Driving like the Blues Brothers

So there I am a couple weeks ago driving my race car inside the local mall for this show, and although I couldn't quite have the fun Jake and Elwood did, I did manage to figure out how to get people to sign up for my newsletter. Who would have figured that only guys signed up for the news that afternoon ! ?? I swear my race car is in this picture, but I'm not quite sure where...

See what I mean by following this -


-Marcello Canitano

[This message has been edited by SilverHorseRacing (edited March 25, 2004).]
"Hey look Elwood the new Oldsmoblies are early this year!"

Hey try wearing your driving suit and see how many women sign up!!!

Looks great have a good season Glenn
The heading should be "Find the hidden car"

Marcello, Who is your helper?

The car had to sound great running in-doors!

[This message has been edited by trueblue (edited April 26, 2004).]