carter fuel pump


New member
I'm finally getting around to replacing my Holley Red with a Carter on my 1st-gen. I've got the Summit Racing catalog sitting in front of me--which pump is the correct one to order and which regulator do I need? TIA
Like a dummy I thru away the box that yaw sent me but I can tell you the reg you want is the Holley 12-804 1-4#
later today when I get home ill jack the car up and get the number off the pump.

Daryl Brightwell
ITA Mazda #77
Thanks Daryl,
I've been using the Holley regulator already (with the Holley Red pump), but I've been having problems with pressure creep. I thought there was a Carter regulator which was supposed to solve the problem. Have you had good luck holding a steady pressure using the Carter pump with the Holley regulator?
let me guess, you dont have a return line back to your tank do you?
there is no way to stop creep unless you have the return line in.

Daryl Brightwell
ITA Mazda #77
No, there's no return line. I had been told, though, that a carter pump along with a certain regulator, does a pretty good job of holding the pressure low enough and minimizing creep. I just can't remember which regulator it was. Anyway, I'm stuck running no return line right now, since there's a fuel cell with no return fitting and the carb (one of Stan's older ones, I believe) is set up with no return.

[This message has been edited by buzzinhornet (edited April 30, 2002).]
I just bought a new one from Barnetts here in Atlanta...let me dig the reciept and part number out for you.

#67 IT-7
"I live my life one Apex (seal) at a time"
Thanks guys,
I found the part# and ordered it last night. Hopefully this will be the cure and I won't have to see gas seeping out of every orifice of my carb as the pressure spikes over 15lbs.!!!!