Fords in ITC???

Soylent Green

New member
I was wondering how the early EGTs and Fiestas run in ITC. Does anyone have any info on these cars??? Im looking at running a lot of Nor Pac races and ITC is a pretty big class there. It seems to me that you can get one of these up and running pretty inexpensively as well. Thanks everyone!!!
Look for joeg on the forum. Im not positive, but I think he runs a somewhere between 82-84 Escort. I think thats ITC? He's very knowledgable either way, he can probably help you.

ITB Escort
[email protected]
JoeG is in ITC as is Chris Johnson out here in New England. I don't think Chris is here on the board though.

It's actually an 81 Lynx.

There are three real quick ITC "Escorts" in the NE--although two are hurting a bit from crashes. Lee Kaufman runs an EXP in ITC in the MARRS Series along with Dave Flinchbaugh in a 83-84 Escort. Both are very fast.

Also quick in his Escort in New England is Chris Johnson. He hurt it, however, at NHIS.

Jeff Leone is mighty quick in the NE with his Fiesta (there are a number of those all over the place. Lot's of potential with the largest displacement engine in the lightest spec car per the ITCS for ITC.)

Both cars suffer a bit from lack of support/popularity. You are sort of on your own with making and locating parts. However, Lee can fix you up with a Quaiffe. You have more wheel/tire options with the Escort than with the Fiesta and the Escort's brakes are a bit larger.

An ITC EXP holds the ITC track record at the Glen's Long Course.

Currently, both cars are old and OEM parts get tougher to find. I sort of just started collecting bits from my Pro Rally days and kept going.

They are both good cars and remember, you have a ITB and ITA option with the newer model Escorts.

Hey, just curious, has anyone ever seen an ITC Ford Cortina GT??? They are listed as legal, just wondering if someone has ever raced one.....

Hey Jive,
Think I remember reading about one on the west coast about 7 or 8 years ago maybe. Don't remember any details or finishes though.
Cortinas are neat, but it has got to be tough getting parts!Those cars are getting on to be 40 years old!

There is still the same problem of it having been a "Ford Orphan", meaning imported for a few year and then forgotten by Ford USA. It is a similar issue with the Fiesta, Festiva and Aspire.
I think so Doug, but I believe they are mostly of the MKI variety. I could be wrong tho. I know that the old 2.5 series style cars have a really cool and popular racing series out here on the west coast. You guys should check out the B-Sedan webpage. Anyway, Since its been metioned, how is the cockpit space in a Fiesta?? I have a feeling Id be pretty cramped. hehe

Ryan, aka Jive
The Fiesta has oodles of head and leg room. It was designed to be big on the inside. And if you are serious about racing a Ford in ITC, let me know. I'll sell you mine.

Russ Myers
Fiesta #6
Originally posted by Russ Myers:
The Fiesta has oodles of head and leg room. It was designed to be big on the inside. And if you are serious about racing a Ford in ITC, let me know. I'll sell you mine.

Russ Myers
Fiesta #6

I have a Fiesta for ITC. The Rabbits are killer. I love my little car though.

Russ, I would be interested in your Fiesta. I like to punish myself I guess. Please contact me at [email protected]

I beleave a 71/72 Pinto with a 1600 would fit into IT-C. Not listed but no big deal if your serious.
Interesting, I guess the 1971 1600 Capri would also fit nicely into the ITC camp. However, with the same motor, the Fiesta would be a tough act to follow.

Would you or anyone else have a knuckle joint for a Fiesta?

That may not be the correct term, but it is the u-joint that connects the 1/2 shaft to the P side of the tranny.

Let me know, there are just no spares around here in the MidWest.


#62 ITC
I just stumbled across this page. So what if it's a year old.

I'm the nutcase that ran the '68 Cortina in ITC in '89-93 or there abouts.

It met it's demise when an Rx7 spun in front of me 5 minutes before the end of the Illgen enduro and I zigged when I should have zagged. I sold the remains to Bill Knox, Mike Drouin had my spare body which I don't think Bill ever picked up. Bill died of cancer a few years back and I don't know whatever happened to the cage, motor etc.

I'm afraid that the car was hopelessly outclassed in ITC. I think it put 57 hp to the ground, though I might have gotten that up to 63 at one point, a lot less than the 510s.

Some stories of the car:
The ITC Fiesta's in the Midwest have found some sort of loophole and are getting away with using Formula Ford heads. The original Fiesta heads were prone to cracking. One car owner said his Fiesta beat Rebstock at Hallett this year. The Formula Ford head info. came from a reliable source: Charlie Clark. Anyone wish to confirm the above?
Originally posted by Racescort:
Look for joeg on the forum. Im not positive, but I think he runs a somewhere between 82-84 Escort. I think thats ITC? He's very knowledgable either way, he can probably help you.

I race an ITC Fiesta usually at Summit Point and occasionally at VIR and we usually finish in the top 5 (1st at MARRS VI this year)when we finish. Craig Bucher also races a Fiesta and does quite well with a relatively stock version.
To get one to go fast you must take advantage of the full limits of the rules, otherwise the car will not be competitive. Greatest weakness are the front hubs and brakes, but there are ways to overcome the problems. call me at 540-972-1996 or email [email protected] and I will let you know all I know to be helpful.

Originally posted by Harry:
The ITC Fiesta's in the Midwest have found some sort of loophole and are getting away with using Formula Ford heads. The original Fiesta heads were prone to cracking. One car owner said his Fiesta beat Rebstock at Hallett this year. The Formula Ford head info. came from a reliable source: Charlie Clark. Anyone wish to confirm the above?
The heads use the same valve and port sizes as those miserable "federal" heads, there just not prone to porosity cracks. No competitive advantage other than being able to finish a race without blowing a head gasket. And certainly no more of a "loophole" than the "G-grind" cam or games with gear ratios the VWs use that never in their lives appeared on a 1500-1600 production Rabbit. Just wanted to keep the record straight.
G. Robert Jones
Originally posted by fiestadude:

Would you or anyone else have a knuckle joint for a Fiesta?

That may not be the correct term, but it is the u-joint that connects the 1/2 shaft to the P side of the tranny.

Let me know, there are just no spares around here in the MidWest.


I have a couple. You have to reinforce the rubber bushing to keep it from breaking. Falls under "shim" and "hardware" rule for legality.
G. Robert Jones

Originally posted by grjones1:
The heads use the same valve and port sizes as those miserable "federal" heads, there just not prone to porosity cracks. No competitive advantage other than being able to finish a race without blowing a head gasket.

Oh convinced me. Your absolutely sure theres's no differences in the original Fiesta head and the Formula Ford head sold by Ford other than the above mentioned cracks and there's absolutely no advantages due to port location. Their also all using 1.41 intake valves and 1.239 exhaust valves. We'll take a real close look later. One rule of racing is to know as much about your competitors car as your own car.

[This message has been edited by Harry (edited September 11, 2003).]