2006 ARRC


New member
While it is fresh on your mind, give us suggestions for next year. Please be reasonable. Address such issues as schedule, socials/entertainment/food, trophies, victory circle, Contingency program, entry fees, car classes, facility, local area issues, etc. Tell us what you would like to see continued, changed, included, deleted, etc. Please make it constructive suggestions. Sandy, Atlanta Region Treasure and Paddock Queen a/k/a Escort
Combined classes, such as ITB and ITC get their own pace car and start.

Tech is as aggressive as possible, and pulls heads on top 3 in all IT classes, more if possible. A stock side housing set is procured (borrowed) and a rotary is actually torn down to really check porting.

SMs are part of the show, with SSMs being looked at as well.

Finally, the test day stays on the schedule.

Would a big screen with turn by turn coverage on the front straight be asking too much??/ Yea...thought so....oh well. ;)
I had to see it to really understand but the paddock issue really needs to be addressed. It was pretty appalling how much room was taken up by large boxes of air on wheels - enclosed trailers that sat empty next to race cars.

If I had one, would I love the shade, changing room, and convenience of having all of my "stuff" in cabinets right next to the car? Sure, but this is one of those cases where equity trumps the desires of a portion of entrants. When we raced karts, each racer got one, 10x10', marked pit space. If you teamed up with someone else who also had a kart, you could put a 10x20' awning over two adjoining spaces. We were all in the same boat, space-wise - rich, poor, or otherwise - and we all had to pick and choose what we wanted to put in our space.

It was crowded to the point of being dangerous, as drivers tried to get to the grid around blind corners with congested pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Make the access roads a little wider, give everyone 1/300th of the space available, and the entire situation would be more comfortable for everyone.

The $150 extra driver fee for the enduro is kind of ridiculous.

With a mandatory 2 stop race its a great opportunity to get friends and crew involved in the race, but at $150 each 3 drivers sends the entry fee up to $575.
Thats ridiculous.

The 13 hour race at VIR is only $750 and includes up to 4 drivers in that fee.

Atlanta is the only region that does this. The others charge from $0 to $50 for extra drivers.

Otherwise you guys did a great job Sandy. Paddock trouble and bitchy drivers had already started by Wednesday evening and you guys handled it perfectly. At the end of the day, its always going to be hard to stuff 300+ entries in that paddock.
Maybe in the future we can designate parking for non-support vehicles somewhere outside the paddock and run a couple of shuttles. I think if you get all of the street cars and spectator rides out of the mix things improve ALOT.
Start the "program" at the socials earlier. Everywhere I've been it is the same - after a long day of racing most people really just want to move on. Dinners are always earlier than people normally eat and many plan on going out anyway. By the time the worker give-aways started on Fri. and the awards, not to mention karaoke, on Sat., the place was emptying. The give-aways and awards should be to full houses so that workers, donors, and winners get their due.
Originally posted by Catch22@Nov 16 2005, 11:42 AM
...Maybe in the future we can designate parking for non-support vehicles somewhere outside the paddock and run a couple of shuttles.  I think if you get all of the street cars and spectator rides out of the mix things improve ALOT.
Good idea, Scott. I'd gladly park in the south 40 if a shuttle were available. It could also be used by spectators to move around the various viewing areas.

Also, a Wi-Fi hot spot would be nice. I'm not suggesting coverage for the entire course, but even a single spot would obviate the need for some to dash back to their hotels just to send an e-mail. Not a "must have" for racers, but a nice touch for spectators.
Playing the National Anthem would have been nice. It's the only race I've ever been to where it wasn't.
Originally posted by lateapex911@Nov 16 2005, 02:30 PM
A stock side housing set is procured (borrowed) and a rotary is actually torn down to really check porting.

SMs are part of the show, with SSMs being looked at as well.

Finally, the test day stays on the schedule.

Would a big screen with turn by turn coverage on the front straight be asking too much??/ Yea...thought so....oh well. ;)


...I do not think that doing a complete tear down on a rotary engine is practical. Although, my engine is due for a freshening (obvious by my lack of power on the straights during the ARRC) so please protest me @ VIR in March ;) .

...The top three passed tech at the ARRC, but I guess that is not good enough. Congrats to ATTILA LUKACS for the win :smilie_pokal: . And special thanks to Kurt Jackson for all his help :D .

... I do like the BIG SCREEN idea... Maybe we could do a special fund?

... And last but not least.......... Thanks Fletcher...... For Making the first move. You do a heck of a job :023: !!!

... Rick Thompson
... 2000,01,02,04,05 SARRC IT7 Champion
... 2001 & 2005 ECR Champion / Co-driver
... 2005 ARRC Runner up IT7 & Track Record Holder @ 146.323 :cavallo: :cavallo:
While it is fresh on your mind, give us suggestions for next year.

Have Fletcher adjust his brakes before he gets to the grid. hehe :D

I know it is a large change but would it be possible to use the other side of the paddock? I personally like the infield but pit out might be a problem although the ALMS guys have that problem.

The other benefit is its also flatter but I could not say about total area.

Just an idea, but this years event really was good besides the spec miata black flag.. Oh well.. it happens

I think it is a great idea to add the ALMS paddock. If you could only send a race group or two to that side it would help parking. I would like a split start for B and C. Otherwise. I think the 2005 ARRC was great. PK
Positive comment...the parking at the event went smoother this time than I've ever seen it.

Negative comment...it took hours before we could get in to park. We arrived in early afternoon after an 11 hr drive only to sit until after dark before we could get into the track.

Positive note...could you have the same weather steward do the same job next year...PERFECT! :happy204:
Originally posted by Knestis@Nov 16 2005, 02:39 PM
I had to see it to really understand but the paddock issue really needs to be addressed. It was pretty appalling how much room was taken up by large boxes of air on wheels - enclosed trailers that sat empty next to race cars.
i agree to a point. booting all trailers would be extreme, but maybe limiting the size would help. it didn't seem right forcing all the open trailer folks to pull out and squish together (using a tape measure!) when there was a huge toterhome and massive trailer in the paddock that was supporting ONE car.

boot all the motor and toterhomes from the paddock and the space problem would go away...
Originally posted by dj10@Nov 16 2005, 10:47 AM
Have Fletcher adjust his brakes before he gets to the grid. hehe  :D

Yes, but at least he apologized :)

or did it happen more then once :P

I am going to start a thread EARLY next year and see if we can coordinate transportation from (and to, if necessary) the airport. Even if we saved a couple of people trips to the airport I think it would be worthwhile, because I don't see me saving enough vacation (again) to come down early in the week, and the ticket price beats a 9-10hr drive.
I agree with Scott on the extra driver fee for the enduro. It seemed a little steep to me, especially considering our promised 45 minute qualifying session got cut back to about 15 minutes. We were counting on that time to get my co-driver out on track since he had never been out on Road Atlanta in a racecar before. Unfortunately I had to run the entire 15 minutes we were given just to qualify our car and seat time couldn't be given to my co-driver. On top of that, the practice day was a little "iffy" too. Again, for our ITC enduro car, we paid $100 for a promised 60 minutes from two sessions. Those two sessions got cut back to about a total of 30 minutes, if that. Then at the end of the weekend, I didn't see anyone running up to use trying to give us some of our money back since our promised 105 minutes got cut to about 45.

As for the paddock space, I thought it was handled ok, all things considered. My biggest gripe was how we showed up just a shade too late Wednesday night to get parked that night. I didn't have a problem with that since we were first in line to be parked the next morning. When the morning came, a rig that came in next to and much later than us got taken in first as we were told to stay put and we'd be taken in next. Of course once that first rig was taken in, a mad dash took place by anyone and everyone behind us to get down to the paddock area. After we got passed up by at least a dozen other rigs, we decided to not wait up there anymore as "we were told to stay put and we'd be taken in next". I think we'd still be sitting there if we actually did that.

If space is really that much of an issue, I think giving everyone equal paddock space is unrealistic. Trailers and tow vehicles come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. If something does have to be moved out, I'd start with the open trailers too. They aren't used to house tools and spares much and usually end up as wasted space when the car's off of it. Enclosed trailers and RV's end up fulfilling more of a purpose than that. If anything really needed to be done, it was the "crew and support" vehicles. They got parked anywhere and everywhere - on at least 5 occasions, I had to go looking for the owner of a car or truck that was parked right in front of my paddock spot. What if a sticker was placed on the windshield of tow vehicles alone upon initial entrance to the paddock? That way if a car doesn't have a sticker, it doesn't get admitted to the paddock, ever.

If the ALMS paddock were to be used, what if all of the SM cars were put over their or something? That would be about 50 cars and any of their tow rigs, support vehicles and whatnot out of the other paddock.
I didnt see the paddock first hand but some of you have been to the MARRS races at SP. space there is at a supreme primium to the point that they dont allow open trailers inside the paddock. Everyone has to park their opens outside by turn 10 or registration for the weekend. But it does work. If there is space elsewhere ask the the opens to unpack and park their trailers outside the paddock. encourage grouping like WDCR does. Its worked so far with minimal complaints.
You statement is not quite correct. An open trailer IS allowed to remain in the paddock at MARRS Summit Point events provided that the trailer, tow vehicle, and racecar can all fit in your 20 foot by 40 foot space. If you cannot fit all that into your 20' x 40' space then you must move your open trailer to the outside of T10. Or face the wrath of the paddock nazi's. Its all in the supplemental regulations, I KNOW all rookies read the supps, right?

I was unable to attend this year's ARRC but I can imagine that the paddock parking issues came close to rivaling the issues that we have at MARRS events at Summit Point (350 plus cars, everyone wanting to be on the pavement and the one guy who shows up with the tractor trailer rig, full 40'x 20' awning, and ONE little racecar).

"dangerous" dave parker
wdcr ITC->HP #97
Dave I got a different view from the supps and to me the meaning came over that sure if it can fit but we would prefer if you didnt and maybe even find someone to buddy up to so you can squeeze 2 cars into the same paddock spot.