Doug and his ''90 Escort


New member
Hey Diane and members ......
Just wanted to tell you Doug did fantastic
at the Waterford Hills drivers school. Hung
in there with the best of them and they were
running ITA cars. Had a couple 180's but no
biggy, it rained all day on Sat. and the track has a new repaving job. Car ran real good on new Kumos. Just had to gas it and go.
Great news! Can't wait to hear his report!

88 Escort ITB
First race May 11th!

[This message has been edited by Diane (edited May 03, 2002).]
Sorry it took so long!

Man have I been staying busy. On the 21st I had to packup and go to the classroom. The next weekend 27th & 28th had to packup and go again. Then the next weekend was the first race weekend. Im almost glad (not quite but almost) to have a couple weekends off.
School was a blast! Only a couple of 180's real basic ones. I felt like I learned a ton those two days. The WHRRI school gives you a ton of track time.
The first race weekend was the coolest thing I've ever did. I didn't wreck anyone, I didn't get wrecked, except at the start of the feature race Sun. there was a maylee in turn 1, I got through with no problem. After getting through everyone took off. Going into turn 3 I got next to a guy in a Mustang and he didnt see me there. He squeezed me off track. I hit the dirt and it 180'd me. I got a point and resumed to racing. Luckily they went double yellow and I was able to catch up. I passed the guy in the Mustang and a couple others. Anyway me and my buddy Dean had a great time racing each other, passing, giving good points to faster guys and all that. We ended up 9th & 10th out of about 23 ITB cars. Also what was really good was that I was able to better my lap times over the weekend. Went from 1:30s to 1:27.5'S

So thats it for now. Let me know about your first race weekend Diane?

ITB Escort
[email protected]
Fun stuff here

I was just paging through and came across these Forums... I'm the guy in the Mustang that viciously cut Doug off first race weekend
Hence the name...

Doug made a heck of a move on the outside of me, and I sure didn't see him. My bad... he still came back and beat me though... This past weekend was fun too - Me and Doug went at it again... with Doug making a scraping move around me under <ahem> yellow <ahem>. Unfortunately, he went off course before I could get back to him and have some fun.

It's been a blast running with him... he's still faster than me - and his car is setup awesome for a turn that mine is rather poor at (5), but its such a small difference that it always seems like me and him together on the track at all times. Looking forward to racing him and Dean for the rest of the year at WH.

Oh, and we're both down to 1:25s now. Amazing how much you pick up just from knowing the track


Oh, and I'll actually click on that "Show Signature" thing so Doug knows who I am...



Bennett Moreland
ITB Mustang
Oh man! You had to tell them I went off track didn't ya? See....I woulda left that part out. Sorry again about the scrape move. I learned from it though,I don't think I'll try that again.

ITB Escort
[email protected]
Glad to hear you guys are having fun!

Our next event is a double region this coming Fri-Sat.

I spent yesterday participating in a Jr Achievement Mini Grand Prix. Had a blast but am I ever sore! Knee pads and spine padding next year for sure! My knees have turned into one huge lump from all the bruising.


Originally posted by Racescort:
Oh man! You had to tell them I went off track didn't ya? See....I woulda left that part out. Sorry again about the scrape move. I learned from it though,I don't think I'll try that again.

Did you figure out the brake fade yet?
You can contact me at [email protected] if you still need help. Sorry again about hitting you in 6, I never made a double pass like that before.

Chris Childs

It really has been a blast so far. We are all learning alot more everytime out.


I picked up some Ford brake fluid the other day, and ordered some racing pads for the front. Im going to try to get the exsisting fluid out and replace it with the Ford. Then Im going to bleed the heck out it. I really hope that will take care of it. I don't want to go to the track only to find out it does the same thing.
When you said you had fluid that was boiling once, do you remember did the brakes only fade out under hard braking, like at the end of the straight? Cause that is what this was doing.

ITB Escort
[email protected]
Doug--It is all in the PADS!!

Do you have race pads? If not, call Carbotech and get your problem fixed! Cheers.
I have to agree with the CarboTech pads. I've been running them (Panther Plus)in my RX7 SE for the past two years....Great pad, no fade, very rotor friendly. carbotech is also great to deal with.


Thats exactly what I did. I called Carbotech and ordered some Panther Plus pads. It really sucks when your going down the straight doing about 90 mph or so and you find out you have no brakes.

ITB Escort
[email protected]
Good. When you get your proper RACE pads installed, you will not beleive the difference.

The Panther is a bit more rotor freindly, but I use the blue compound.

Have fun.
I'm curious on the competition potential of the ITB Escort. I looked in the ITCS and the numbers look quite good, nice size engine, valves and low car weight. I've never seen one prepared for racing. Well, at least the US versions. On the west coast, we have a couple of Pintos and my Capri actively racing in ITB.

Good luck and keep the roof side up.

36 ITB Capri
Hi. I'm racing a 86 escort in SE division. Finished 3rd sat and 2nd sun in itb at sebring weekend before last. Car and driver are getting more competive each time out. The thing that must be overcome is the inherant push in the car and the bad gear ratio. I got 1000# springs in the rear with a 7/8 stablizer bar and 600# sprinhs in the front with fords largest swaybar. I also use a 5500 ohm resister in the computer h2o temp sense port to make it stay open loop (richer) that gives it alot mort top end power. Hope this helps. Stroube
Which wire is the H2o port? Color and location.
I am still tring to learn about these cars,(Escort GT) do they have a rev limiter? I have twisted mine almost to 7k with no limiter. Just wondering.

>>I also use a 5500 ohm resister in the computer h2o temp sense port to make it stay open loop (richer) that gives it alot mort top end power.
I thought I replied to your question but I guess it didn't go through. Anyhow, put a 5500ohm resister across the plug terminals that plug int the water temp senser and leave it unplugged from the sensor. It makes the computer think that the temp is around 150 F.and stays open loop. This makes the mix about 12.5 to 1. This is what is needed tfor fuel mix for racing.

Thanks for the info, I have wired up both cars and will be testing them this weekend at NHIS. I put a remote switch on Diane's car for the street. Hoping to still get some decent gas milage on the way to the race.

Originally posted by stroubelan:
I thought I replied to your question but I guess it didn't go through. Anyhow, put a 5500ohm resister across the plug terminals that plug int the water temp senser and leave it unplugged from the sensor. It makes the computer think that the temp is around 150 F.and stays open loop. This makes the mix about 12.5 to 1. This is what is needed tfor fuel mix for racing.
