What can I expect?

Don't try parallel parking!

Seriously, just get out there and try it. Be careful for a few laps; stay away from everyone and it will probably become second nature quickly.
Originally posted by Racescort:
I got the diff. welded on my Escort. I going to try it with the power steering for now. What can I expect it to handle like in different situations?

Hey Doug, I had a welded diff in my EGT for several years and all I can tell you is start lifting weights focusing on your forearms. Seriously, the car will push more than it did but you will be able to go through corners faster than open. Driving around the paddock will just about kill you but at speed you won't even know the difference and I did it with a manual rack instead of my PS (weight). I think you will like it a lot better overall but I agree with Joe, be careful early until you get the feel for it then email me and I'll fix you up with the ultimate diff, a Quaife! Later dude.