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View Full Version : IT list of cars

11-16-2004, 03:55 PM
Can someone point me to the list of IT cars legal for each class. I've been on the SCCA web site for an hour now and can not find it. Thanks

dave parker
11-16-2004, 04:47 PM
The list of IT cars is in the General Competition Rules or GCR for short. Buy one,read it cover to cover." Learn it, Live it, Love it." as my drill instructor used to say.
You can order the GCR from SCCA, on the www.scca.org (http://www.scca.org) website.
dave parker
wdcr ITC#97

11-16-2004, 04:54 PM
Dave, the list is posted on line (but cant seem to find where). I have a GCR, i want the updated list, not a lecture. Thanks

11-16-2004, 04:58 PM
RR - There's a list on http://www.racerjake.com. It was compiled from the ITCS and input form this board. Don't know if it's been updated with the latest FasTrack changes or not, but it's a good place ot start (and it's in Excel so oyu can sort by class, make, model, HP, whatever).


11-16-2004, 07:01 PM
I think the 'official' list was eliminated when they updated the SCCA website. And, I don't think it was all that up to date even when it was there.


11-16-2004, 09:39 PM
I've been maintaining the list on my site: www.racerjake.com (http://www.racerjake.com) It may need a few changes, but it's pretty recent. It also has stock HP which the SCCA doesn't provide.

11-16-2004, 10:55 PM
nice job Jake, thank you.

11-17-2004, 10:50 AM

Do you have a 2005 GCR? You do know the list in the 2004 is out of date, do you not? If I want to start on my 2005 season car now the current GCR won't do. For example, if I want to run in ITS and buy a Neon I would be a little dissappointed.

The buy a GCR is not always the correct answer to the question.

[This message has been edited by jhooten (edited November 17, 2004).]

11-17-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by jhooten:
The buy a GCR is not always the correct answer to the question.

Buy a GCR and read the online FasTrack bulletins.

In case you've been living in a vacuum for the last few days: Starting 1/01/05 the GCR will be provided with each license, and will be posted on line.

11-17-2004, 02:08 PM
You know this, I know this, and anyone who has been around for more than a race season knows this. The point is in these times when we are trying to attract new participants into the "club", to give them the flippant answer "go buy a rule book" is not going to give then that warm fuzzy feeling of welcome. It is telling them that we are a bunch of arrogant snobs who do not have the time or gumption to help a new or prospective member so they will take their racing desire else where and "WE" will continue to wonder why "WE" can't attract new blood.

[This message has been edited by jhooten (edited November 17, 2004).]

dave parker
11-17-2004, 02:26 PM
No lecture intended. I often forget that most of America is not ready for my attempts at humor.

Thanks to Jake for compiling the list. I was not aware that there was such a list outside of the GCR.

No i do not have a 2005 GCR. Do you? If you do i would appreciate knowing that so i can get after Topeka to send me one.
How can the 2004 GCR be "out of date"? It is still 2004,(the GCR itself states that it is effective January 1st of each year and updated through Tech bulletins, Race bulletins,and SCCA Memos in the fastrack)and the 2005 GCR does not go into effect till January 1 2005.
Now you take your 2004 GCR and couple it with the Fastrack updates (which Greg Amy weeded out all of the non-IT information elsewhere on this BBS) and you have the complete rules for 2004 competition.
I think if you were starting on your 2005 season car now armed with the 2004 GCR and the updates from the Fastrack you would not have any surprises. But just to avoid any mistakes Topeka would send you a 2005 GCR free with the renewal of your competition license or novice permit.

dave parker
wdcr ITC#97

11-17-2004, 05:25 PM
Next year maybe but I have to renew before the new rates got into effect. If a prospective member calls Topeka today joins and orders a GCR they will send him a 2004. Will he/she know enough to go to the web site and look for the Fastracks, or will he think the 2004 edition is gospel and build a car that has been dropped from the 2005 book because someone here told him to buy a GCR and left it at that?

Again I am not talking about those of us that have been there done that, they should know how to use the resources. I am talking about the new guy who found this site today searching the internet to get answers to his questions. Not everyone lives in an area with a high concentration of racers to get help face to face and have to depend on distance learning for the information needed to get a good start.

11-17-2004, 07:30 PM
1) Before a car is dropped, it is posted in advance in FasTrack for member input (like: HEY!! I'm still racing a '67 Wellesley Whiplash in ITC - don't drop it!). There have been no drops proposed for '05 that I am aware of.

2) It is rare that an allowed modification is suddenly disallowed (the last I recall was RR shocks), and that's ever been immediate. Usually, any changes lead to MORE permissions, not less.

3) There is no way in heck I would build a car to a set of rules and specifications that I didn't possess a copy of.