Road Atlanta Test Day - Schedule


New member
Road Atlanta sent us a schedule for the Test Day and you will find this on the main page of the ARRC website.

To participate in the Test Day you do not need to pre-register so you won't have to call Road Atlanta to set anything up. Just be there early in the morning with $200 in hand (for a whole day!) and be at the Mandatory Driver Meeting.

Have a blast everyone!
There is test day registration on Wed from 3PM till 6PM and begins again on Thur at 7AM. Everyone must sign the waiver and get a wrist band to enter the track on Wed evening and Thur. If you arrive early on Wed, sign the waiver and get a wrist band during registration and you won't have to stop at the gate to do it upon entering the track. Sandy, Your Paddock Queen
Originally posted by Sandy@Oct 27 2005, 09:23 PM
There is test day registration on Wed from 3PM till 6PM and begins again on Thur at 7AM.  Everyone must sign the waiver and get a wrist band to enter the track on Wed evening and Thur.  If you arrive early on Wed, sign the waiver and get a wrist band during registration and you won't have to stop at the gate to do it upon entering the track.  Sandy, Your Paddock Queen
Sandy - Does that mean the track opens at 3:00 on Wednesday, or sooner.
We usually get there at 3 and start parking you guys as soon as we can get the fire roads laid out. This is usually between 4 and 5.

Sandy, if your the Paddock Queen does that make me the Paddock Prince? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Sandy@Oct 27 2005, 09:23 PM
There is test day registration on Wed from 3PM till 6PM and begins again on Thur at 7AM.  Everyone must sign the waiver and get a wrist band to enter the track on Wed evening and Thur.  If you arrive early on Wed, sign the waiver and get a wrist band during registration and you won't have to stop at the gate to do it upon entering the track.  Sandy, Your Paddock Queen
Thanks, Sandy. Good info to know. Tom, I wouldn't touch that queston with a ten foot trash barrel! :lol:
Yes, Tom, you are a Prince, Prince of the lime machine. If Road Atlanta tells us we can begin early and the stars aline, we will. As the regulars know, we usually do open early, however, there have been times that it didn't happen. Tom had to meet with a customer one day and was several hours late; Fletcher usually gets tied up in Atlanta traffic or has a flat tire on the trailer. Then, I'm late because I just have too much to do. I sincerely do try to open early and park you quickly. I'll check with Road Atlanta first of next week to see how early we can begin. I sure hope it doesn't rain; I get grumpy when I get wet.
Sandy, Tom & Fletcher,

We REALLY appreciate your hard work. I'm sure it is often a thankless job, but you make things MUCH better than if it were a free for all.
You are most welcome. In the beginning it was challenging for us and the competitors. Now, its easier on us all and most of us enjoy the weekend better for it. Besides, I like seeing Tom get lime all over himself.