So, you think YOU'RE good with a wrench!?

Originally posted by gsbaker:
How's this for a mod?

Anybody that clever ought to be allowed to stay.

Of course, we'd probably be petitioned to accept a 59 Buick in IT.

George Roffe
Houston, TX
84 944 ITS car under construction
92 ITS Sentra SE-R occasionally borrowed
DAMMIT! I cannot believe they sunk that one too!

Did you guys see the '51 Chevy truck? A work of art. 55-gallon drums strapped to the side of it with folks piled all over it.

I was PISSED that they sunk it. Then they go and do it again with the Buick. DAMMIT!

These vehicles SHOULD be in a museum, showing what lengths humans will go through to evade oppressive governments.

I guess the Coast Guard wanted some target practice, but C'MON!!! Tow the damn thing out of the channel and let someone pull it in.

On a side note, I've read Cuba is a mass of 1950's US automobiles. The US exported lots of cars into Cuba back when it was a vacation spot, but then we got hacked at Fidel and cut 'em off. They're using very inventive ways to keep 50-yr-old vehicles running over there.

I vote for the guy to try it with a Cadillac next (he's obviously a GM guy...)
That's a great mod and all, but did it have a Playstation 2? Without that, it won't win at any Import show.
Does a PS2 in a car make anyone else scratch their heads? What's the point of driving some place just to pop in GT3 and pretend to drive? With all the money in stereo equipment, that would be a ton of serious, real track time!

Ah well, to each his own. I guess the argument could be made that with all the money poured into my car, I could have a pretty nice down payment on a house...

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
Back to the part above w/ how far people will go in Cuba to keep the old cars runnings.

There was an article in some magazine like Smithsonian a few years back showing some of the work people were doing to keep cars running. Cutting piston rings out of sch 40 pipe is the detail I remember.