10-19-2005, 09:09 AM
:( Please be advised, the Sebring event this weekend (Oct 22 & 23) has been cancelled due to the high probability that Hurricane Wilma will have a significant impact on the weather.

For those wishing to attend the memorial for Bob Sager, the memorial will be held in February.

If you were pre-entered for the event, your check will be destroyed.

We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing you all at the Turkey Trot. The Entry Form should be on the CFR website early next week.

Robin Flannery
Asst Race Board Chair

10-19-2005, 06:06 PM
Having made it through two of them this year and the reprecussions both before and after, good call. They aren't to be messed with. The storm is one thing and the panic of the humanity is another. Thanks for being heads up.

Mike Cox
10-20-2005, 06:17 AM
to the Race board: don't you think this is unfair to any drivers in a heated points battle? This annoucment is made on here but as of Thursday AM there is no offical notification on the website. This post here constitutes nothing at this point. Until it is on the clubs website this race is still on.

In as far as the "hurricane" I do not think that the latest forcast issued Wednesday night was taken into consideration and it may be prudent to relook at your decsion before you take a knee jerk reaction.

10-20-2005, 08:13 AM
IF the hurricane hits the area it will be really bad. IF it doesnt it will still be bad. This is a hobby and when as many people as it takes to put on a race (from all over florida mind you) must be there, you are putting people in jeopardy. I doubt they would even be able to staff it with the impending storm. There are more people involved in a regional weekend than you may realise and we also have to take the trac owner into consideration. Do they want 350 cars/crews/drivers/workers/officials all over the place when they evacuate?? kinda messy...

Bruce Shafer
10-20-2005, 10:51 AM
Thanks to the CFR Race Board for being pro-active with this decision. Good call.

10-20-2005, 11:56 AM
None of us want to miss any opportunity to race. This was a tough call and not taken lightly. Worst case, a race was canceled that may not have needed to. I have also made preparations at work and home that may prove un-necessary(this time). I will continue to err on the side of caution, and I am glad that the "powers that be" made a decision, and didn't wait until we got down to Sebring friday night to do so.

Wow, Bruce and I agree on something....again... :023:

If it isn't already in place, it might be proper for Registration to make a few phone calls (or email) so people don't waste a trip down to Sebring.

See you guys for Thanksgiving...wait till you see the new and improved 66 car... It is straight and shiny again...Now if i can only make it(me?) fast....

10-20-2005, 12:57 PM
I'd like insure everyone that this was not a decision that was made lightly and was certainly not a knee-jerk reaction. The "powers that be" agonized over this for days and waited until the last possible moment, realizing that cancellations take time too, before pulling the plug. The Race Board appreciates your positive comments, support and encourages constructive criticism.

Regarding notifying participants, as soon as our web master gets out of the hospital today, he will post a notice to the website. Our registrar notified all pre-registered drivers via email of the cancellation yesterday. At least she did for those who provided an email address or the email address was legible. She has a list of about 20 names of drivers to call, which she is doing today, for those who did not provide an email address or it could not be read. (This list includes you, Mr Cox).

For those who may still insist that the event is not officially cancelled until it appears on the web, I assure you, it is officially cancelled. I personally cancelled the sanction and insurance yesterday. There will be no event this weekend.

To those drivers who were in a heated points race, we apologize and hope that you understand that the forces of nature are unpredicatable and dangerous. We considered the cost to participants and safety of all involved and the need on the part of some to protect their own personal property. The fact that this was to be Bob's race, made the decision all the more difficult.

Thank you all for your continued support of the CFR-Racing program. We look forward to see you in November.


10-20-2005, 11:50 PM
Sounds like the perfect excuse to evacuate to VIR!!