I'm leaving the heater box, fan, and dash vents functional, that leaves room on top of the dash or under it. I'm totally not a fan of the latter and the former puts structure where it already is, to my mind.


03-16-2006, 01:57 PM

Where some cars have a little bracket that holds up the dash, the Golf III has a fabricated beast that weighs 15 pounds and runs between hefty bolts in the door jams. The downtubes of the cage are outside of that structure - in notches, actually - so it comes into play immediately if there's a side impact. The firewall is also way heftier than on a lot of typical cars that end up getting IT'd.

Unfortionatly I am helping build a ITB VW right now, and have a question.

Is this leagal?

GCR 18.3.4.E states

"One (1) bar is required in a horizontal plane between forward
cage braces in the dash area."

Is this considered a bar? Will this pass tech?
Thanks in advance

Bill Miller
03-16-2006, 03:42 PM
You're looking at the Touring Section. The Showroom Stock Section says the bar is recommended.


03-16-2006, 04:02 PM
Kirk, that car looks fantastic. VIR in May?

03-16-2006, 04:16 PM
We hope to make the Tarheel track day the first weekend of April, as a test and tune, and then that May race weekend...


03-16-2006, 04:36 PM
Good answer. I agree wholeheartedly. Some of the cross car bars I see are an inch away from the drivers knees,, and I shudder to think of the damage a knee could take.

In my car the cross car tube is under the dash, way up there and I needed to shoot it thru a long heater duct, so I did. Removed at least 3 oz of duct plastic, but the duct still functions well and the windsheild remains clear in rain, so it was a good compromise. ;) My car predates yours and has no really significant structure like yours.

03-16-2006, 04:48 PM
You're looking at the Touring Section. The Showroom Stock Section says the bar is recommended.


Thanks. Brain-fart there. Must be from tomuch time writting code.

03-17-2006, 11:21 AM
Kirk, excellent. I'm missing this weekend too, and kind of bummed about it because I like the "less crowded" March event at VIR over the MARRS/SARRC pack'em in and give'em little track time event. But will look forward to seeing your car there.

Any chance of you going to Savannah third week in April? If so, let me know. I've got a free test day certificate that if I don't use, I'll give you.


03-17-2006, 03:37 PM
That Savannah date is actually the back-up plan if for whatever reason we aren't ready for the THSCC deal earlier in April. Thanks for thinking of us, Jeff!

03-19-2006, 11:22 PM


Getting closer...


03-19-2006, 11:40 PM
looking good

03-20-2006, 08:15 PM
Ya, holding it down on the engineering front!

03-26-2006, 07:59 PM

Pretty amazing how many parts there are on an IT car, if you have to bolt them back on one at a time. :)

Cameron did the fabrication today for our groovy, adjustable rear anti-roll bar. It's a whopper.


04-09-2006, 07:53 PM
Still moving forward...


The white grill is Pablo's, that survived the TN roll. The plan is to retire it when we get our first class win.

Got the new studs pressed in and the front bearings replaced - after going shopping for a press, of course. :rolleyes: Brakes are all plumbed as of today, with a pair of bias valves (one for each rear) after dubious results with the T set-up last summer. It looks like twin-screw boat throttles. Hood and fenders a hung and the underhood package is all sewn up. Left to do?

** Minor electricals in the dash - DL-1 inputs, a couple of guages, power for radio and other accessories
** Dash assembly
** Seat and safety equipment
** Align
** Graphics
** Trip to the dyno
** Finish the paperwork and inspection for a new title and license (that's a long-ass story, there)


04-15-2006, 10:27 PM

Turns out that we had a short of some kind INSIDE the OE fuse box, so we unplugged the entire wiring harness again, installed a spare 'box, poked in the full arrangement of relays, checked all the fuses, and connected every terminal from scratch - referencing the manual with every connection.

We then had a minor glitch when the gauge cluster wasn't working but Cameron found the missing link and everything is AOK. No check-engine lights, either.


The brakes seem happier even right out of the box, with dual rear bias valves on separate circuits for each wheel, replacing the T'd single rear circuit we ran at the end of last season. That never did seem right...

The most galling part of the project to date happened this evening as we were trying to get it buttoned up and looking like a car - we discovered that the doors won't go on if the fenders are installed. And of course, the bumper skin and signals have to be disassembled to take off the fenders. So, as things were supposed to be going together for the final time, we were taking them apart in the gathering darkness.


Despite that, and thanks to all of Cameron's hard work, we are just about there. We still have a bunch of piddlly things to finish - see http://it2.evaluand.com/gti/build4.php for the details - but we are on schedule for a debut at the May 12-14 SARRC/MARRS whoopy-doo.


04-16-2006, 10:00 AM
Excellent picture there, Kirk! Looking good, I was very happy to see it moving under it's own power yesterday!

Bill Miller
04-16-2006, 10:44 AM
Car looks tight Kirk! Hats off to you and Cameron! Looking forward to SP!!!! :023:

04-16-2006, 11:16 AM
There is quite literally no nut, wire, or fitting on the car that we don't intimately know now, so it will be very ready for the 12 hours. It will be very interesting to see what it weighs, although the interim rear bar is going to hurt that number pretty dramatically.


Ron Earp
04-16-2006, 03:30 PM
That thing looks nice and I like the white interior and bars, good job!!! It really looks more like a race car than a street/race car - what has happened to you? :lol:

04-16-2006, 06:18 PM
Looks can be deceiving, Ron - I'm stopping at the DMV tomorrow to arrange for the VIN inspection, so I can get a title issued as the first step to getting it licensed.


Ron Earp
04-16-2006, 09:13 PM
Good for you! I'm doing the same on the Jensen, but I have a much easier road since I don't need catalytic convertors etc. for inspection. Are you going to have a bolt in convertor arrangement? I did that on a Lotus I had and it worked well - pulled over 23 rwhp on the dyno (made 337 at the wheels) difference with the cat in and out. Bet it'll be worth something on the VW for sure.


04-17-2006, 12:03 AM
Can you say "test Pipe", 23 HP is huge! that translates to about 3hp on the GTIf right?

04-17-2006, 12:57 AM
Kirk, Cameron, car looks great. You guys at Roebling with it this weekend?

04-17-2006, 07:16 AM
No RR. VIR in May will be the first official outing, unless we make the Rockingham NASA event the week before.

We don't run the stock cat, actually - it's a purpose-built racing piece intended for rallying. I'm really looking forward to getting on the dyno so we can see what is really happening there but the DL1 suggested that we were actually accelerating slower with an under-car turndown than with the muffler we are currently running...

To be continued.


Ron Earp
04-17-2006, 08:03 AM
Can you say "test Pipe", 23 HP is huge! that translates to about 3hp on the GTIf right?

Turbo car - sensitive to exhaust. Hey, 3hp is 3hp - it is legal to remove the cat in IT. I know people do a whole lot more for 3hp than remove a cat and replace with a test pipe!


04-20-2006, 11:35 PM
Race Cats are available if interested.

05-06-2006, 09:15 PM
And - drum roll, please - we appear to be ready for the SARRC/MARRS next weekend at VIR. With actual days to spare. Just need a final bolt check, brake bleed, and tire pressure adjustment, and I think we're ready to go.


Big thanks for the help I've had from Bildon Motorsports, Competition Cages, Koni suspension, Phil's Tire Service, 247-parts.com, and New South Performance.


Most of all, a HUGE thank you to Cameron Conover (introducing Conover Engines/Transaxles for VW products) for his tireless work. I keep throwing Red Bull and pizza at him, and he keeps doing the good stuff We were barely done taking pictures in front of his shop, when we started talking about what the next project would be. More pics...



See you at VIR!


05-07-2006, 02:09 AM
Nice!!!! :023:

05-07-2006, 11:41 AM
Nice looking ride! Glad to see it finished.

I'm sure the view of the rear of it will be quite nice! See you friday!


05-08-2006, 12:18 AM

Congradulations on all the hard work. The car looks great, something to be proud of! Hope all is well on the first outing.


05-08-2006, 01:59 AM
Looks awesome! Can't wait to see it run at VIR.

05-15-2006, 06:04 AM
Soooooo, how did the race go??????

05-15-2006, 06:57 AM
We had a pretty good debut, if we focus on the important stuff. Things I learned...

** When one formats CF card for the DL1, they need to be FAT16 rather than FAT32

** When your technician says, "Dude - just buy a new O2 sensor now, so we don't have to worry about it," you just DO it.

** Rust grows on drivers just as fast in the SE as it does in the NW.

** It's a hell of a lot of fun to have a knock-down, drag-out race for 8th, and even more fun to have two of them.

** We are still off the pace of the B frontrunners but I was battling with the stock rev limit (5200 in 4th!), and the aforementioned crapped out O2 sensor put our AFR numbers down around 11.5-12 under full-load acceleration. Stinkola. News is that we'll benefit from Bildon's chip tuning effort here in short order, and a new O2 sensor is on the list.

** You can put a big rear bar on an FWD car and will still push, if you turn in like a big puss.

** There are a lot of fans of blue race cars out there.

** All of the undercoating, extra wiring, trim, and other minor crap you can take off of a race car weighs only a little more than the aforementioned rear bar. Even at that, with skinny Lawton driving, we might want to not have skinny Lawton in the driver's seat and an empty tank when we finish the enduro...

** An IR test indicated a 70*F difference between the intake manifold and head (130 vs. 200), in the hot pits after the Saturday race, with the new PowerGasket that we were testing for NewSouth Performance. I trusted the product enough to use it but was waiting for some data on which to base any conclusions of value, so it's kind of cool that it works as advertised.

** Mom got a 5th-place SARRC trophy on Sunday, thanks to a really worthy outside pass by David Jones (Honda CRX), into the left at the end of the climbing straight, before Rollercoaster.


05-15-2006, 08:40 AM
I saw it run and it looks good. The rev limiter and the wonkered O2 sensor have to be worth at least 2-3 seconds -- Pablo 2 has potential.

Good job guys.

05-15-2006, 10:54 AM
It was great meeting you Kirk. I hope to chase you down once again. Between chasing you in Friday (thanks for the fast lap 2 spots behind you) qualifing and a lot of hard work to get around Dave Jones only to blow it in 1 a lap later in saturdays race was the best.

I will try to stop by before the races start at the 12 hour, ill be working the pits. Otherwise, see you next year. It sucks about my motor, but I will be out there soon enough. Our first goal is to see if we can figure out why the head gasket poped on #2 and melted the head in that area.

05-15-2006, 12:20 PM
** aforementioned crapped out O2 sensor put our AFR numbers down around 11.5-12 under full-load acceleration. Stinkola. News is that we'll benefit from Bildon's chip tuning effort here in short order, and a new O2 sensor is on the list.

Confused about the 02 sensor comments. At WOT the car runs closed loop on a map disregarding the 02 circuit. Are you OBD1 ? Our new ECU mods do away with the OE maps and use only 1 high resolution (24x24) map. The part throttle, full throttle and start up maps will be removed.

** You can put a big rear bar on an FWD car and will still push, if you turn in like a big puss.

;-) Use that diff! It works under power ;-) :P

** There are a lot of fans of blue race cars out there.

Yes...we're like flies to a zapper. :D

** An IR test indicated a 70*F difference between the intake manifold and head (130 vs. 200), in the hot pits after the Saturday race, with the new PowerGasket that we were testing for NewSouth Performance. I trusted the product enough to use it but was waiting for some data on which to base any conclusions of value, so it's kind of cool that it works as advertised.

I just dyno tested one of these. :024:
Some thoughts.
Did you do that same test prior to using this gasket?
Where on the head and intake where you taking the temp readings?
Did you check your IAT before an after?
Our conclusion was that the temp of the column of air inside the manifold (IAT) was not changed.
This is not to say that it's useless. Should it hold up over time I thnk it may provide a bit of under hood temp relief.

05-15-2006, 12:37 PM
Take technical comments from ol' Kirk with a grain of salt. He's just a driver.**

On the O2 question, we got a CEL indicating a battery positive to ground short failure of the sensor. Without benefit of Cameron's full-time support this weekend (life intervenes) I attributed what looked to me like too-low AFR numbers to that cause. I leave it to the experts to help me understand where I'm confused. :)

Regarding the PowerGasket, please note that this is a Your Mileage May Very moment. The numbers above (a) should not be construed as official representation from NewSouth Performance, (b ) was not done in any kind of context or conditions where we controlled other variables, and (c ) are only shared because I was surprised that the delta was that much, based solely on my first impressions.


** And it's a shame that he isn't better at that, too.

05-15-2006, 01:23 PM
Kirk - the car looked good. I made a point of watching the ITB/ITC/SRX7 crash-fests since I had 3 paddock-mates in that race - James in the black A2 Golf, David in a black 2002 and Kevin in a blue Civic DX. The car certainly looks good but I think it would be better in City of Minneapolis Municipal Orange with the Star and Bars on the roof - oh wait, that's already been done :wacko:

Sorry I didn't get a chance to stop by and say "Hi" - I was busy running around doing errands for myself on Fri (buying a spare trailer tire to replace the one that grenaded on Thu) and finding parts for James and Kevin on Sat.

See you at the 12-Hour...consider yourself warned :D

05-15-2006, 03:38 PM
Damn, don't I feel like a knothead - I was looking for your white GTI in the paddock all weekend :o . I even watched the group 5 race Saturday from Oak Tree with the good Mr. Yip, and had no clue you were out there. Guess I need to try a little harder to keep up :rolleyes: .

I'll probably be working a corner at the 12-hour; I'll have to stop by and say hello now that I know what I'm looking for.

05-15-2006, 03:40 PM
Even at that, with skinny Lawton driving, we might want to not have skinny Lawton in the driver's seat and an empty tank when we finish the enduro...


Hey now!! Are you making fun of my girlish figure???

05-15-2006, 04:30 PM
I made a point of watching the ITB/ITC/SRX7 crash-fests since I had 3 paddock-mates in that race - James in the black A2 Golf, David in a black 2002 and Kevin in a blue Civic DX. [/b]

I'm assuming your talking about Sundays race? I was in the white CRX that kept swapping spots with the red and blue Civics all day Saturday, until the engine let go on the last lap (still got 2nd though). What happened sunday?

BTW, let the folks with those two Civics know I had a blast with them!

BTW2... Kirk, nice car, and nice to finally meet you!


05-15-2006, 04:54 PM
I'm assuming your talking about Sundays race? I was in the white CRX that kept swapping spots with the red and blue Civics all day Saturday, until the engine let go on the last lap (still got 2nd though). What happened sunday? [/b]

Rant on...

Friday involved one of the MARRS front runners who t-boned a hapless spinner in an SRX7. Saturday started with the pretty blue SRX7 that took out a white Civic in South Bend on Lap 1. Don't recal the rest of the crashing on Fri or Sat however as I was occupied with other stuff.

Sunday - the hot-pink Golf had some fairly heavy RF damage from a side-to-side with an unknown assailant. On the last lap, the Golf was taken out by an SRX7 who didn't quite complete a pass before moving into the LF of the Golf. At least the Golf pilot was smart enough to take out the SRX7 as he went off - what an idiot in the SRX7.

Rant off... :bash_1_:

05-15-2006, 06:52 PM
So, I didn't miss any major trauma Sunday? The srx7 and the civic from Saturday... I saw them coming back on... in fact, Martin (Civic driver) listened to me and reentered up near 11, the mazda guy almost came on in the exit of 10, right as I came out!

For me, Saturday's start was a bit hairy... a couple of bonzai's from the rear, through me off and set me back a bit. I had to work a good 4 or 5 laps to get a lot of that back.

In the 2 years of racing, I had never raced with 3 other cars in my class at the same time, it was quite a blast! Too bad she broke, or we could have repeated it Sunday, except with a 1st instead of a 2nd! :D

05-15-2006, 08:39 PM
PS - If anyone has contact information for David Jones, let me know. He said something about video.


05-15-2006, 09:07 PM
Kirk thats for sure, I want to see saturdays race from his view.
I know this is what he saw the entire time from the start till I passed him and then spun (I need to work on that)

05-16-2006, 09:17 AM
Speaking of, I could use some digital pics of Pablo azul on track for the web site. If anyone has any?


05-16-2006, 09:29 AM
I didn have my digi with me, so I didnt get any shots on sunday, but this is one off my friends camera on Saturday.

Bill Miller
05-16-2006, 09:30 AM

I'm not sure if Jim Sykes from Motorsports Imaging was there or not. Check his website.

05-16-2006, 09:32 AM
Bill I dont think he was there, last time I checked he was going to be at the Houston Grand Prix that weekend.

05-16-2006, 09:55 AM
I'm not sure if Jim Sykes from Motorsports Imaging was there or not. Check his website.

Unfortunately Jimmy didn't make VIR - he's "gone Pro" on us and is travelling/working most every weekend. The only MARRS that he was able to attend was MARRS 1 where he showed up with his Dad (former Tech Inspector) to spectate and say "Hi".

It's too bad for us amateurs b/c Jimmy is one helluva good photographer but I'm pleased to know that his business has taken off significantly :OLA:

05-16-2006, 09:57 AM

I'm not sure if Jim Sykes from Motorsports Imaging was there or not. Check his website. [/b]

Don't think it was Jim, but there was a photog there; he was going around offering single 8 X 10s of your car for $25. I thought that was a little steep for one shot, even more so after I got home Sunday and found in my mail a package of 7 photos from MARRS I (from Ken Brown IIRC) being offered for $28. Does anyone know who the guy was at VIR, and if he has a website?

05-16-2006, 10:26 AM
Earl there were several there, but who knows how to get in touch with them. The 8x10 was a nice picture for my car, but 25 bucks was a little high but not much. Speaking of which I have a huge stack of rather boring pictures to return to Ken Brown.

05-16-2006, 10:31 AM
I think Ken Brown was at VIR as was Gordon Jolley - Gordon walked around the grid on Friday and asked about interest - apparently he only photographs interested parties which is a good thing.

05-16-2006, 10:44 AM
yeah, he cought me offgaurd at the grid as I was getting ready so I dont know if I even answered him or if he took any pictures. My issue with ken is he has a few shots but they all make it look like im just driving around the track. All the pictures from the M1 race and qualifing are boring, in the carousel where I made 3 passes and not one pass was pictured, but I have 4 shots of me driving the carousel the next lap after the pass.

05-16-2006, 11:05 AM
I've yakked about it here before but the problem with the commercial guys is that they have a print-oriented approach. An 8x10 is useless to me and they seem (when they DO use digital equipment) to charge $TOO.MUCH for a single .jpg file, because they think I'm stealing their revenues by printing my own.


05-16-2006, 12:27 PM
And thus I usually come up with my good digital and a friend. I take lots of pictures anyway, and then come my race I hand him the camera with a fresh 1G memory card, a list of car numbers and tell him go whereever you want to in these turns.

Next thing I know I have 400-1000 pictures.

05-17-2006, 11:01 PM
The SARRC/MARRS shootout (knockout) was pretty exciting for me and my pink Golf. Saturdays race I nearly collected a very slow Flee-esta coming out of the esses and spun big time. Sunday I got used as brakes by a Nissan in turn one. (new door, rocker repair and fender) I was also held-up by several SRX7's.
These guys would try to outbrake me in turn one and end up looking like greased pigs at a picnic (allover)
I'd make a clean pass on the front straight and they would try the same BS. Finally on lap 9 the silver SRX7 attempted a pass in 3 (great thinking) and his rear hit my left front, spining both of us out. My 6th overall became a 14th. This bozo filed a protest against me for unsportsmanlike driving ! Luckily the SOM's have got some sense and ruled it "a racing incident" . 45 minutes later I was free to go home. So Mathew ,Silver SRX7 #1, does your pussy still hurt ??

#97 ITB Golf

Bill Miller
05-18-2006, 09:10 AM

I'm glad to hear that Jimmy's business is taking off. And you're right, he is a great photographer.

Tim, I'm curious as to why you didn't file a counter-protest? I'm also surprised at stewards that consider bone-headed moves like that 'racing incidents'. The guy wasn't in your class, and from what it looks like, wasn't racing w/ anyone in his class.

05-18-2006, 11:50 AM
Finally on lap 9 the silver SRX7 attempted a pass in 3 (great thinking) and his rear hit my left front, spining both of us out. My 6th overall became a 14th. This bozo filed a protest against me for unsportsmanlike driving ! [/b]

I was thinking that you would have filed a protest against the SRX7 for agressive driving considering that it is his duty to pass safely and he didn't succeed - by holding your line and not "stopping" or otherwise moving off-line, you made the track safer for the 3-4 OTHER SRX7s that were in that same pack. I'm glad that the SOMs found in your favor.

As for pictures - one think I like about Jimmy's pictures (www.motorsportsimaging.com) is that he directs everyone to his website for previews. If you like what you see, you can buy individual prints or an entire CD of your car - much easier and less hassle than receiving 20 pictures in the mail that I have to sort thru and then return-mail at my expense.

BTW - to avoid confusion, my name is also Matthew but I drive a Golf, namely a bright orange version...

05-18-2006, 03:41 PM
... much easier and less hassle than receiving 20 pictures in the mail that I have to sort thru and then return-mail at my expense. ...

Or not return. I figure unsolicited things mailed to my home are gifts.


05-18-2006, 03:56 PM

I was the guy in the white crx with the red stripes. I tried to find yu friday afternoon, and saturday morn, to thank you for that tow in friday morn's session. I think we both wound up with decent qualifying because of it.

As for being held up... I fully understand. The MARRS C cars that I ran with saturday didn't brake check 16, they stayed all the way on the brakes through 17, problably cost me a second a lap... even though they had a bit of a leg on me on the straights.

Glad you guys had fun... too bad I could play on Sunday!

05-18-2006, 09:41 PM
Ya, I could have filed a counter protest but the grounds were weak to start with. I wouldn't bother Stewards for such a weiner mishap. My car wasn't damaged,I didn't lose my 3rd place finish for SARRC points. So let it lay. The sad part of this whole thing was that during Sat.'s race he didn't leave enough room for me in a corner and later came by and talked to me about it which is great. I talked to him about working together and drafting our way up to a better position. In the race on Sunday he was holding me up(1 sec/lap) so I passed him very nicely on the front straight. Had he tucked in behind me we would have made a few great laps. But I guess a macho RX7 can't be behind a faster pink Golf, too much on the ego so hence the greased pig pass attempts .
Hats off to the ITC white/red stripe CRX ! Working together is a great advantage. This was my 2nd time here and I am still learning the track. I do feel good as my best race lap on Sat. was a bit faster than Sam's best(only 1 lap though). A bit of the hair of the dog as I used to drive that Volvo back in '94. A fast consistent front runner !
See you at Charlotte !!!!!!!!

#97 ITB Golf